Casey Anthony Trial

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Mikey, Jul 5, 2011.

  1. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Let me give you a real life example Paniro you might understand.

    Say I'm dating your sister, then one day, I come by your crib to visit.
    You ask me, 'where's Dorcas??' I tell you I dunno, I think she's at work. You call her job and find out she hasn't been there in a week. I say next that I took her to get her hair done and she's at the salon. You call to check and they tell you she hasn't been there in 2 weeks.

    My next excuse?? She's on vacation. Or Dorcas went to her HS class reunion upstate.
    Finally I say, fuck it, I haven't seen that chick in a MONTH.
    A month?? Why haven't you reported her missing, you ask?? Well, Dorcas is an adult and I was trying to find her on my own, I tell you.

    You come out to my car as I lift up the trunk to dispose of miscellaneous, and you comment the trunk smells like roadkill, only worse.

    I laugh and say, 'oh well. Guess I had some garbage back there I forgot to leave for pickup.'

    You call the police and report your sister missing, the po-po interview me and I tell them I think she took another job across state, then Dorcas went to Vegas for a girl's only weekend, oh, and I think she has another boyfriend.

    The cops investigate and find out everything I've told them is a LIE.

    Matter of fact, the police later learn that EVERYONE I know says that I'm a pathological liar, and can lie better than most people can tell the truth.

    I'm arrested, charged with 1st degree murder and sit in jail for 2 and half years. Six months before trial, your sister's skeleton is found in a drainage ditch wrapped in a garbage bag with duct tape over he mouth and nose, not more than 10 blocks from your apartment.

    When the trial starts, my defense attorney says this case is the result of a horrible accident, and what really happened is that Dorcas was drunk at YOUR apartment Paniro, you and she had a verbal altercation, Dorcas ran into the bathroom, slipped and smashed her head against the tub and died.:(

    My attorney says that YOU and I were sooo distraught, instead of calling the police, we decided to wrap up her body and dump her in a drainage ditch overflowed from a recent storm.

    Since a jury can't determine how your sister died, and they apply reasonable doubt to ALL the forensic evidence presented by the prosecution, I'm acquitted of all charges except for lying to the police.

    Just circumstantial evidence, but Paniro what the fuck do YOU think happened to your sister in this scenario??

    BTW, circumstantial evidence can be enough to convict in many criminal cases.

    And of course some outlaw biker on a motorcycle forum is going to side with a fuckin' baby-killer.
    He's probably done worse.
  2. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    My favorite part about the outcome of this Casey Anthony thing is that most people (I'm sure some of y'all are included) will do anything they can to get out jury duty... but have the nerve to sit here now and talk about how disgusted we are.
  3. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

  4. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    casey anthony will be released next wednesday a free woman...she did receive the maximum 1 year sentence on all 4 counts but at this point it is time served + the % of good time...she also received a four thousand dollar fine

    the big question now is where will she go...lippy thinks this is an ideal time for bigbrotherwise to make his move...she is going to need a place to stay...

    i caught a brief piece on headline news where the judge was trying to decide when he could release the jurors names...he felt there should be a cooling off period because at this time he feels their lives could be in danger...the press was pushing for immediate release and argued their case...
  5. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    You picking on me!?

    Well, I COULD fit into my former role as assistant reverend. But that would take lot of energy.

  6. DenzBenz

    DenzBenz Well-Known Member

  7. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    just teasing you...gosh i hope you don't feel insulted...bottomline she is ripe for the picking and by all accounts unless a guard at the jail was giving her some she hasn't had sex in 3+ years:D

    on a more serious note...caylee's law is being written...the gist of the law would be that if a child goes missing and a parent does not report immediately that it would be considered a felony...i still can't believe that they couldn't come up with something more to charge her will be up to each state to pick up this law and put it on the roster
  8. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    :smt053 No offense taken! :) I value ye ole teasing lippy. Besides, I "could" play the role of Reverend Terrence Donahue Strobelle and don my pastor attire for when she comes my way. :p I'll just call her "Lippy" as a nickname. ;)

  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Meanwhile, 4 days later post verdict...
    Me thinks the lad doth protest too much about people not "moving on"

    Therefore, I reiterate (and highlight)...that you care and I shall now add "very much".
  10. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Casey Anthony Verdict Prompts Oklahoma Woman to Start Campaign for "Caylee's Law"

    More than 250000 Americans Join Viral “Caylee's Law” Campaign -
    (ps: It was up to 700,000 as of last night, and with so much traffic at this point, the link has crashed)

    State lawmakers consider 'Caylee's Law' in wake of Anthony verdict

    Hmmm, seems this woman's passion got the attention of lawmakers. Glad she doesn't read your posts.

  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  12. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    For a Greek girl, you're pretty damn dense. I can tell you didn't even watch the video. If you did, then you'd know that I'm laughing at people like you who don't really have a firm grasp of the court system.

    And for the record, granny...this video response was my way of replying to FG regarding my personal take on the matter. I'm merely a few days late. So again, your post bears nothing but uptight anger and mindless rage.

    And yet...there are more important things to worry about. Seems like, once again, you're filling your head with misguided passion.

    Last edited: Jul 9, 2011
  13. TheWilliam

    TheWilliam New Member

    as much I would like it to be over,


    these people are beyond obsessed.

    I shit you not, earlier today I just want to get some stuff from the grocery and while ringing me up the cashier starts going in on it. and there's other people in line that need to chime in.

    ask them how they feel about Shaniya Davis

    ask them where they stand on Aiyana Jones........
  14. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    They'll only respond in two ways:

    A) Ehhh, I guess it's bad?
    B) I don't follow the news. Is she your sister?

  15. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    shaniya davis was more than likely killed by her mother

    aiyana jones was shot an killed in a police raid

    both girls are black

    very little press coverage nationwide...quite sad:(
  16. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    It's media bias/racism and you know it. You can't offer an excuse to justify it.
  17. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    You said you were suppose to be gone this weekend. No matter. Anyway, sounds like you missed the whole point of my statement altogether. I was referring to RACISM and MEDIA BIAS! Read carefully before you respond again.

  18. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    I said I wouldn't be online on Saturday, not the whole weekend. It's night time and I just got home.

    And besides, there's no press coverage for cases like these which would have involved black men and black women. You just questioned it but you never explained what the obvious problem was.
  19. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Are you kidding me? Where in that sentence did I "question" it. Do you understand what my post meant? Here, I'll help you walk through it since you haven't learned a thing:

    Responses A and B clearly means that the people in question don't give a shit about black people getting in trouble in the news because...

    ....they have a certain attitude where they feel it's expected. Again, component of racism has been applied. With me so far? Good. Therefore, they see media coverage of it as a waste. There, I fully explained my post in detail. If you're going to continue arguing with me about this Captain Obvious, then you ought to take some Reading Comprehension classes. They'll help you understand context clues and sarcastic, snarky comments.

    And by the's still Saturday. You're only two hours ahead of me and thus, not Sunday yet.

  20. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    I didn't post what the hours were, just say for about 90% of the day I wouldn't have been online.

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