Bookie it's not a conspiracy theory when The US president openly lied and said investigators found weapons of mass destruction and absolutely nothing was there. If they lie once they will lie again. The interest and faith in the American people means nothing to our government. We're little cash cows who they want to shut the fuck up and pay taxes especially those of us not in the inner circle. We went into financial meltdown because of the actions of greedy bankers and they get a nearly trillion dollar bailout and the people who paid for the bailout got nothing in return for their hard earned tax money. Quit hiding your head in the sand and being so damn naive. 10 years to capture the most wanted man ever sounds like worst shit. The reality is when United States of Corporations wants you they'll get you and they don't care if they have to kill innocent civilians to make it happen. Don't believe me look at Iraq.
Books you raise valid points, but Valkyrie is based on WWII which was in 1940’s making it close to 70 years ago, much has changed since then. Munich is a semi-fictionalized film about the 1972 of massacre of Israeli athletes by the Black September terrorist group, which was close to 40 yrs ago, plus the Israeli operations which are now known as Operation Wrath of God were not hunting down one big very well known individual.
My fellows Americans, A very fitting to close a horrible chapter in America's History: For the record, I'm so damn glad that that bastard is finally dead at long last. He ruined millions of lives and now that he's gone, he is no more! We have so much of work to do to defeat the terrorist groups across the world!
And when they get you, they dont care about no damn "islamic traditions" Personally Ive never believed Obama to be the most truthful president that ever lived. I know this man(and 99.9% of living presidents) will do almost anything to further their agenda at the expense of national security. Its my conviction today and it will be the same tomorrow as it was yesterday.. With that being said, take this into account::: 1. Why the fuck did it take countless weeks of meetings/greetings and interjecting Obama’s "passion for golf" to decide the attack AFTER the confirmation of osama's where abouts??? 2. Supposedly he was found in a castle, built, in one of the most impoverished locations on earth constructed with high retaining walls. A building of that magnitude would have stood out like a sore thumb, troops could have easily helicoptered the body to US base, taken pictures/videos and then dumped his corpse at sea. And even if they iced the damned corpse in a US lab, what the fuck would the islamic nations do? Huh? I doubt abuh dhabi or whatever his name is would have broken diplomatic relations. They fucking hate the guy 3. Osama is known for using doubles 4. The location of his supposed castle is hundreds of kilometers from a US forces base as well as almost 600 kilometers from the ocean and helicopters are not known for their speed. So how did they bury and perform DNA tests so quickly? 5. According to numerous reports, Pakistani intells were placed at the scene of the assault despite having close affiliations with the Al-Qaeda/Taliban 6. During the attack , no virtual security of osama were reported on site, save the helpless "couriers" ,a handful of women and a stray goat that might have been due to the event. 7. No virtual escape tunnels, panic rooms, etc. were reported, implying the civil engineers of said mansion might have ran out of construction budget and/or failed to read the manual for "designers guide for building a mansion for a man whos wanted dead or alive" 8.Osama was the main rationale for keeping troops in Pakistan and around Middle east. 9. Islamic traditions requests burial on land but permits burial at sea if unavoidable, intending the body to decay before landfall. With that said, my logic would be A. osamas has gotta be one of the stupidest, incompetent persons to walk the planet (he beats Obama by a thread) or If he did in "fact" "die" then Pakistan Islamic forces waivered him for martyrdom to force US troops out of Pakistan and thus, establishing another Islamic paradise. B. Leon Panetta is seemingly becoming Sec. Def. as the "main man that fingered osama”. Maybe 100-0 vote count. Oh, and how about the perfect timing?. The nomination came AFTER osama was found and those endless meetings/greetings took place. Suddenly, leon will ignore the ineptness of the military. C. Patraeus will now ignore the involvement of the CIA. After all, the mission is complete, we caught the supposed bad guys, we can bank on the international community and we need the finance for the national deficit. Patraeus is protected, duct tape in mouth style- and non-memoir’ed for 2012 D. The Islamic nations will be really, really pissed at that burial at sea bullshit. Flying over 600 