Yeah but all things considered, what do your comments say about you? And all those men across America like you? You prove the theory that if a woman is cute or fuckable, certain men would put aside the fact that she murdered her child to dick her. That's disgusting.
Yeah, it fetishes the relationship between BM and WW and I don't approve of the posts they made either. They make it seem as if it's about only sex and not about true love. I didn't want to condemn them first, I was going to wait for someone to say something else first. Honestly, I think the BW was waiting for an opportunity for someone to screw up on here and then capitalize on it. Reminds me of this thread, Kunoichi.
Disgusting? Really? Here's my response to this: I'm not affected by the verdict, and it may seem too difficult for you to understand, but you're just as guilty as everyone else and live in a hypocritical mindset. How exactly? Can you really tell me that your emotions were THAT embroiled because of something that was not of any concern to you? I doubt it. The people you care about most are the ones you are close to. You never knew her, her child, nor family or the people around her, so why are you going up in arms in the first place? In fact, it's the media frenzy you've bought yourself into that caused this emotional nonsense. I see Casey Anthony as another hyped person (PAWG) who managed to escape the death penalty because the justice system worked in her favor. That's the reality. If she didn't receive that kind of attention, I'd doubt you even go up in arms like your PMS meter went into overload. I don't agree with the verdict and I think the girl have issues to deal with, but overall, we just have to move on and move forward with our own lives. That's more important than bitching over someone on the news. We're selfish creatures and our desires begins, and ends with simply "I".
The world is not fair ,if she was ugly i am sure she would have been given the death penalty but because she is cute and pretty she gets away with it . I was following the trial here on AC 360 and i used to have goose bumps when i saw the cold stare in her eyes, but just like some of the guys here said i sure would hit it but would make sure there are no dangerous implements where ever we are doing it cus she really is evil. I know the innocent until proven guilty shit but she will live with the fact that people will suspect her for life and i hope an iron rod is stuck up her ass in jail by a mean looking lesbian cellmate
You're overreacting in the whole thing. The topic isn't the central thing in ALL parts of this forum in general. It's just one thread talking about a particular person. You're still viewing it from a collectivist mindset and not on an individualist mindset.
In one of the worst cases of injustice to an american citizen "Toddler Cally".......I would like to personally apologize to the rest of the nation for the cowardliness and incompetence of my fellow Floridian jurors......
trust me people will always think bm and ww combo is bad, even with a positive image its bad and ALWAYS has to be some agenda behind it to some people, watever a bm ww combo do is bad to alot of people, they are too obsessed in their stereotypes to see any good in a ww bm combo even if its good
Indeed. Lazy cowards. Didn't take notes, didn't ask for one piece of evidence to examine in deliberations. Not one. The hickish county that the jury were bussed in from...let's just say Casey not only figuratively, but LITERALLY got a jury of her peers. Only 3 made it past the eleventh grade, several have criminal convictions themselves. This is why Baez could say "Caylee drowned and daddy covered it up" but offer zero evidence....and they lapped it up. If my baby was murdered by Casey, I'd be mortified that that jury held her killer's justice in their hands.
Oh wow, that's a good find, Kunoichi! Yeah, a fraction of people would. On another note, I was running some errands for my mom by going to a local grocery store in my city a few days ago and I saw an IR couple with a WW and a BM together, both of which were in shape. Seems like they didn't get any glances from WM and others that walked by. Also, don't forget this outburst which occurred during the trial. The guy has no college education and he sided with the defense (Jose Baez). [youtube]2jaq3vUI1T4[/youtube]
You're not affected because you cannot relate. Don't give me your horseshit that you never become emotional or affected by events that are beyond your inner circle. You damn near pissed your pants defending Mike Vick's behavior. You even went as far as to create an online recording to respond to me in lue of a post, because you had many passionate points of your opinion for me to hear. This case is a part of record of our juducial system, and since I am very interested in the machinations of law ( I even own the library of voice recordings of all the famous US Supreme court appeals), so many court cases invoke passion in me. As a woman and a protector of children, animals and the ederly, this case doubly affects my reactions to it. You move on, don't tell me, or others to. But you're still in this thread so you have hardly moved on.
I completely agree with you, BBW. With that said, in actuality if I did see Casey Anthony in real life, I would stay the hell away from her. I don't want to be associated in any way with her. It would be very bad to associate with people like her along with the likes of OJ Simpson. That's whole guilt by association would start.
A former bikini salesman, high school dropout and deadbeat dad who barely made it into the Florida bar pulled off what some are calling one of the most stunning court victories in history. Jose Angel Baez, a 42-year-old lawyer who grew up in the Bronx and South Florida, had been practicing law for only three years when Casey Anthony, 25, hired him to defend her against felony murder charges. Jose has hit the power ball. Fucker is going to be in demand. You get a mother who "murdered" a cute white baby in America to walk scot free. & win one of the bigest case in the last 5 or even 10 years in the country. Hot damn, every rich Tom, Dick and harry is going to knock his door. Jose pick up the phone Lindsay Lohan is calling.
It's a sad outcome. I invested a lot of energy hoping that Ashton's case against Casey was correct. I agree with you, this is a travesty due to crappy judges that were moderating the case. Kunoichi explained it brilliantly.
Touche on your exaggerations. There is one critical difference between this case and the Mike Vick situation. The fact that I could give two shits about him as well, I was more pissed off that idiots like you are more willing to get too passionate over him dogfighting. That tells me that you have lost your marbles or your priorities in concern of others are out of place. To be honest, I think you'll be more at arms over some stupid dogs over the death of a two year old girl. How do I know this? It's evident in your reactions. See kiddo, I never went too far in defending his actions. Rather, I've criticized nuts who were boo-fucking-hooing over some ugly ass mutts fighting for sport. That's not the same as defending someone for their actions. And to say I can't relate, you're right. But you can't relate either since you never raised a kid in your life. So we're both in the same boat. It's good that you are passionate for the rights of others and that would make you a good attorney. However, it will take a lot more than mere passion to even put some laws in the books. And lastly, I hardly ever respond to this thread and if I did, I'm demonstrating it by saying..."Who's business is it in the end? Certainly not ours."