Cells as Boolean Operators

Discussion in 'Science, Technology, and Green Energy' started by Differential, May 31, 2012.

  1. Differential

    Differential New Member

    Cells as Boolean operators

    Maybe the most interesting concept here is the smack to the face of Quantum Mechanics. I say this because, we are in direct control of a general field of equations (think "set of all sets") for which the cells in question are constantly lobbying for a more stochastic (chaotic) mathematical clutch.

    On a health/physiological level we start to scratch the surface of:

    -Programmable immunity

    -Reversible/Detectable Cellular death (warnings for things such as cardiac arrest when protein cascades are detected)

    On a physical level:
    We can make use of these boolean effects to synchronize the moments that a protein has folded, or maybe when a patient undergoes respiratory crisis.

    If we cannot see, then we must listen.
  2. rdubya86

    rdubya86 New Member


    Cells as boolean expressions, now that is interesting!

    I remember reading some articles a while back about bioelectronics, though I think that field converged into something newer- maybe biomechatronics?

    Can they invert the output though? Instead of making an advanced combinational circuit, just a regular inverter. Without negating, how could you do DeMorgan's theorem?

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