it isnt as easy as it sounds, i wouldnt even think it in my head, but they dont have any right to get angry because you cant understand
Most browns do hate Black people... Brown immigrants carry their racism towards Blacks into the country with's hard-wired into their culture. I guess they call us changos and mayates(beind our backs of course) to make themselves feel better
I dont agree with that, you cant just say most of them do, especially since theyd have to do so without much reason to. there are a lot of dark skinned and black hispanics, especially in mexico and latin america, racism happens everywhere but theres nothing in particular to be racist about, like gang wars in LA and immigration wars near the border
No offense, but let's not be naive here. There is a serious problem going on right now with Mexican violence towards blacks. And it isn't just gangmembers being targeted. Ordinary black people are being terrorized. The reason you don't know this is because the mainstream news media is completely useless and won't report what's happening. As far as dark skinned people living in latin countries...of course there are. But the important question is "HOW ARE THEY TREATED IN THOSE COUNTRIES?" The answer is- very poorly. .
Naive? In no way, there isn't a serious problem. there is a way more serious problem with black on black violence for the most part, I dunno where you get all this animosity, maybe in Los angeles but I already acknowledged that. A good majority of Dominicans are what youd consider "black". But are we talking about Mexico or latin countries? blacks will be treated badly by racists in either, just like in the US
Why compare them? Realize they are BOTH problems that need a solution. Black on black violence is acknowledged and addressed in numerous media outlets while Mexican gangs targeting blacks is virtually ignored by the msm. Even if black on black violence is a "way more serious problem" as you put it, I personally feel that all problems should be dealt with. Not just the problems with the biggest stats. I've had Latino friends themselves tell me what the deal was. Although I didn't need them to tell me, it did serve as further confirmation. I am aware of this. Yeah. But do you realize the above underlined supports my point more than it does yours? .
No, I don't see how it does, the point is that you're generalizing hate and Hispanic people as a whole, I don't think you're even sure who you mean, you act as if there's a strong, unified hatred towards blacks when there isn't, thats just being paranoid and prejudice.
Actually, i'm not. What makes you think i'm referring to Hispanic people "as a whole?" I specifically referenced gangs. Unless most of the Latino population are gang members it should be clear i'm not talking about all of them. "Strong unified hatred" are your words. I never wrote them. There's no need to interpret or read between any lines here. If white gangs (with thousands of members) moved into Bed Stuy Brooklyn and started violently pushing blacks out, would I be "paranoid and prejudice" if I said there was a race problem? Of course not. Well, replace white gang with Latin gang and change Bed Stuy to multiple areas in California and it's the same thing.
Blacks in mexico and latin America are treated worse than shit. They don't need a reason to hate us...they just do.
I don't understand it either. Even presenting evidence doesn't sway some people, they just project the racism onto the messenger. .
A lot of bitch in me? You're a funny dude, but this is the internet so I'm not turning a blind eye to shit, lol. you were talking about hispanics as a whole at one point, and then Mexicans, and then gangs, unless you confused yourself. I know about the gang violence, I said that a long time ago, what was the point of this if you didn't listen. If you lived in say, Baltimore where the assailant and victims demographic are largely 18-25 black males, the case in most places, youve got more to worry about. What am I supposed to be swayed into? Killing the first Mexican i see cause I think they all hate me, because its in there culture to?
"Most browns do hate Black people... Brown immigrants carry their racism towards Blacks into the country with's hard-wired into their culture." "There is a serious problem going on right now with Mexican violence towards blacks." Very generic. Bigotry?
18-25 Mexican males are killed by's a blood bath south of the border and most places they go....yet...they'd never use that as an EXCUSE if Blacks were killing them.
Blacks are mistreated like a mofo in Latin countries and they carry their racism across the border with them. If they were white you'd be screaming racism from the rooftops.