Brown man here

Discussion in 'Welcome Center and Announcements' started by Swallow, May 17, 2010.

  1. BeMore

    BeMore New Member

    No I wouldnt, because it isnt all white people doing it. You don't learn well, youre very hypocritical too. There are white gangs going around killing blacks for no reason, too. Ever heard of the KKK, the IKA, the Aryan brotherhood, numerous small motorcycle extremists and punk gangs, public enemy #1, etc etc? Do you even know what Latin countries are? the Mexican mafia are racists, and they fuel the gang racism that goes on, stop making it seem like EVERY latino person is racist, thats all im saying.
  2. BeMore

    BeMore New Member

    How is it an excuse? Its not like blacks gangs arent fighting back, Goto most any Piru or crip hood in Compton and they have TK all over, "Taco Killer" its a race war, its wrong but its not everyone
  3. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    I'm not saying all latinos are racist...just that MANY of them are and their CULTURE is anti-Black.
  4. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Actually pretty much all the latinos I've known were racist. They're not just anti-black, they're anti-white too. Pretty much anyone who isn't latino, mexican, hispanic, or whatever they want to call themselves, is less than them in their minds. I've never met a group of people who believe that consistently that they are superior to everyone else... and I'm white and have been around white people all my life, and they still don't run as racist as the latino/mexican/hispanics I've known.
  5. shaft2k4

    shaft2k4 Active Member

    The Latino influx into formerly black-majority urban neighborhoods has sparked deadlier kinds of conflict. While most violent crime in these areas is still black-on-black or Latino-on-Latino, interethnic violence is mounting, and in some locales, much of it—perhaps surprisingly, given high overall black crime rates—is Hispanic-on-black. In the heavily mixed-race community of Harbor Gateway in Los Angeles, for example, Latinos now commit five times more violent crimes against blacks than vice versa. Countywide numbers are just as startling. Though blacks make up just 9 percent of L.A. County’s population, they were the victims of 59 percent of all racially motivated attacks in 2006, while Latinos committed 52 percent of all racially motivated attacks.

    Gangbanging is responsible for much of the carnage. Greater Los Angeles is now home to some 500 Mexican gangs—compared with some 200 black ones—and they’ve aggressively tried to push blacks out of mixed-race neighborhoods. More than just turf wars, the Latinos’ violence has included attacks against law-abiding African-Americans with no gang involvement; a horrifying example was the December 2006 murder of 14-year-old Cheryl Green by Mexican gang members in Harbor Gateway, a brutal crime designed to terrorize local blacks. Three years earlier, the same gang had killed a black man because he dared to patronize a local store that they considered “For Hispanics Only.” Meantime, federal authorities have indicted members of another Los Angeles–based Latino gang, Florencia 13, for random shootings of blacks in South L.A. The indictment chillingly accuses a gang leader of giving members instructions on how to find blacks to shoot.

    The violent neighborhood confrontations initially received little media attention outside Southern California. But the murder last summer of three black, college-bound students in Newark, New Jersey—allegedly by several illegal Hispanic immigrants, including a Peruvian with a criminal record named Jose Carranza—sparked widespread national coverage and a heated debate within the black community. The Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, a conservative radio host and columnist, called the Newark killings and the California violence “a wake-up call” for blacks. Reflecting the new mood, Terry Anderson, the Los Angeles talk-show host, challenged black leaders like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to speak out. “If you make one simple change, and change Jose Carranza to a white man,” said Anderson, “I will guarantee you that [Sharpton and Jackson] would be screaming and marching in the streets.”

    Blacks may also be starting to realize that many Latinos hold intensely negative stereotypes about them. In a 2006 study that ten academic researchers conducted of various racial groups’ attitudes in Durham, North Carolina, 59 percent of Latino immigrants said that few or no blacks were hardworking, and 57 percent said that few or no blacks could be trusted. By contrast, only 9 percent of whites said that blacks weren’t hardworking, and only 10 percent said that they couldn’t be trusted.

    This is just one of many articles on the topic.
  6. BeMore

    BeMore New Member

    Those articles only say what we already agreed on. I know about the Mexican mafia trying to push blacks out of neighborhoods, and I know how bad the race wars in LA are, that doesnt say anything about the majority of mexico, their culture or any other hispanic countries. racism is a problem everywhere, but letting it turn into hatred against another race for no reason is wrong. Like I said, what do you want me to hate mexicans because some of them are racist?
  7. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Nobody is asking you to do anything.
  8. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Karma! We miss you around here to set mf'as straight...
  9. shaft2k4

    shaft2k4 Active Member

    Here's that last paragraph again in case you missed it.-

    Blacks may also be starting to realize that many Latinos hold intensely negative stereotypes about them. In a 2006 study that ten academic researchers conducted of various racial groups’ attitudes in Durham, North Carolina, 59 percent of Latino immigrants said that few or no blacks were hardworking, and 57 percent said that few or no blacks could be trusted. By contrast, only 9 percent of whites said that blacks weren’t hardworking, and only 10 percent said that they couldn’t be trusted.

    FYI they were not polling Mexican Mafia.

  10. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    You ain't lying.

    They're racist enough to make a southern redneck blush.

    The ukranian neo-nazi that murdered Bill Cosby's son is protected in prison by the mexican mafia.

    In a recent poll 80% of mexicans considered themselves WHITE.

    They talk shit about whites but if you look at their TV shows they actually worship them...and they sure as hell aren't hunting them down and killing them.
  11. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    They should make me a mod. I'd clean this place out with the quickness.
  12. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    They wouldn't even get past saying hello with
  13. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    in the words of Brotha Ajax

  14. shaft2k4

    shaft2k4 Active Member

    Blacks may also be starting to realize that many Latinos hold intensely negative stereotypes about them. In a 2006 study that ten academic researchers conducted of various racial groups’ attitudes in Durham, North Carolina, 59 percent of Latino immigrants said that few or no blacks were hardworking, and 57 percent said that few or no blacks could be trusted. By contrast, only 9 percent of whites said that blacks weren’t hardworking, and only 10 percent said that they couldn’t be trusted. Interestingly, the survey found that blacks were broadly well-disposed toward Hispanics, though how long that will be true remains to be seen.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately the more uneducated you are the more you focus on the superficial which is why it is the way it is.

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