The Kid Rasta :roll:
The article says references to Mandela's death is seen as insensitive in South Africa, not only that but this shows how stupid bush is. Ten year olds have higher IQ than bush. Has anybody seen the videos demonstrating how dumb the man is ??? They are plenty. The one below is the funniest, I was laughing while watching it ... lucky for him there weren't Black folks in the hall :lol: coz they would have ran outta patience. How did someone like this become the president of the United States ??????? There's rumor that laura is gonna leave him at the end of his term, maybe because the whole world knows now that she's married to a dummy hahahah o gosh ....and I've read somewhere that he started binge drinking again. it's a way to drawn his sorrows I guess, He can't get one thing right. i.e Osama is still alive and well, Iraq has become a quagmire, the Dollar is falling ..... etc etc The list is long........
That's the trillion-dollar question. The answer is: James Baker (and dumb-ass Floridians) elected him. However, the whole world pays the price for having this buffoon in the White House. I'll be dancing in the street when the dumb-shit bounces. The Kid Rasta 8)
Sometimes i really wonder if this guy's sloppiness is all an act because i find it impossible to believe a human being, let alone a President, can be that awkward and clumsy.
According to Toobin's book The Nine. It was Samuel Roberts who was paid with getting the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Also vote fraud.
Re: Buffoon in the White House Stated Nelson Mandela Was Dea One sad thing about this is that the fact that this guy has managed to become the president of the USA has made a lot of people in Europe believe that all Americans are completely ignorant and dumb. But on the bright side: Mr. Bush has given us a lot of good laughs
Bush is the president of the United States. Graduated from Yale. I'd love to hear what some of you do for a living, and how much school you've attended.
What's your point??? The buffoon never should have occupied the White House....and the buffoon never would have if it were not for James Baker, and the dumb-shit state of FL. The Kid Rasta :x The last one is the one that did me in to believe this man is duuuumb!!
Yes, due to two stolen elections. Indeed, but because of Daddy Bush, not because he's super smart. Need i go on about his less than stellar marks? I can't speak for the others, but i'd be happy to let you know that unlike W, i got all my success through my own hardwork and not because i came from a privileged political dynasty. I am a lawyer by profession and doing pretty well actually. What is your point, Mr?
Re: Buffoon in the White House Stated Nelson Mandela Was Dea That buffoon ain't funny at all. He's responsible for tens of thousands of Iraqis and Afghani people losing their lives. Not to mention American soldiers. I might also add that those wars well ultimately cost the American taxpayers well over US$1 trillion dollars. That money could be used to alleviate poverty in America. Also, some of it could have gone to infrastructure investment, which America desperately needs. I might also add the those wars are directly the cause of the US dollar's weakness globally. The Kid Rasta :x
Re: Buffoon in the White House Stated Nelson Mandela Was Dea Having a degree in political science and being a dual citizen (US/Norwegian) I am quite updated on all of that and I think it's horrible and a tragedy for Iraq, Afghanistan, American troops and also all other troops deployed in the Middle East. The US ambassador in Norway actually gave Norway an ultimatum during a huge debate about whether Norway should send troops to Afghanistan. "Either you are with us or you are against us" were his exact words. For a small nation like Norway, where the US has been one of our most important allies, you can't be against the US. Norway has suffered very few casualties, but we would have had none if it hadn't been for Bush. The fact is, the Bush administration has affected the whole world by ignoring facts given by the IAEA and others and going to war under false pretenses. And I do agree that this is nothing to laugh about. It is a horrible tragedy for all the innocent people involved and it is polarizing the world even more. That, however, does not change the fact that Bush has given us a lot of laughs by showing his lack of knowledge (or perhaps ignorance) during public performances. Last week the man managed to thank the Austrian troops. Nothing wrong with that, except he was in Australia. He also went on and on about OPEC, until someone told him it was APEC he was supposed to talk about. Bush's reply was he had gotten it mixed up since the Australian prime minister Howard had invited him to a meeting in OPEC. Too bad Australia isn't even a member of OPEC. I really have to admit I think that is quite funny, although in a tragic way. It truly is a mystery how in a great nation with so many intelligent, gifted people who could have done a great job running the country, the man who is elected (although in a seemingly undemocratic way) is George W. Bush.
Cecilie it is sad that he was even elected and more sad that he was re-elected. The second time by fraud and fear. There is a list of warnings and elerts over terrorism during the 04 campaign. Crying Wolf works in Bush's case and character assassination against those who oppose him. I sincerely doubt the Democrats in the US Congress will have the will to impeach him and Vice President Chaney.