chat sucks

Discussion in 'Welcome Center and Announcements' started by leggybrooke, Apr 14, 2007.

  1. leggybrooke

    leggybrooke New Member

    boring !!
  2. designer

    designer New Member

    Leggy one,

    I've been here for a minute and chat was never that big from what I could tell.
    Some of the members use to schedule a day a time to be in chat and that seemed to work for a while but some of those key members are gone.

    Maybe try to pick a day or two in a post and see if you can spice it up over the boredom you seem to find now.
  3. leggybrooke

    leggybrooke New Member


    so meet me there
  4. designer

    designer New Member

    Re: designer

    I'm the king of boredom.
    I type slow.
    I can't spale.
    I have nothing smart or interesting to say.
    If you think chat sucks, you should see me in the morning.

    But hey, why not? Women scare me! So please be easy....

    Pick a date and a time and I'll do what I can do.
    Please do not say “meet me now”. Okay?
    Pick a date and a time.
    Let's do this thang!
  5. jechtjames

    jechtjames New Member

    no one there

    ive been there but there was never anyone there.
  6. designer

    designer New Member

    You got nothin' for me?????
    Wow I'm hurt....

    I guess I'll just have to find a way to somehow get over the pains of rejection.....

    I'm good again!!!
  7. awia

    awia New Member

    designer... I have no idea what that Fox news presenter is saying... :? but it would be cool if I could lip read and she was saying (huskily whispering) d-e-s-i-g-n-e-r :lol:

    ok, I'm weird 8) :wink:
  8. ladebabern

    ladebabern New Member

    Awia... I think she is blowing Designer a big kiss.... :smt008
  9. leggybrooke

    leggybrooke New Member

    im here right now....if ur on the site designer :twisted: :!:
  10. designer

    designer New Member

    I missed you sweetie!

    Why don't you pick a date and a time?
    I've never done chat before but I want you to teach me. Show me how it's done.
    Show me what Brooke is all about.

    I'm waiting for you baby....

    Date. Time.
    Time. Date.

    School me you little sweet heart breaker...

  11. designer

    designer New Member

    Once again Leggy has nothing for me...
    Oh well,
    I'll ask the web master to close down chat for good as my poor little jaded heart can no longer deal with yet another jab from the great and wonderful Brooke from the land of Legs.

    And all I wanted was a date and time.
    Is that too much to ask for from one so small as me?

  12. Rose

    Rose New Member

    Oh Designer, be brave! Don't worry, your leggy one will reappear. When she sees the sorrow she (and her legs) have left in her wake, she and her legs will be compelled to return and to chat. You will see!

    PS you don't know me well enough to know that I am teasing you...and, by the way, your guy with the sorrowful tongue in the closing of your post is kinda cute...
  13. leggybrooke

    leggybrooke New Member

    designer, saturday april 21, at 1:00 pm lol
  14. designer

    designer New Member

    All I can say is...
  15. leggybrooke

    leggybrooke New Member

    aw, make me blush designer :oops:

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