Lets play fill in the blank. Customers at the Red Flower Chinese Restaurant in Williamsburg, Ky., alerted authorities after they spotted something they probably wish they hadn't: restaurant employees wheeling_______ back to the kitchen. answer......read the article. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/kentucky-restaurant-shut-down-roadkill-kitchen-160225525.html
I guess it all depends on the situation. Stuffed in a garbage can has me going, "ew ew ew ew". However, back home they do the same thing with moose. There's nearly as many moose as there are people (roughly 300,000 moose & 500,000 people). When a moose is involved with some kind of accident, they're killed by the police/wildlife officers... and then the bodies are given to local non-profit organizations. They use the meat to make moose burgers, moose sausages, etc. Since a hunting license is needed to get moose and they're limited, people end up buying their burgers/sausages/steak from non-profit places. Smart use of resources, really Don't see anything wrong with that, and every time I see some place selling burgers I can't resist hopping in line. The only thing questionable (if they planned to serve it to customers, which they apparently did not intend to) is where the deer was obtained from.
:smt043:smt043:smt043 Reminds me of this episode of No Reservations that had "Squeezle" on the menu in Vietnam. [YOUTUBE]NWSvv7hmWSU[/YOUTUBE]