kilometers of perfect land burial sites to dump him at sea?. E. Assuming DNA comes back positive and that it really was osama, I along with many others, will still point out to Obama's record of lies and deceit and thus, we might still not believe. F. In due time, obama will tell his "Our true mission has been accomplished". Then he will withdraw troops from all Islam nations. All the "fanatics", Iraq, Iran, Egypt maybe even Turkey. And lets not forget withdrawing from the UK and the EU as well. G. Even more emphasis will be placed on Israel, after all "it’s now safer place wiyhout osama OBL”. H. Multiple campaign ads from "Yes We can, and yes We did, and yes We got him", "You failed but we Made", to "Now we can have a peace of mind" Conclusion. Staging osamas death could be an utterly outstanding political move and will keep a whole lot of folks "in check" and could have assisted obamas current political situation as well as his devoted efforts to getting the troops out of the east/the middle east and thus, re-obtain confidence of the masses. But how could they be so stupid to not even kill a body double and passing it as real? After all, a dead body is a dead body, whether its the correct person or not. I can’t picture the confidence obama would have, calling bush to say "Yo B!!we got the son of a gun!" without solid proof to back up his statement.. So to me, the death and then the body at sea disposal in the middle of the night sounds "fishy"(no pun intended) and is utterly an act to create a distractions, and produce support for the 2012 elections. Trust me when I say this,. i dont even believe in american politics anymore, but if theres anything worth believing, i think osama was long gone, but they kept tabs on him for future objectives, like right now, when obama is in grave need for political ammo I will close this with a rhyme: I demand the long form birth certificate of OBAMA, as well, a long form death certificate of OSAMA. lol later
LMAO, Obama revealed his birth certificate/paper of live birth, real or fake, he put it out there 3 days ago.
You apparently didn't watch the 60 Minutes interview with the ONE MAN who said that Iraq had WMDs and who was vetted by German Intelligence but NOT U.S. Intelligence. One man LIED about seeing WMDs in Iraq. Our government didn't interview him. They went on the word of the German Intelligence who did interview him. I keep up with politics, I'm not naive in any way about what goes on. However, you are being ridiculous in claiming that it took too long to catch him. You know there are people who have been on Wanted posters for DECADES and have still never been caught. If you think you can do better, then stop being an armchair QB and become a Navy SEAL or a CIA secret agent or a close National Security Advisor to the President, because clearly you know what's really going on. I brought up those movies to give examples of failed assassination attempts, as well as showing how long these operations take. I'll leave you with this: do you honestly think our government would keep him alive and allow him to order attacks on innocent people because the timing wasn't right?? Do you honestly think that GWB wouldn't have ordered his capture/killing to improve his low approval ratings if there was an opportunity to get bin Laden before now?
Oh calm down, it was a joke, Mr. Anxious. Chances were that the government in Pakistan was simply 'forgetting' to mention that they knew where he was all this time...
I think the gross thing about it is that he was shot in his left eye. They killed him, but it's pretty nauseating to envision that happening to someone.
No conspiracy here people!! The Pakistanis have been playing us forever, they knew EXACTLY where OBL was for the last six years but in order to receive that billions of dollars in foreign aid to assist them in our fight against 'terrorism', they had to maintain the charade. This raid has been in the planning stages since August, working on intelligence received from detainees and human intelligence on the ground in Pakistan. People need to really be on guard personally and understand the difference between harboring a healthy amount of skepticism/suspicion directed towards the U.S. government and outright paranoia because YOU personally didn't see shit go down. The SEALs took pictures and videotaped this mission. Eventually photographs will be released. Obama and the Feds would not go public in such a big way unless they were prepared to to present multiple confirmations. When you see a bunch of suicide bombers going WHAM-O across the Middle East and Western targets in retaliation, maybe you'll believe this assassination was the REAL DEAL. Eight years of Cheney/Bush has melted some of yall Negroes' minds!!!!lol
I can already see the slogan, "Obama got Osama" and millions will eat it up like the hopy change bumper sticker of 2008.