Boise State Couple Receive Threats

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by nobledruali, Jul 25, 2007.

  1. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    With good reason of course. We're only 5% of the world but account for some of the world's most disturbing statistics across the social spectrum such as crime, education, labor, environment, health etc.

    To quote Lyfe Jennings, must be nice.

    Isn't that as obvious as the fact that the sun shines in the summer? :lol:

    I'm aware of that. Many people from the far West coast (as well as the East Coast) are moving to the Pacific North to take advantage of the low tax rates, cheaper housing and overall better quality of life. Of course, they take their attitudes with them. Oh, and the black population is still small but a fast growing one.

    Dude, i've been there myself. One of my exes was from Wyoming and one time i went there with her so we stopped by in nearby Idaho. All the (white) girls were jealous of her and i was getting so much love i felt like an overnight celebrity without all of Twista's acne.

    I'm also aware of that. Those loons once proposed that the Pacific Northwest be given up for whites whilst black and other non-whites have the rest of the country.

    Shit i'm all for that. I always tell people this, i respect Martin Luther King and he's my biggest hero but i ain't down for all that non-violent thing. I just am not buying it. I believe Dr Dre said it best when he said, "Fuck with me, it's a must that i fuck with you". Case closed.

    Yeah that dude needs some work, man. :lol: Just playing, Omaha but you need to see the other side of the world.
  2. BronzeSaint

    BronzeSaint New Member

    WWlooking wrote:

    "I love this about California! Sometimes I forget how different it can be in other parts of the country. Earlier this year I flew across country and happened to sit next to a black college student from the east coast for the long leg of the trip. It was interesting to see the reaction from some of the passengers around. I forget that there are people out there who still act as if black people have the cooties and they certainly don't think a white woman should be talking with them.

    And I'm not naive enough to think that there isn't some of it here...they are just more PC and covert about things. And I don't think many other states have hate crime laws."

    Yes, there are huge regional differences regarding how people relate to one another. While I don't know about all of California, I do know about the Bay Area and Sacramento and they are leap years ahead of most of the country in terms Black Male/White Female dating, marriage and friendships.

    San Diego is not quite as good as Northern California. But, there are a lot of BM-WW relationships there as well.

    To be honest, it extends well beyond California. Based on what I've seen, I think Seattle/Tacoma, while not the open minded oasis that San Francisco is, has a much higher percentage of BM-WW relationships than even the Bay Area or San Diego does. So, it's really a West Coast thing...maybe going all the way up to Vancouver.

    I mentioned in an earlier post that I go back and forth from Philly to the Bay for business/pleasure. Philly is just starting to catch see this kind of dating trend back east....but it is like going into a time warp.

    The east coast is three hours ahead, yet 20 years behind much of the west coast (the W.C. has far fewer hangups, more advanced technology, 1000 times more IR dating, cross cultural friendships, clean air or environmental laws, medical innovations (including ignoring the stupidity of George Bush as it relates to stem cell research).

    But, again, I can only speak for NorCal! Southern Cal (6 hours and 400 miles away) has a lot more issues and has not faired nearly as well.

    I watched the San Francisco Giants baseball team play last night. It was African-American heritage night. And, on TV, they really played it up.

    It's hard not to love that.
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    bumpin' this one up to the top, playas...

    I was going to make a thread about this, but I should have known Noble would be on point (as usual) with this one..

    This one is a reminder that brothas can bag some bangin' white chicks


    ...being a superstar running back helps, too

  4. ladeda

    ladeda New Member

    oh man. this is so heartwarming, original, breath taking!

    could be racism, but then it could be one very upset person.
    people are quite simple and it takes the smallest of things to make a person fixate on something that isnt the problem.

    man, am i being vauge.
  5. mike38

    mike38 New Member

    I am so late in responding to this topic, as I usually am. That game last year was basically worthless since it was simply a bowl game, it meant nothing in determining the national champion. But on topic, it's no surprise that this couple had gotten death threats after some people found this was an interracial couple.

    I think it does matter where IR couples live here in the US. That couple was in Idaho, which has been known more for white supremacy than it is for producing potatoes. Where I am, in NC, I think it's slowly but surely getting there when it comes to accepting IR marriages and relationships, since it only has been legal for 30+ years. There is a still presence of Klan activity in this state, but with Northerners moving down here and more awareness of this subject of race is being properly taught, acceptance and popularity of IRs are on the rise and will continue to do so.

    While I was in college (well, a community college really), I attended a class and several white women (including the instructor) were saying that I think it was Denzel Washington was hot and attractive, then a black man who in the same class said that he is black. The instructor said it doesn't matter about race, that she and the other females had a crush on Denzel, and this was in NC in the early 90s of all places. Also, I heard in the same conversation a story about a friend of another student, which was a white female, involved in an IR marriage living in North Dakota. She said that her friend's father was fine with her married to a black man, as long as it does not involve a Native American. I can personally see it, since also spending some time up there. I never heard about my family dealing with racism there (I was only 3), I guess the racism was geared toward Native Americans in that part of the country.

