He's lying his ass off... He's just catering to another audience. Look up the stuff he's said about white women in the past.
Handler is smart by making sexual relations between black men and white women a trope of her act, because taboo topics are how comedians keep themselves relevant. She won't go down in history like Richard Pryor or George Carlin, but she definitely knows how to keep her audience on their toes.
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100721130028AAlUZGL Back in the late 90’s Common received a lot of negative attention from his 1997 LP "One Day It'll All Make Sense." and song called "Hungry." Common rhymed "Downtown interracial lovers hold hands/ I breathe heavy like an old man/." And on his 2000 LP, “Like Water for Chocolate” the song "Heat." Common rhymed. "State senators, life twirls, most sell out/like a dread with a white girl." And on his 2005 LP “BE” the song called "Real People." Black men walking with white girls on they arms I be mad at them as if I know they mom's Told to go beyond the surface a person is a person When we lessen our women our condition seems to worsen