Cartoon White women/Dark muslims..

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Athena, Oct 30, 2010.

  1. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Actually I know not all Muslims are Arab, just as I know they aren't all as ignorant as you appear to be. Like any religion, it's the bad apples that poison the entire barrel. People like you do more to demean your religion than all the infidels combined could ever hope to do. Some people will pervert anything to achieve their own agenda, even the Qur'an. None of this changes the fact that the way you choose to view WW is completely inappropriate, or that your concept of paradise is based entirely upon fallacy and hearsay.

    Regardless, it appears none of the WW here are interested in you, your views, or your hearsay. I'm sure there are websites dedicated to that kinda crap though, and I'm sure you'd have better success there.
  2. robina

    robina New Member

    have sent you the worlds longest and rambliest email lol
  3. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Hahaha, thanks for the email! And I've responded back! :) All I can say is....

    You're a courageous woman.
  4. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Robina is more than courageous, she's one helluva woman all the way around. Not the least of which is what an absolutely awesome Mum she is. No matter what was on the line, if you could handpick only a few people to back you, Robina would always be on that list. You just couldn't do better IMO.
  5. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    You're absolutely correct. I admire women in general, especially those who are strong-willed.
  6. Espy

    Espy New Member

    LOL, well a lot of men don't so thank you for that.
  7. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    You do realize this is still a dick-centered society. So of course this hierarchy of who's in charge is still ingrained in the human psyche.
  8. Espy

    Espy New Member

    As long as they keep their psyche out of my general area, that's fine, they're free to think as they like. But the male mentality that tries to dumb women down, conquer them, or make them into what they think they should be just needs to die IMO. Like me, don't like me, just don't try to change me or control me and we'll get along fine.
  9. jayarmy

    jayarmy New Member

    WOW!!! You are DEEP lady!!! Nicely said!
  10. robina

    robina New Member

    thank you espy, you are one beautiful woman inside and out
  11. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Thanks Jay! You know I'm probably gonna get called on the carpet for generalizing here but... I find BM as a whole to be more accepting of people as they are, at least that's my experience. I've yet to date a BM who tried to change or criticize anything about me, but every single WM I dated had a laundry list of stuff that didn't suit them. I don't know if that's a sense of entitlement issue, or narrow-minded WM are just what I attract, but I've just never had a bad experience with BM, except that one that withheld vital information from me, but he was still a really good guy.
  12. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Agreed. Well said! :weedman:
  13. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    This guy needs help. And if it wasn't for the way he writes, I'd think he is the indian crazy guy I met time ago.

    That reminds me of ACHMED!!!

    "Are YOU my virgins? I hope NOT!"


    And no, I'm not anti-muslim :)
  14. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

  15. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    And you can go fuck yourself, tosser!
  16. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I love Achmed!!! He is the shit! :mrgreen:
  17. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Oh look! A get back at Whitey post!

    Yes fuck us White women! Feel free to pull our stringy hair, smell our wet dog asses, call us Becky while we suck you off like no other and then give you our paychecks and let you ride in our cars while we go to work, then be called a Golddigger.

    Oh yes! Give to us!

  18. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    :smt005 hahaha repped.
  19. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Thank you :D
  20. z

    z Well-Known Member


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