"There are far worse things awaiting man than death." Count Dracula -(Bela Lugosi) Dracula- 1931. You can save a person from danger or death. But you cannot save a person from their internal suffering, i,e disease.
I TOTALLY agree with this statement. This is the true intention of terrorism, to make a person live in fear mentally. If you live in fear, the terrorist have won. Whoever did this KNOWS that you leave the United States no other choice but to retaliate. Now the attackers have to watch their backs because they know the United States is coming for them and the United States is relentless. When the Navy Seals eventually got Osama, they had camcorders on their helmets. The President, the Vice President, the Secretary of State and some of the President's inner circle were watching the whole thing live as it happened. They were in the war room in Washington DC, thousands of miles from the actual assault and watching it on television like it was a football game. The New York Times reported the event to let everyone in the world know. Not only will the United States catch you, they will be sitting at home comfortable in front of the television eating popcorn, watching your ass be put on blast .... LIVE!!! I am well aware of what this country can do and domestic or foreign, a terrorist act performed on american soil isn't the brightest thing to do, by any means. President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are PREDATOR DRONE brothers. They will send a drone to kill terrorists no matter where they are in the world and be watching it on television as it happens.
Of all of the things I said in that post, THIS is what you focus on? Really? Btw, it was merely an example to prove the point of how I view death - that if it's your time, there's nothing you can do about it.
pretty much i blame our culture and it's views on life and death so many people go to extreme lengths to prevent it or deny it..but in the end, the result is the same enjoy life while you can and gracefully accept death when it comes
A friend of mine is a radiologist and treated some of the victims. He said it was like a war zone, Another friend is an EMT, as is stopping over , I feel for these first responders.
I remember feeling uneasy after 9-11, anthrax, and then the dc sniper. All happened around me...more so the dc sniper ..i was scared to go anywhere, let alone pumping gas. You can either live in fear and waste your life away, or you can believe that when it's your time, there's just nothing you can do about it. Tomorrow is not promises, so live for today. Toes, I remember my friends in the FBI and first responders at the pentagon the morning after 9-11...the stories they shared...very traumatic. Just absolutely devastating.
i bet u always hear about mass casualty contingency planning in healthcare, and the prospect of being called in on your day off if the situation is that bleak. healthcare workers are definitely unsung heroes and events like these bring the profession to light. think about how many lives were saved because of that
you cant say that without knowing where someone stands with them self and their spirituality but ur TDK so ur going to attempt to anyway just because you will be crying, kicking and screaming doesn't mean everyone else will i lost many good people in my life and there is a part of me that wishes I were with them....so... death is like a reunion....and if it isnt...fuck it...wont matter
These stories are so heartbreaking. It's stories like these that make me not want to watch the coverage but what also makes me remain glued to the coverage anyway. RIP to the boy and I hope that the family can find some comfort sooner rather than later.
yeah all they have to do is be a little knowledgeable about chemicals and use the internet. hell you can go to the army surplus and get an army TM (training manual) to build an explosive devise. I saw one where I live at the surplus store
It appears looting was going on after the marathon blast http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout...en-wake-boston-marathon-blasts-145344319.html
An OUTPOURING of LOVE/offers of a place to stay from BOSTONIANS to anyone displaced .... 4,000 offers and counting... Keep in mind, they're putting their addresses online for total strangers to come and stay at their homes ...That's how much Bostonians want to help out. :smt056 http://sports.yahoo.com/news/spt--b...-of-help-from-city-s-residents-022321905.html
So inspiring. At first glance, I was concerned that there would be people waiting to take advantage of these well-meaning citizens offering up their "home, food and comfort", but then I read this: These people are putting themselves out there because they believe the good outweighs the bad. In this day and age...THAT is incredible. God bless them.
http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/17/us/boston-blasts/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 They are now saying they have a strong suspect but no arrest as yet. 24 HR news cycle is all over the place I tell you. Sounds like they have a pretty good lead however and with all the video around there have ID'd someone. I just hope its the right S.O.B and he is buried.