1. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    Yeah some of the women in my family are like that but they don't know any better. There is no talking sense into the majority of them either so you just have to judge them for what they are. Sadly their punishment has been repelling decent men and only a few women in my family aren't single. Most are decent ladies in my family otherwise so you just have to love them from a distance and see their ignorance and insecurity for what it is.

    No, all CHEATERS cheat reguardless of race and there are plenty of decent men of all races that are faithful. Now, some women continually seek out the type of no good men with the potential to cheat because they have no self esteem and then cry "all men cheat" but that's a different topic.
  2. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Sin Mari, it was never my intention to attack your new husband.I am pretty sure that he is different.

    I am just talking about my experience of the last 7 years I am travelling to and in Africa, from north to south, west to east. I don´t know anymore how many hundreds of people I met during this time..

    But for sure there are always exceptions..:)
  3. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    I think that there are two hearts beating in us..one is the wish of having a deep emotional connection to some one and the other is the longing for adventure of having butterflies in your tummy..this feeling of being in love.

    A real open relationship is very difficult, because of jealousy on both sides..so it´s easier to live that feeling out hidden. If it´s successful? I don´t know..

    On the other side, do I have the right to tell my man to live as I imagine what´s correct, if I love him..remember everyone just has one life..and as long as he loves me? Is that kind of "Possessive thinking" correct and natural?

    Because love should be normally clean..without demands,expectations and pressure.If I respect him and he also me, then normally I should trust his decisions and way of life, isn´t it? And we should be able to tell us the truth.

    I would say we should start with honesty first, in our relationships, to find a solution..

    BTW there is no difference in race or gender, but the topic is bm..
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2009
  4. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I'm on my way. ;)
  5. alli

    alli New Member

    No. And, yes, I imagine some white women marry for the wrong reasons. Not all, of course.

    Do I think a lot of men of all different races cheat? Yeah. Do I think it couldn't happen to me regardless of who my husband is? No.
  6. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    I definitely see what you are saying about the 'two hearts.' I also agree about open relationships, as such, my inclination would be not to get married, especially being African American (& extremely handsome lol ;)). I would find solace in dating many different women, never dating one to long in fear of a deeper connection. This way, I am guaranteed not to fuck up with all that temptation out there. You may catch flack in the public for being a playboy, but I'll take that over, "all black men are cheaters."
  7. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    I´m going to repeat you now..

    FRESH is soo "co(o)l-d" that he is hot!!!;)
  8. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    I assume every single relationship has its own time of sexual attraction. If that attraction is at its end, you have to decide what you want to do. Some cheat on their partner, others talk with their partners and try to find a new stimualtion in swinger clubs, BDSM Scene or any other sex games. Some can handle that their relationship goes into another level of trust and deeper emotional connections..others lose.

    So, the only advice I can give is either not to be together all the time, the way of letting go and come together, what keeps your attraction in a high level for a long time.. or just to use the time you have together as intense as it´s possible..
  9. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    How do you honestly answer this thread?

    I mean, really?

  10. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    Men are getting slammed left and right by these female talking heads who have taken over the media chairs. This constant drumming from them that men are born to be cheaters is getting a bit old ladies. Yesterday, I was listening to an attractive female on one of the alphabet channels who made the comment that this was not a good year for the image of men. What about the women who are stealing other women's husbands and boyfriends and sleeping with whomever has the money (aka Tiger Woods) to advance them. Men today need to start standing up for themselves. What happen to the masculine man? This male bashing is what I believe is the reason for many of these nut cases who hate women and the violence we see against women. There are cheaters on both sides of the gender battle front. Stop the male finger pointing.
  11. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    No, we just think with our dicks often.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Is that such a bad thing. They think with their hearts. Emotions run them.
  13. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    Very true.
  14. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Not really.

    Just depends on if you have a "smart dick" or a "dumb dick".
  15. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    hmmm....so does the smart dick pass the "how do i stay in my pants 101 course" and the dumb dick fails...???
  16. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Infidelity is rampant in the mind of "dumb dick".

    "Smart dicks" typically won't cheat. More than likely, they won't.

    "Dumb dicks" like to sleep with multiple women at the same time (not an orgy) and tend to prefer unprotected sex w/ people they aren't familiar with.

    I think you get the point. ;)
  17. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    You cant "steal" a person, that man, or woman who was "stolen", went by their own free will. Cheaters always have a choice... whether they are male, or female.
  18. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member


    But you may not think that men are bad in general. Women cheat nearly as often as men. You also have to separate between people who cheat once or twice within a 20 year marriage and people who already cheat at their day of marriage. People like "Tiger Wood" are never satisfied, no matter how much women or which kind of sexuality. It´s a kind of addiction and a never ending search for love.

    I also think that women, which have a story with married men are disgusting. Unfortunatly many people are very selfish and just care about themselves.
  19. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    And yea, women are typically 'cleaner' about their cheating.
  20. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I might get heat for this..
    I think that it acctually can be worse when women cheat....
    As women may have an emotional connection w someone they cheat with at a larger extent than men and men can at a larger extent have sex w/o emotional connection.

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