no, we did our job. This is just more evidence that we need to leave as far as I am concerned. You got to love the USA. Singing every darn american song that we can think of. I got a tear in my eye. excuse me:smt010
I hope that predator drone took his damn head off. Pakistan does have a lot of explaining to do, but from what i've been reading, the current president has been far more cooperative than previous regimes. It doesn't explain how this muthafucka was hiding in a mansion with his feet up in a jacuzzi....:smt076
If the US actually killed him, more power to courageous men & women of this country and some of our allies, they are the one who serve and puts their lives in harms way not the Washington BS empty suit politicians. Even if he is dead, I am sure he is got deptuies who can carry his terror act, it ain't over. I will sing when I see the fat lady sings.
We are in major war with these fuckers, if you think killing one extremist caveman is going to keep us safe, you sadly mistaken.
Put on your thinking caps boys and girls if this dude is dead it's because they finally wanted him dead. 10 years to get The World's Most Wanted terrorist? I seriously doubt it. Not in the age of technology sorry I don't buy it.
I have seen a lot of people say that if we would leave that they would be less empowered to attack us. I just am uncertain. I know had we not stuck our noses in this business, we wouldn't be here.