Boise State Couple Receive Threats

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by nobledruali, Jul 25, 2007.

  1. Shaft

    Shaft New Member


    It really doesn't matter what state a BM/WW IR couple may be. The worst thing a black man could do to a racist white male is to date an attractive white woman. They'd rather let him have an overweight white woman who they find unattractive physically, since he is considered an inferior being and savage.
  2. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member


    Shit, i know that from personal experience. You couldn't be more right. When a black man dates a fat, unattractive white woman, they're just pleased to see that because it reinforces their notions. But when a hot white woman is with a black man, nothing stings more than that. I know that from personal experience.
  3. BronzeSaint

    BronzeSaint New Member


    I really have to disagree with you here (respectfully) Shaft.

    You could be dating a blonde, Victoria Secret's model out in the Bay Area or, perhaps, Sacramento and no one would care cause it's pretty common out there (which is why I spend a lot of time there). Seattle is another place where you could be dating 2 Caucasian hotties at the same time and no one would care.

    There are areas of Philly and Philly burbs where it's becoming more common.

    Ian and Chrissy will be fine (they are not giving it a second thought and are likely having some pretty wild fun as we speak) :wink:

    Idaho is the 19th century. She's from New Jersey I think. He's from Cali. They will NOT be living in, they probably are not worried about how the locals feel about them (which may be where the threats came from).

    The second they leave Boise State and head back home (especially if they decide to live in California....better, Northern California), all anyone will do is tell them how cute they are.

    If they move to the Bay Area, they could get their own TV show.

    It really does depend on where in America you live (I know, have easily dated white women I could not get in another part of the country, have been hit on a few times). There is no way you can compare interracial dating and marriage in Seattle/Tacoma for example (where it has exploded between Black men and White women) to that of Birmingham, Alabama or Idaho.

    These places have nothing, zero in common...the Pacific Northwest has more in common with Canada or even London, England than it does Atlanta or Charlotte, NC.

    The differences (from interracial dating to food to politics) are like night and day. The south or rural states like Idaho are like being in another solar system when compared to San Francisco or extremely integrated Sacramento.

    We're not really the "United" States of America. It's more like the "Divided" States of America. Mississippi is still in the 19th century (no disrepect to those living in that region). Berkeley, CA is in the 21st.
  4. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member


  5. BronzeSaint

    BronzeSaint New Member


  6. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    The big difference is most of those nationalites are American and don't have the open mindess of their countries.
  7. BronzeSaint

    BronzeSaint New Member

    Very deep.....and very true.

    The Irish of Ireland (for example) have identified themselves with African-Americans and even South Africans in the past. They've long looked to the teachings of Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela for help with the ongoing problems of Northern Ireland.

    And it can be said that one of the reasons why they came to the peace table with Tony Blair was because they saw South Africa overcoming it's problems and, because of that, felt they could too.

    Yeah. The thinking overseas relative to most things is a lot more advanced.

    They are cheering for Obama, BTW (who's Irish himself).
  8. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    If you live in SF and go to the Italian and Irish night just taste the culture and food. Then,go to Italy and Ireland to find and date the people you saw at those festivals. There is nothing more better than home grown folks.
  9. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Couldn't agree more. The same thing can be applied to what Americans refer to as "Chinese" food. I've eaten actual Chinese food and it tastes nothing like what is assumed to be Chinese food.
  10. OmahaBoy2003

    OmahaBoy2003 New Member

    I think it won't matter where you live in this country. You could live in Northern Cali or the Deep South and you'll still catch shit from someone at least once or twice.
  11. BronzeSaint

    BronzeSaint New Member

    I go back and forth between Philly and the Bay (have done so for several years).

    I had my first problem in Philly a week ago (some old lady living in the past...she was likely upset that she never had the chance to meet a Black man cause it was more taboo back then).

    In terms of Northern California, I'm still waiting....the clock keeps ticking. Not a single bad experience yet

    The women out there seem very comfortable around African-American men. Many will not date any other man except black men.'s good...LOL!