    I also lived in Europe, and concur with the IRs being more accepted there. I saw a lot of IRs, being an ex military brat, and this was during the mid 80s. I have feeling they are very prevalent now, though there is opposition to it, like it always is.
  6. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    community college is still a college..may not see a lot of rich/snobby kids there, but it still counts


    as for the game, I didn't see it, but I was happy to see more interracial coupling...

    anything to support the "movement."


    that's why I bumped this to the top...that...and because I wanted to get a post in on the subject..even tho it's a bit late
  7. kirsty

    kirsty New Member

    My freshman year in college I had a class called Black Media. The course description is a historical analysis of images of blacks in cinema, radio, and television programming; origin and development of stereotypes; relationship of these images to societal developments; examination of alternatives. The class included 1 day a week watching a movie. I had not dated a bm at this point, but a number of my ww friends in the class my self included found Denzel Washington very attractive when we watched A Soldier’s Story. We also found Billy Dee Williams hot in Lady Sings the Blues.
  8. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Well ladies, and gentlemen unfortunately the disapproval of I/R dating, and marriage may not be going away anytime soon. After only reading a few threads in the White Nationalist forums, it soon becomes apparent that the opposition, and disapproval to I/Rs seems to be at the very top of their agenda. These WNist view I/Rs between bm&ww as a form of genocide, which leads to the eventual death of their White race.

    (A Little Paranoid Maybe?) :?

    And I'd be surprised if the hate mail didn't come from members of this small, but growing group of people.

    So you have to ask yourself, how do you deal with people who unbeknownst to you, see our pairings as no more than a casualty of war? (answer is..) You Don't! Just live, be happy, and don't worry about what anyone has to say, think, or feel bother you, because it's your life, and your happiness, and no one has the right to tell anyone else how to be happy, or with who. No matter which part of Amerikkka you're in.

    May they stay happy together forever!
  9. Sifu

    Sifu New Member

    Well my dad is African American and my mom is Polish. This is kind of a normal mix when it comes to BM/WW couples in Chicago. They married in '68 first year it was legal in Illinois. Now my moms family was all killed in concentration camps in WWII, her mom escaped from more than one camp and East Berlin. Her dad escaped and joined Patton's Big Red One, fought with GI's and some of them helped him come here, and he sponsored them. So, they understood all about persecution of people and racism. Still they did not approve of my parents marriage! Which is bullshit! So, I don't know entirely what went down between my dad and my grandfather but they got into it and my mom never spoke to them for over thirty years. After her father died, no one told her she just found out one day when she called her mom because neighbors contacted her to see about her mother due to old age and medical reasons. I've gone through my life without ever seeing even a picture of my mom's parents! Nothing ever. My pops was career military, an officer so he's really extreme, and he was like "them or me" and she chose him. But of course it made her sad, I could always tell over the years when I would bring it up some kinda way. I used to ask her stuff and she told me it wasn't that her father was racist. She told me he said that she didn't really know what it was like to be Black in this country, and he told her now you will know. She said he didn't want that for her.
    Anyways I was bored and reading this stuff, about the couple from Boise and recently the couple from Kansas in the media, and all of the discussion and it just made me think about all this stuff. When I was a kid I thought about it more, and it bothered me, but eventually I just didn't care. Growing up I've seen my dad put the hands on cats in public over expressing displeasure with him and my mom's relationship, once. I don't know anything about death threats, I don't think they send any to brothas that have been to Vietnam, just people in the public eye because they want attention.
  10. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member


    Forget lifting weights I have a concealed weapons permit.

    I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6
  11. BlkCasanova

    BlkCasanova Guest


    Yea, tell that to Eve Carson. Bros never carry 9's :roll: and never kill others because of thier race.
  12. Sifu

