
Discussion in 'Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy' started by Bryant, Apr 8, 2007.

  1. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    What kind of churches do you all go to?? Do you go to very diverse churches? I went to one today, it's called the vineyard, and it's the most diverse group of people i think i've ever seen. There was an asian man as an usher, a ghanian woman as an usher, white people, black people, indian people...every kind of people! I really enjoyed that atmosphere. It's the kind of environment that i've always wanted to be a part of. I've always kinda felt out of place in the world, but being there made me kind of realize where it is that i'm supposed to be. I even met a nice girl in my first day there. She asked me to come back next sunday. :D

    I was just curious to know if our interest in IR has anything to do with the kind of churches we attend?? Like for me, i don't think i could ever attend an all black church anymore. It "has" to be a diverse place for me personally.
  2. redlady

    redlady Active Member

    I have been attending a vineyard church. It is the most diverse where I live which is not very. But I like it.
    I used to got to an all black church in Atlanta. I loved it. I did get some looks but nothing serious; for the most part people were very friendly (duh) and just a bit shocked to see me. lol I am a ww.
  3. Hypestyle

    Hypestyle Active Member

    I'm on the fence about church nowadays.. not really a fan of ministry as manifested in these days of superstar televangelists & megachurches... quick question- are white women as pressured to be involved with church as black folks/women?
  4. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member

    Well I think it depends. In my situation-YES! I do attend church-but my mom doesn't even live where i do and she will call me and ask me if i attended church!! (As if i am 12 years old)! I do like to attend church though-for me it enriches my life. I was raised in a strong Christian environment , and I found the right church for me.
  5. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    i grew up in a very strong, christian home....we grew up going to united methodist church. i still call it my home church - it's not very diverse, but me and my husband have added some culture. :)
  6. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    welcome to the 21st century, no doubt..

    race-relations (and acceptance) gotta start somewhere, right
  7. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    fo' sho, i'm so white, haha! :p
  8. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    I grew up in a christian family but am now living with a muslim man. Ones Church is important but also its important to accept other peoples' beliefs.
  9. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    very interesting
  10. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    i go to an evangelical fundi christian church and it is totally diverse--lots of IR couples, asians, blacks, hispanics, whites, old and young.
  11. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    i have mostly attended all white populated churches since becoming a Christian. my family made it diverse and never had problems in the churches and they were in the south and in the 70s.

    now as an adult i am in a more diverse church, because it is only because it is the most theologically fundamental, not that it is necesarily diverse, but it is nice. :D
  12. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    I go to church occasionally. I used to go all the time. I know I sin just like any other man but I don’t be at church talkin down about other people. I don’t act all "holier than thou" with people that don’t go to church. I got my personal relationship with God so that’s all that really matters.

    Some people go to church for the right reasons and some don’t. Going to church doesn’t get you automatic entry to heaven but it’s good to go. I have been tryin to go back on the regular. I don’t feel a need however to make my religious affiliation public and I’m not one to walk up to random people and start witnessing to them either.

    Like I said before, my relationship with God is personal. So any issues that I have are just that, personal. Between him and I and that’s that.
  13. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I used to go to a black church. I gave that god shit up though. My parents don't know though. They would be PISSED if they found out I stopped believing in god.
  14. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    Use to go to an all-black church when I was really young( back in Africa), then when I moved to the UK, I attended an all-white church(place I initially lived was not very diverse). Last few years havent attended. Its interesting though, having been to both black and white churches,how they preach the same thing, but the atmosphere is quite different...

    When I attended the all-white church it seemed a lot more mellow...not as much dancing and the preacher spoke at more less the same tone throughout the service...In africa the preacher would get so animated and excited...and people would also get excited and sweaty...Africa is boiling hot! You would come out of the service feeling like you had been running!

    Both were interesting though...

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