Casey Anthony Trial

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Mikey, Jul 5, 2011.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Where are you getting theory only? You must not have followed the trial. The physical evidence..along with Casey's behavior, is why America is stunned that the jury IGNORED it. Scott Peterson was convicted on much less proof.
    BTW, in a critical forensics case with over 80 witnesses presented, the jury took little or no notes during the prosecutor's case..jurors were witnessed with their arms crossed - one juror was seen with her head often down, playing twirlies with her pen. You can't make this shit up.

    Yeah, 12 Angry Men is being renamed 12 Imbeciles. (and an idiot alternate).

    ANYWAY TOO LATE, alt juror #14 has already yapped to FOX. He said he'd have voted not guilty, too. When asked why, he said they didnt prove how Caylee died...However the genuis then added..that he "was convinced it was an accident that went wrong, and the family covered it up and he felt like Mr Anthony was hiding something..."
    So he essentially created his own scenerio that he "felt" occured, when no evidence was ever presented that it was an accident. Wow.
    He also ridiculously parrotted Baez's allusion that since they used duct tape to seal a garbage bag when burying their dogs, that must be what and why the family did to Caylee.

    Sounds more like the jurors just wanted to go home.

    Already its come out that a woman juror stated she "didn't want to be on the jury because she dislikes judging other people, especially people who are being talked about" :smt087, so when the Prosecution wanted her struck, the judge refused it. (wtf??)

    There's more about the questionable nature of this jury...particularly because the judge on several occasions kept striking the Prosecutions requests to remove.

    BTW, the lead prosecutor resigned in disgust retired today. I don't blame him. Why bother when runaway jurys ignore evidence in a kangaroo court. One court spectator, a waiter at TGIF's, was thrown in jail for 6 days when he flipped the bird behind the Prosecutor head in full view of the jury.
  2. MYXER

    MYXER New Member

    I usually don't like throwing in the race card, but had she been black.......
  3. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Your and Iggy's sentiments are not isolated. In fact, many many men across America have echoed the same sentiment from the time she was arrested. Which is why perceptions that she's so hot, or too cute to have killed her girl....were very real.

    Like it was stated..had this been a Black woman who killed her lil baby and dumped her in a swamp?? Oh lord...Or an ugly frumpy, or fat woman??
  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member would have never even gone to trial. Her attorney would have convinced her to plead, 15 to life with good behavior. Next case.
  5. blackbull1970

    blackbull1970 Well-Known Member

    The New Johnny Cochran.

  6. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

  7. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

  8. blueskies3

    blueskies3 Restricted

    Wow at all the black men on this site that can't think of anything other than to have sex with a child murderer. White women, do me a favor and PLEASE take all the black men you possibly can off our hands. Disgusting.
  9. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Well, good way to introduce yourself on here.

  10. ThePrince

    ThePrince Active Member

    Like any non-black men hadn't thought the same as well.
  11. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member



    You mean a parking-lot pissing






    "Say good-bye to grandma and the world, Caylee.
    Momma's about to snuff your life out and I'm going
    to get off scott free so I can party...yes I will. Say bye-bye now!"

    "I love you, mommy"


    How in God's name could a mother kill this little trusting loving baby...:(

    The duct tape placed over her mouth and sociopath Casey had the nerve to place a heart over it. :?

    ...AND FINALLY, A GRANDMOTHER'S ANGST...hurt and confused why Casey would take Caylee and leave the home with her as punishment because she argued with her mom Cindy. You want motive? Kill the very thing her mother loved the get back at her. Happens all the time.

  12. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    always go with the fat lawyer

    u know he's eating real good off his case money

  13. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    this mothafucka just said kangaroo court


    that shit is sad mayne

    she ain't that bad looking tho...just another crazy broad with a pretty face, dats all

    and that pissing in a lot aint nothin...i had a family member take a dump between two cars at a parking lot, no lie
  14. botoan

    botoan Active Member

    Well at least we know she is a black woman and is not pretending to be anything other than that.

    She comes to a site for WW/BM and states

    '...all the black men...' because 4 BM out of well over 100 BM admitted to thinking she was attractive.

    '...can't think of anything other than to have sex...' as if every remark from the BM on the thread has been about sex.

    '...take all the black men you possibly can off our hands...' as if we our black women's possession. A possession incapable of thinking, living and loving without their acceptance.

    Like it is a black woman's choice rather or not WW/BM have relationships with each other.

    Typical delusions of grandeur.

    Above all she has to troll on a site for WW/BM to 'discover' things about 'her men' because she doesn't know anything about BM, except from what she 'learned' from one thread among thousands.

    Disgustingly sad.
  15. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Well.... we've lost this one folks. Even if it was an accident, the entire family should take the blame for it. Saying that she isn't guilty causes nobody to receive a consequence because who else besides Casey, the family, and her boyfriend could have been involved in the drowning of the child? It's basically a free pass for her and her family. The situation is similar with the Amanda Knox case. It's almost as if in the United States judicial system, if you are an attractive white female accused of a crime, the courts will bail you out and it isn't fair to everyone else.
  16. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    wow at you for being dumb enough to think the few bm who posted about fuckin her make up the entire site, you must be into bm fuckin white female child murderers then, prob on your usual trip to lookin at wm fuckin goats in the ass and pissin on them

    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    they should have asked if he would allow casey to babysit her.

    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    because she did it and lied about it...

    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    good post....
  20. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Her username says a lot about her.



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