Cedric, Liz Hurley, Nicolette Sheridan & Lucy Liu.... Here's the link to the trailer: http://www.apple.com/trailers/newline/codenamethecleaner/ Here's a pic of Cedric & Nicolette Sheridan (scroll down): http://www.imdb.com/gallery/ss/0462...53_Max.jpg.html?path=gallery&path_key=0462229 The Kid Rasta 8)
I might see this one. Nicollette Sheridan is one sexy blonde. I usually am not attracted to East Asian women but Lucy Liu is smoking hot. She can kick my ass anyday if she wanted on. :lol:
For real, Lucy's got it going on. This movie looks interesting. Does it involve any IR interests or romance? And what exactly is this movie about?
Good questions. I have a deep feeling Cedric will be mostly clowning around and never "clean up" on the IR department.
Getting one of the women L. I saw the trailer and it looks like he will never kiss or make love to Lucy Liu,Shearatan,or Hurley.
Remember now this is a comedy eventhough I feel what you are saying. I think he and LL will "hookup" in the end because she's supposed to develop "feelings" for him in the movie. Nicollette is playing the part of the "vamp" I think.
:lol: You guys are just dying for a brotha to hook up with a white or Asian chick in a movie. Hasn't happened yet, don't see where it will now.
i have seen the previews and it looks good. Nicolette Sheridan sure is smoking for a 40 something year old woman. And you can't even go wrong with Lucy Liu. I'd make her my concubine in no time.
:shock: Now LC I'm surprised at you and your lanuguage :!: You should say something like make her your lil' CHOP-CHOP FREAK :twisted: instead. :wink: