Chik fil-a...freedom of speech or intolerance?

Discussion in 'In the News' started by blacklexus, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    The last I read, rush, Koch, and I can remember the others name had donated 1 billion to romneys (or some such) fund.

    A million? A billion? Doesn't sound like much of a difference.

    But enuff of a difference to have someone shove their bible down my throat and take my daughters right to choose what she wants to do with her reproductive health away.

    Depending, of course, on who gets elected.
  2. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Again: Psychological neurosis. Didn't say that none of them occurred, but it doesn't validate the idea that ghosts exists since the imagination can "fluctuate" closer to reality. In other words, what you see is just a trickery in your eyes.

    I was a baby too once and "saw" many things, but that's due to a child's imagination. My mom claimed she saw a red-eyed pygmy man trying to pry her sister away at night. Again, the imagination and fear runs deep.

    And it all goes full circle to the main point: humans and their need to find "magic" and mysticism and the love of the supernatural aka the imagination plays a real good role reinforcing certain things.

  3. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member


    If you found out a business (Chick-fla for example) in the 1960's made a remark about how the bible says this or that (like they equally yolked part and what ever else they use to justify thinking interracial marriage should be illegal) would you continue to eat their? Would you defend them? If you found out they were giving millions of dollars to organizations to fight overturning the laws on interracial marriage, to fight protections that would allow your employer to fire you, that would allow business to refuse you service. Would you still support Mr. Cathy's position and still make this about his freedom of speech when it has nothing to do with that? Would you not be angry and voice YOUR opinions about how wrong it was?

    If you found out a business in the 1960's or in the 1860's made a remark about how his bible tells him that as white man he has the right to enslave blacks, and such BS as that would you still support him then? If you found out he was giving millions of dollars to the KKK would you stand behind him then?
  4. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    You. Better. Work!

    Thank you. I'm giving you a huge standing ovation right now.

    And if I can..I'm repping the fuck out of this post.

    I totally less than 3 it.
  5. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    In the 39 years since Roe v. Wade has happened, we've had a Republican President for 24 of those years and not once has it been overturned.

    It's more fear-mongering. I'm pro-choice, btw.
  6. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    You're going to continue to believe what you want and I will continue to know what I experienced so we can just call it a draw.
  7. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Sure. Your brain is still up to snuff. You do have a director's mind. So, keep letting your imagination guide you like the "ghastly experiences" you've weaved.

  8. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Yes..but thoserepublican prez, while being repubs, weren't mittens, bought and sold by the likes of the Koch brothers.

    We play a different game now.
  9. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    And the weather is:
  10. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    And here's the game: pay taxes, pay taxes, pay taxes
  11. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Here is the thing - people can care, but make it logical!

    Example: Walmart discriminates against promoting women - their workers filed a Federal class action lawsuit. Where was/is the national boycott? I bet the ChkFila protestors shop at Walmart, or didn't protest. And in this case, W/M's employees were directly affected.

    Instead, they've chosen to misdirect the Gay-Marriage platform by condemning Chk-fila, and have deliberately chosen to ignore (in this tough economy) the real fact that CFA hires and promotes women and gays.
    On top, they condemned anyone who dared chastise Boston's Mayor's abuse of Governmental power when he illegally threatened CFA's right to do business. Makes no sense.
  12. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    What about that Chick-Fil-A Franthise in NH who is going rogue? Are those groups going to boycott that one as well?
  13. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    so the top 1% can get even richer.

    I fixed it for ya.
  14. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    IR marriage is not condemned in the Bible. Not true of homosexuality. I don't make the rules, God does, so don't shoot the messenger.
  15. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    How many pages in and people are still missing the point....

    It's not about free speech. It's about hate. Advertising that you proudly support and defend groups that consider homosexuals to be pedophiles, and that you cab pray away the gay, on top of making a hate-based statement on public radio is not a free speech issue. It's bigotry.
  16. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    Is freedom of speech really freedom of speech? Non of it makes sense. I feel there are bigger things to get straight in this country.
  17. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Not in my area. Twenty years ago, my first job was next to one....who had hired ALL Black Manager/employees. The South Philly CFA? Majority Black employees. Go to the suburbs, majority White. So applying logic here, it depends on where you live.

    And go ahead and support Wendy's it's your right.
    Just like it is theirs to be a huge contributor to the conservative group A.L.E.C, whose sole agenda among other things, is to undermine environmental regulations and deny climate change, undercut health care reform, defund unions and limit their political influence, and increase incarceration to benefit the private prison industry, and who pushed hard for Forida's SYG law.

    Wendy's continually fought for decades against humane conditions for animals, fought vigorously against making restaurants smoke free, and they gave 18% of campaign funds to DNC and 82% to the REPUBLICAN Party.
    So if you support that, then eat there. if not, then you have the right NOT TO.

    And you can throw in the Salvation Army and Walmart. They align with Chick-Fila. And your Church too if you belong to one and have donated.
  18. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    Why can't people just say "fuck him" and drive on?? It's less stressful right?
  19. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    The Israelites were told not to marry foreign women and God was angry at Solomon for marrying women from Persia and Egypt. Those women were a different race so some IR marriages were not permitted.
  20. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Actually, Ches, yes, yes it does.

    All over the first testement of "gods word" the Hebrews are told again and again to not marry a certain type of race.

    It may have benn based on some faith thing, but, it is still all over the place.

    Whether faith based exclusion, or race exclusion..exclusion based on ANY idea is STILL exclusion.

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