    White men don't care as much as the place is too multicultural and very progressive. They date across color lines as well...mainly Asian girls but other women as well.

    The area itself has a ton of interracial dating because that's the way people were raised, too see color as a plus, NOT a negative. Out there, everyone dates everyone else.

    Dom't get me wrong: The Bay Area has a ton of problems. But, dating a white woman? It's laughable to be worried about that out there.

    It's not just Black men/White women. You do have a number of African-American men/Asian women couples and lots of Black/Latina couples as well.

    OK. That's enough for me....I need to stop writing about this...might go to the airport and exchange my ticket, which can be costly!!!
  12. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    But Europe is more better than in the States. The WW are more picky in America.
  13. BronzeSaint

    BronzeSaint New Member

    No doubt! A lot of WW overseas LOVE black men.

    I remember when I was doing some consulting work in a small town in Pennsylvania. All the white women there were gun shy about going out to lunch (not really dating, just socializing) with any man, let alone a Black man.

    There was one English transplant there, however. Before long, we became good friends and would socialize away from the office.

    She was a little shy, too, but she never let skin color get in the way of anything. I learned a lot about Britain. She learned a lot about African-America.

    German women are cool, too. They've had a mean thing for Black men for years and this continues to be the case.

    I think a lot of WW in America are in some very crazy denial, settling for what is ok for dad as opposed to what they really want.

    There is no way you can have all of these women attracted to you in Europe, Australia and the West Coast and not have the same women attracted to you in the south or other areas of the country.

    That kind of denial makes for a pretty sad existence. No way would I ever put up with that BS and miss out on life. It's too short!

    Obviously, I see your point.
  14. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    I believe all you've said, my friend. I dated a Swiss girl and one thing she used to drive home to me was the fact that Americans are stuck up in their holes about race and just won't let it go.

    I know this point has been reiterated a hundred and one times but going to Europe, especially Northern, West and Central Europe can be a mind-blowing experience. I'm sure you know that a number of black musicians and athletes from the 40s-80s live in Europe now. It is no coincidence at all.
  15. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    You got that right LCris. A vast majority of those brothers well known and unknown live in Europe. Sometimes these unsung brothers are in those European websites.
  16. BronzeSaint

    BronzeSaint New Member

    Yes. They are all over Europe and reasonably happy.

    If we elect the wrong President again (and there are a lot of terrible ones to choose from with maybe one good one), I may be joining them.

    I like NorCal and the Pac West (Seattle/Vancouver). But, you never know where you'll be happiest until you spend some time there.

    One thing we're both familiar with: There is nothing like doin a girl with an accent :!:

    Very fun stuff!
  17. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

  18. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Europeans think we're nutz, but that's besides the point.

    Our racial problems in Cali are FAIRLY small compared to the rest of the Nation.

    Ya'll got problems, especially Mississippi....

    Idaho is getting more liberal believe it or not as more Californians and other West Coasters are moving there to take advantage of the low housing cost and get away from large city worries.

    There plenty of white girls in Idaho that would love to meet you fellas, believe me...

    But they still be trippin because yes Aryan Nation is there and they have alot of wanna-be's as well.

    Just slap those fools down, the only respect they understand is getting that ass beat...

    Omaha, you need to take a vacation outside of Nebraska homie...
  19. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    If the wrong president gets picked again, I wasn't able too last time but I am leaving and for more than 300 days - NO TAXES.

    Still a US citizen however - WOOT

    I never noticed accents I hear too much moaning and groaning... :wink:
  20. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    I love this about California! Sometimes I forget how different it can be in other parts of the country. Earlier this year I flew across country and happened to sit next to a black college student from the east coast for the long leg of the trip. It was interesting to see the reaction from some of the passengers around. I forget that there are people out there who still act as if black people have the cooties and they certainly don't think a white woman should be talking with them.

    And I'm not naive enough to think that there isn't some of it here...they are just more PC and covert about things. And I don't think many other states have hate crime laws.

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