    Sifu New Member

    I have been driving iron hard since '87, I am only saying this for one reason. Lifting weights will not teach you how to fight! Humans are not born with instincts the way animals are. Because we reason we must be taught. That goes with fighting and self-defense as well. I spent a good chunk of my life as an active fighter, I also spent a good portion of it teaching martial arts. I taught members of the local SWAT team, and other officers, NFL players, kids in after school programs, and WAPP (womens assault prevention programs).
    I taught a lot of other classes too but this is just a brief summary.
    Please do not lift weights for self-defense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    This does not mean I don't lift (if you've seen my pic here you already know) I used to tell my students that even Mario Andretti could never win a race in a VW bug (against formula 1's of course) when I extolled the benefits of fitness. Your mind is the driver, and your body is the car, I would say.
    If you are attacked, the attacker will at the least be under the impression of having an advantage, which they most often do. It will not be a fair fight. This is how "fighting" and "self-defense" differ. How many times does the winner in a boxing match get cut, or break a hand for instance? Well, they get paid for that. On the street, in the night you won't. There will be no re-match, the fight will not be televised (yes I realize I sound like the Gil Scott-Heron of Sifu's) I'm 36, I've been around for a min. and reall I don't want to hear anyone talk about weapons. All my fellow instructors carried, and in NV it's easy to get a carry permit. Not so in LA where I'm at now, or most other big cities. In fact handguns are illegal in NY, parts of Chicago just to name a few. And again, TRAINING is first and foremost, or you'll just get yourself in more trouble, might get that "gun" taken away. Handling and owning a weapon is not an end all, it must be mastered, like anything else in life, and appreciated.
    Lifting weights in the same discussion as self defense and racist cats running up on you LOL :lol: There will always be someone bigger and stronger, then what. Yeah, they got those too! No what, yeah uh-huh, go go do some more bench-presses, that'll keep 'em off you.
    If any of you making these comments really want to be able to defend yourself. Learn how to make inanimate objects around you into lethal weapons, and your body. Hit me up, I can tell you where to go, and why.
    Example; TKD not good. Mostly high kicks, used in the Olympics, a form of sport fighting. Grappling very popular since UFC came out a decade ago or so. Do you think that while you roll around on the concrete, not any mats outside, wrestling with someone that his friends will wait their turn? Have you ever tried this, ok thats what I thought. Well I guess you could always pick them up and put them down 8-10 times for a while, rest a min. and do it again :lol: I had a 10 year old girl that could do a horse stance for 18 minutes, when most men couldn't last three, these are guys that can squat their weight and more in the gym of course. I had a fourteen yaer old girl that competed, FULL contact with twenty something construction workers. We had a blind woman that was a brown sash, who tore a would be rapists eye from his fool head. Should have just driven the taxi where she wanted to go! How much you think she can bench?
  13. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member


    Did she have a gun? That probably would have helped her. I never carry a 9mm.I'm not saying guns can always protect someone, but if someone is running at you with a gun or with a knife. You can try to run or disable them before they kill you. I think people should be well trained in weapons before they can actually carry one. You have to go through a lot before you can even get a concealed weapons permit.
  14. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Hate to hijack the thread. There are two types of TKD. The style that is mostly taught in America is Olympic W.T.F. style. This a far cry than what my dad had learned back in the day. These days, it's very hard to find a good TKD school. Just like it's hard to find a good kung fu school.
  15. Sifu

    Sifu New Member

    The "kind " of TKD I was taught starting in '81, was taught to me by a Korean war veteran. He learned Tai Kwan Do from the South Korean Rok Marines who fought with the U.S. against the North between 50-53, when he was teaching us in the eighties he was only in his early 50's but it was that old style your talking about. Here is what I meant; do you believe in diversity? Ok. I teach Choy Li Fut and Bok Fu, primarily. Choy Li Fut, I can give you the history but I won't now, is a "mother" style from 1836 created by Chan Huen. While TKD focuses on kicks mostly, some punches and a staff form or two, and Jiu-Jitsu focuses on grappling much the same way a podiatrist focuses on feet, and pediatricians look after the well being of children. Both are doctors, yet their training is specialized. Not only is Chi Na a part of Choy Li Fut, (Chi Na "to grab" or roughly translates to sticky hands and encompasses everything in Jiu Jitsu-and more!) but we teach 36 different weapons. I taught Staff, double daggers, broad sword, and chain-whip. How many kicks are in TKD? Eight? Mostly high, hopping , or jumping kicks? In Choy Li Fut there are 26 different kicks. We are taught how to "grab"and "roll" skin, very painful. Once when I brought a friend he was suprised at the small stature of my Sifu, who is about 5'6 160. He was able to overhear my friends comments about how he was bigger and that little guy can't show me nothin', I'll smack him up. So, my Sifu asked my friend if he would like to see a demonstration of how a much smaller man can overpower a much larger man. My buddy was bigger than Sifu, sure but I'm a lot bigger than my friend, I'm 6'3 250. So he used me as a dummy, and slammed me to the ground so hard and so quick it winded me! And he only touched me with his shin, just one leg placed against mine from the knee to the ankle and he put me on my ass before I realized what was happening! My friend was SHOOK, and he never came back, he told me if he sees that cat on the street he's gonna give him a wide berth.
  16. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    I know a little bit about Choy Li Fuy. There's more to kung fu than what is mostly taught in the states (contemporary wushu).

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