Brothers: I have a couple of questions for you

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Inner Beauty, Dec 3, 2009.

  1. Because of WM's money/power?
  2. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Most WM don't have shit,and the ones with power are shrinking by the day.
  3. I'm afraid most of Wall St would disagree with you - for good reason.
  4. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    I've been told that many times. I was even told by black guys that "our [their] life is harder". Like, they had to live in the hood and I lived in a paradise.
    There are hard and less hard lives, but still when you come to me and state that your life was hard, it's like saying that I don't know shit about life. White girls don't understand poor black guys at all, uh?

    I remember I watched "get rich or die tryin'" with my friends and the whole thing bothered me a lot. They asked me is I liked the movie and I told then that if I was 50 cent girls, I would have taken my kid away from that shit and would have kicked that guy out of my life and go away from that bad environment. They were like "why? she is being close to her man through the shit bla bla bla..... bla bla..... it's how it works in tha hood.... ppl are victims....YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND". Argh! Now, I see things from my professional point of view: the social environment creates the person. But the person sometimes has the chance to change his/her shitty life and do better. So, somebody who manage to become important (it's a rapper, but it might be whatever) whit drug dealing, murders and stuff... that's not having a hard life, that's chosing the easiest way... and still making it a shitty life. I'm not judging... just to let you understand what I mean... so... yes, I've been told I don't understand. :)

    Oh well, men don't undertand women in general, and they don't even need to be a specific color!!!!


    Last edited: Dec 19, 2009
  5. Raul Sinclair

    Raul Sinclair New Member

    I agree
  6. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    You were diggin in the crates with this
  7. Raul Sinclair

    Raul Sinclair New Member

    lol yeah. revisiting old threads
  8. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I hear ya...:)

    Dig up some oldie but a goodie if you can....
  9. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Yes, and RS.. please leave Jaybee in the crates will ya
  10. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I remember thinking, when did he become a brutha? lol

    I agree, leave that in the past.
  11. Espy

    Espy New Member

  12. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    i never got a good answer as to what the WW couldnt understand? what exactly is the struggle and her not being able to understand? Unless she is slow or simple minded she should be able to understand history, psychology, sociology and human nature, sin ,etc.
  13. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    No, but I will mention some of the things BM/minorities go through in certain situations.

    I'd rarely bring it up, but when its the right time and place, I will discuss it.
  14. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Well, some folks feel that someone who is non-Black, ESPECIALLY, White people, can't understand/relate. I guess they want someone who can empathize, not sympathize.

    That's good, especially for the unknowing and misinformed.
  15. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I was seeing this "militant" dude last Summer who would talk to me about stuff and act like I didn't understand. I knew exactly what he was talking about. That got on my nerves. I could see if I was raised around all White folks, but so not the case! And he knew I knew stuff. I told him he needs a BW. It's bad enough society has to hate on our unions, but I don't need to feel I'm so different than a dude (BM) in a relationship. I'd like to be with someone who we have some commonality and we can celebrate our differences. I deaded that shit.
  16. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    there is nothing major to miss. women are women. men are men. people are people.

    now there maybe areas were ww dont totally understand racism but you guys can identify discrimination because ww suffer discrimination as well. so there is some connection on that BUT the most important do you and your mate connect on many other things and the big important things
  17. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    That's the bullshit I hear most.
    "you don't know how it was", "you didn't have to live in a ghetto".

    These people assume that other people's life is a joke. It doesn't work like that. Fortunately I don't live in a ghetto and my ancestors weren't slaves, but that doesn't make me or somebody else people with an easy life. That is subjective. The hardness of life is connected with the general style of life we always had.
    I'm sure that some guys who are making good money with selling drugs in the getto would never want to be a "good" person with an ordinary factory worker salary, so they just stay there and do all that gangster s***t.
    And sometimes those people who talk about the slaveship and the struggle are the first ones who are racist to african people today.... like they came from the moon and not from Africa too.
  18. LadyBlaze306

    LadyBlaze306 Active Member

    read this and i have some things to say myself.

    i have dealt with EVERY black guy who's had EVERY thought on this. Some of it is interesting.
    My first ex(now a good friend) didn't matter to him in the end. He dated some BW in high school, and since has had a preference for WW. Mainly because he lives with two BW who are a bunch of drama(I know cuz I was there and enough phone calls so I've seen and heard it) and didn't want that. He has enough to deal with his fam. HOWEVER that being said, some of the WW he's dated have been headaches too. So for him, it's about the person. There's none of this going back to BW women cuz it doesn't matter whether they're WW or BW he's dealt with it all and I've seen that. He just likes WW for reasons but it's not the be all that ends all.
    My 2nd one, who was from Trinidad, refused to date BW. He grew up with a lot of issues I guess even though all he had were brothers - one of whom refuses to date WW cuz he got with a crazy one and caused issues so he's only with BW and cannot fathom why his younger brother(my ex) would choose to date only interracially(as he's dated Native/Indian women as well). He's never had any ideas to go back - except when we broke up and apparently I made life a living hell for him(not true.) For a while after that he would only date/see/booty call Native and black women, almost like he was trying to send me a message. He told me at that point that WW had no culture(hello i'm norwegian, danish and british!) and would never be with another one. So only when provoked or to prove a point would he see another ethnicity. So dumb in my opinion.
    My current bf, who is American black, has never strictly said he is exclusive to WW as he has dated BW and AW and other ethnicities too. He definitely lets me know though that he would never get back with a BW. He's told me some of the stories and the things he went through with them is just unfathomable. He's also said things to me(when having dealt with other BW dating BM to me) that that's the reason WHY the brothas LEAVE the BW and never go back, whether it's WW, AW or spanish or Indian or whatever it may be. So he feels NO reason to go back to them as he sees what I deal with, despite me being very neutral, and willing to give anyone a chance. It's kind of a 1 out of 3 chance here at least that I find a BW who dates BM too that instead of seeing it as a 'hey let's talk about this and understand our BM together!" as an insult to them and has to threaten me and tell me to shut up about my IR relationship and to go date men of the same colour as me.

    As for the racial issue, we probably won't entirely understand what it's like to live that every day - HOWEVER, lest we forget, there was WWII as well. So there is racism amongst caucasians as well and we do know that part of it. My current bf has never brought that up to me as an issue though - cuz he sees too many black people around him who use that as an excuse or whatever you wanna call it, to not live their life the way they want to. Yes he knows that racism is there. Yes he knows there are women who see him strictly as the American with the 'swag', the looks, and the accent - a novelty and he says he's glad that I see him as more. I see him as a person, with a personality. And a lot of hair that I love. He'd never be with a BW strictly to be with her cuz she'd understand the race issue - he'd be with her to be with HER but he feels no reason to get back with the sisters, I know that. He also knows that YES i am a WW but a WOMAN nonetheless and my grandmother's generation of ALL skin colours FOUGHT for our rights to vote and to be a person, didn't matter what colour you were but that you were a woman and he understands that just as much as he's a BM who may never be valued fully, I am a woman who will never be valued fully either.
    hope I didn't go off too far on a tangent there...
  19. LadyBlaze306

    LadyBlaze306 Active Member

    bang on...We do suffer it too ! we understand that yes, a BW or an AW may have more discrimination but then that's becoming a whole 'nother issue for people to fight over! we need to unite amongst each other, not all this seperate 'this race is worse than that race' I see.
    I personally myself HAVE seen racism towards myself and it hurts. It shocks you. And then it makes you a better person because you are bigger and better and can walk away from the situation without having said words back.
  20. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    really you suffered racism. do tell. because most bp like me could not see it from your point about racism.

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