read this cursive writing. Damn them, they should have written in block caps. I need someone to disipher the top row - "James Cassie". I have managed most I just can't read the C.o.D and his mother's name. If you can it would be helpful. Oh, and can you help me with his wife's death too. I think it says typhoid but I doubt she'd have had that. Thanks! It's for my family tree I've just started.
Damn, all I can make out is "1870" then something "/April" under that it looks like "twenty fifth", and then the name "William Cassie", on the cause of death section I see "Hemorrhage from the Bowels" and "2 days". Sorry that's all I can come up with. That's on the first one. On the second one I can make out Bronchitis with typhoid symptoms, 3 weeks, and i don't know what else.
That's what I wanted for the first one, thanks I couldn't read the cause of death. Thanks, you're awesome
I added "Bronchitis" on the second one. I didn't look at that one. I didn't read your whole post at first.