There's no point for Chicago to have strict gun laws if the rest of the state doesn't. This shit has been outta control in Chicago for 3-5 years. Everyone knows those firearms are coming from gun shops just outside the city. Why doesn't someone in the state government do something about it??? Sad and senseless. She was a beautiful girl who died for no damn good reason.
You really dont get how criminality works huh. Mexico has a nationwide ban so does Jamaica yet they still get guns. Unless you want to live in a police state with random check points and cops being able to search yoyr hone without cause this is going to happen.
So far 40 killed in just one city, Chicago this month. Over 500 last year. This extermination of blacks have to stop. What the hell. They are just blacks. I guess nobody cares.
Rest in peace, beautiful girl. Andreboba, name one gang in any city IN THE WORLD, that doesn't have guns. Just one. Chicago's problem is Gangs, not guns. It's not rocket science! Texas has more guns than Chicago ever will have, now compare the murder rates.
Love our guns, sleep with your guns, give your guns pet names, I don't give a fuck. But stop acting like the prevalence of guns isn't making Chicago MORE VIOLENT, not less. I hate this assumption that gangs are gonna kill people regardless so don't blame guns. THat's bullshit. The availability of gun makes it EASIER to kill people. I don't know how anyone who lives in NYC can act like there's simply no solution to gun violence. NYC's gun homicides are among the lowest in the country, and at one point a few decades ago in the '70s and '80s some parts of NYC were considered a warzone. That's why I asked does the state of NY have the same gun laws as NYC?? Every report I've read about the gun homicide rate in Chicago links it to all the gun shops around the city that aren't under the jurisdiction of Chicago gun laws and ganbangers can have their people go buy firearms outside the city with no background check and bring em back in. Why does Mexico have a gun problem, TDK?? Because of lax U.S. gun laws that are supplying most firearms in that country. Like I said, many gun laws are useless if the surrounding jurisdictions don't follow the same laws. I'm not turning this shit into another gun debate, but got dammit stop acting like this is just life and there's nothing that can be done about it Chicago had 500 gun related homicides in 2012 and had over 400 the year before. They're on pace to eclipse that number in 2013 already. D.C. is no longer the murder capital of the U.S. because mayors doubled the police presence in the most dangerous areas of the city and took the drug gang and gun problem head on. If good enough is fine for you and gun rights in all situations must be protected above human lives, don't comment in this thread.
Untwist your panties and whipe the sand out of your vagina. DC and NYC have lower murder rates because of heavier police presence and more importantly bettereconomies. Chicago suffers from ine of the highest unemployment rates amongst black males in the country. Like ypu said NYC and DC have lower murder rates yet have surrounding areas like PA and VA where its easy as hell to get guns yet dont have murder rates of 40 murders per week like Chicago. So its not simple gun control. Sorry if that doesnt fit your theory fam
It is a damned shame that another person is killed for no reason. I am for the 2nd Amendment, but I am also in favor of good common sense. For all those gun folk out there I hope they listen to survivors like Gabrielle Giffords and Sandy Hook. Death and fears cannot be stopped by high-powered guns with high capacity magazines. You end up being that you are fighting against. Problems cannot be settled with guns, knives, or blunt instruments. Something must be done or we go back to the days of the Old West. That's no place I want to be.
No, NYC has much stricter laws. Gangbangers leaving the city to buy guns? Wholesale maybe, but most of the guns bought in the hood are probably sold there.
Florida is pretty lax in terms of gun laws. Gangsters or criminals can buy a gun at a pawn shop, or have someone buy it for them. Of course, one can buy a gun from a criminal if they know someone who is possession of weapons.
The young gun carrying thug on the streets does not care any more about what he might have learned from one or both of his parents..... He does not care about the social code of the property of others..... He does not care about human life or its value... from a toddler to a grandmother...... He does not care about adherence or compliance to the laws of his city...... He does not care about the blight and shame his actions is bringing on his race....... His ignorance, more than any thing else, makes him exceedingly dangerous and a thorn on the side of society...... In his savage world, his gun is his tool of equability and stature......No new gun law will ever be enough incentive for him to willingly submit his equalizer.... The community has a limited number of options for dealing with the thug and his gun......Short of going into the projects, apartment by apartment with the national guard to seize all illegally owned guns....All the city of Chicago can do is continue with the unspoken policy of containment....and hope that over a time, this generation of violent thugs will die-off with attrition and incarceration......
And if the National Guard goes into every place of residence and searches for guns, then we've lost our rights as US citizens. Young thugs dying off isn't the answer. There are so many others to replace them. What needs to happen is EDUCATION. Education gets these people better options than gangs. And unfortunately, the Chicago Public School system is in shambles. Parents need to be there for their kids. They have to play active roles in their lives. Pay attention to them. Make sure they don't skip school. Make sure they're doing their homework. Make sure their grades are up to par. That's the only way to stem the violence. Make something a more attractive option: like education and giving these kids a fighting chance to make a clean living for themselves.
I agree with you but more than anything babies need to stop having babies. All this shit stems from that.
The latter seems more plausible in this case, that Young black men or teenagers in Chicago are getting their guns in the hood from a supplier instead of driving out of state or to the country to buy guns themselves from pawn shops or what have you. Now re-reading, I see that's what andreboba said the first time One person or a group brings them back for the rest of the crew
Dude... You know the only logic that actually adds up goes like this: Oh, you're drowning? What you actually need is MORE water, not less. Just like over 1000 more people have been shoot since early December 2012? We need MORE guns. Just think. If everyone in the younitedstates was carrying a gun and we all pissed each other off at the same exact time then we could all draw our weapons and shoot at the same time. Problem solved. Everyone dead. Maybe the Aussies could then move in and make this a gun free country. Oh, my bad. The Aussies suck because they aren't ass over tea kettle in love with guns. As for this young woman... As sad as it is and as needless and senseless as her murder will remain.. She is just. one. more. victim. of Americans love affair with guns. Maybe someday when "too" many people have died, we might get around to extracting our collective heads from our collective arse and say this can stop. Not how do we stop this... The answer is so obvious.
Sam Harris, neuroscientist, avowed "New Atheist," scholar, and philosopher wrote an article regarding the issue of gun and it's a fairly interesting read. It tackles both (extreme) sides of the aisle regarding the issue of gun control and gun activism. Click the links below to read his work. Sam Harris - Riddle of the Gun Of course, with blogs like these, you're bound to piss off a lot of people, so counteract it with a rebuttal on those comments. Rebuttal to the Masses - FAQ on Violence