Common goals unite races?

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by Paella, Aug 3, 2010.

  1. Paella

    Paella New Member

    What do you think?

    If you were living in a multiple races country ruled by dictatorship, would race be THE important issue, or fighting for freedom, being a common goal, would leave the issue on a second level or be inexistent?
  2. DenzBenz

    DenzBenz Well-Known Member

    Fighting for freedom would be the first and most important goal.
  3. Darryl1954

    Darryl1954 New Member

    As long as we continue to elect extremists :smt079(liberal or conservative) into positions of power, we will continue to see the decline of this civilization. I personally DON'T think that uniting races is even a realistic goal. There has to be "commonality", or a perception of "sameness" to encourage acceptance of people who appear to be different. If / when there is acceptance, unity is a natural by-product of that acceptance.
  4. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member


    As has been stated recently even Ronald Regan couldn't get elected now. The debate has been pushed so far RIGHT, that the debate often starts Far Right and if your lucky the compromise is in the Center - Right, which results in Financial Services Reform that leaves Too Big To Fail in place, Credit Card Usury Rates and Car Loan Exemption from new regulation. A TARP Program that allows the 3 largest Banks to become EVEN larger.

    Its also Taboo to let people with underwater mortgages to use Bankruptcy Court to Cram down Interest Rates, reduce the payments and allow people to stay in their homes.

    Two years later and Foreclosures have not slowed down

    It also results in a Medical Part D program written by the Industry its suppose to Regulate.

    Don't get me started on various things Obama said he would do and campaigned as a Progressive/Liberal.

    So your premise that electing more Centrist Politicians would be fine if the debate always started in the Center and if the Citizenry wants more Liberal Policy on certain things, you give them what they ask for, not tell them that's not what they want because it will make Free Enterprise America too much like "Socialist" Karl Marx vision of Western Europe, which is a canard. The Conservatives have been demoizing Western Europe since the 1970's, saying it will lead to a Secular Government and Society, this is why the Neo-Con's Co-op'ed the Evangelical Christian Right and uses them as Shock Troops.

    This is why these people often say this is a Christan Nation and you have Yahoos that wanna burn the Koran or Protest the Site near where the Twin Towers once stood. Any Black Person Co-oping this message is self-hating moron and aligning themselves with a bunch of Racist Reactionary White People.

    Just like the Tea Party is Awful White, the people Protesting Health Care Reform are Awful White and Islamaphobia is powered by Evangelical White Christians, PERIOD.
  5. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Racism is a human condition, it can't be cured, only controlled with law/regulation.

    There is no Solidarity in American like you have in much of Europe. Much of that in Europe however is a form of Xenophobia/Nationalism. In America its straight up Individualism, everybody and everybody man for himself, I got mine go get yours.

    This is because Industrialist pitted Poor Whites, against newly Freed Slaves, read Tim Wise's book, any of them.
  6. Darryl1954

    Darryl1954 New Member

    Thank you for unwittingly proving my point. While I certainly respect your right to your own opinion, you've just supported my "premise" that Centrist thinking is absolutely necessary to acceptance. In your tirade, you make many "leftist glittering generalizations" that prove absolutely nothing. For example:
    1. "As has been stated recently even Ronald Reagan couldn't be elected now".

    Response: Stated by whom, and are they credible in the arena of ideas. Bozo the clown can make statements. Or to use your language, the above statement is a "canard".

    2. The rest of your 1st paragraph is even more convoluted than the first sentence. There is NO coherent thought pattern in it, therefore I'll just skip to your 2nd amusing postulation.

    3. "It's also taboo to let people with underwater mortgages use Bankruptcy Court to cram down interest rates, reduce the payments, and allow people to stay in their homes".

    Response: This is a blatant call for "Socialism" - period! It is NOT the federal government's job to pay your, or my mortgage. If you can't afford the payments you will probably lose the house. You know that fact going into accepting the mortgage. You know that fact at the closing. You know that fact when you move your family and furnishings into the home, and by signing the loan documents YOU AGREED TO ALL OF THOSE FACTS! Additionally, when it comes to "craming down the payment, so people can keep their homes", you DON'T need bankruptcy court because you have legal options (none of which employ socialism) such as;

    a. Loan Forbearance - rather than taking the home away in a foreclosure, the bank agrees to accept part of the late payment in a lump sum, and / or put the rest (and in some cases all) of the balance on the back end of the mortgage. The end result is the homeowner keeps the house, but pays on the house a few months longer than originally agreed.

    b. Loan Modification - again, rather than taking the home away in a foreclosure, the bank recognizing the record number of loan defaults, agrees to lower the outstanding loan balance, thereby "modifying the loan". Obviously a lower loan balance equals lower loan payments.

    And yes, I personally know people who have used these programs!

    I could go on with available options, but I think most people reading this are smart enough to get the gist. You have options that don't employ socialism. And by the way, you're partially RIGHT (oops you'd probably prefer the term partially correct) about foreclosures not declining over the past 2 years. The bad news is, if EXTREME LEFTIST (left of Centrist) organization like "ACORN" (many of their offices are now out of business) had not been able to use social pressure on lending institutions, to coerce them into making risky loans in the first place, we would not even be facing this financial crisis.*
    *Source: CBS news 60 minutes documentary on ARM, & ALTAY loans coming due. The ALTAY's are just now coming due, and will continue to do so for the next 5 years. So, the loan crisis is far from over.

    4. So your premise that electing more Centrist Politicians...

    Response: I'm going to stop you right there. It is YOUR premise about electing Centrist Politicians, not mine. The post I made was about COMMONALITY AND SAMENESS SHARED BY PEOPLE. If you'll take the time to go back and re-read the post, you'll see that it is NOT extreme to the left or right. It is, as most of us at this site are; normal (what you would call Centrist).:smt057
  7. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    It's mind-boggling to me that people go around repeating this kind of nonsense with a straight face. You seriously think that ACORN is responsible for the collapse of the housing bubble, the sub-prime mortgages that the banks were pushing and the global mortgage-backed securities scam that Wall Street was running? Funny that an organization that was forced to fold after they lost a few million dollars worth of federal funding was powerful enough to destroy the world economy.

    I suppose that you consider this imbecile to be an "extreme leftist" as well:


    Do yourself a favor and turn off Fox News.
  8. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    There's no saving him he's a boob.

    The Bankruptcy Laws were tweaked by the Republican Controlled Congress to help there buddies in Banking. They want you over a barrel, they want you to pay your mortgage even if your house is underwater. It took a call to Barbara Boxer to get the Federal Government to not drag their feet on there so called Home Owner Program that's been a FAILURE in OUR OWN CASE.

    Our home was saved by the Obama program, its still a failure and my mother is a ex-banker, other people don't have that advantage.

    You forget that the DEBATE in the Beltway always starts FAR RIGHT and then as I said if you're lucky it gets dragged back to the Center Right, where it does some good, but most of it bad.

    I like people that can pick apart my statements and writing style. That does not change the fact that this Government is corrupt, which is okay in countries that don't the money, the power and the influence we do. But when you have the sweeping corruption combined with the influence of a World Power, it means Thousands of people killed and Trillions of dollars down a Rabbit Hole.
  9. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Oh yeah and what's wrong with Socialism?

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