Boise State Couple Receive Threats

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by nobledruali, Jul 25, 2007.

  1. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member


    BOISE - Ian Johnson and Chrissy Popadics: they've been called the sweethearts of Boise.

    A star running back, a former cheerleader, and a marriage proposal on national television seconds after the winning score in the 2007 Fiesta Bowl. It had all the makings of a storybook romance.

    The entire nation watched the televised proposal live at the Fiesta Bowl. As the wedding draws nearer, a few have sent letters to the BSU Football Department voicing opposition of the marriage.

    The bride-to-be says that even though some people may not agree with her marriage, that won't ruin the big day she's been planning for over a year.

    “There have been a handful of people from around the country who have sent letters voicing their displeasure with something they probably shouldn't be displeased about," said Todd Miles, BSU Sports Information.
    More than 30 letters have been sent, most of them to the Boise State Football Office, expressing dissatisfaction with the marriage of an African-American man to a Caucasian woman.

    “We've taken those letters and passed them along to the authorities and as far as I know, they're still investigating," said Miles.
    With the letters in police custody, the wedding is on as scheduled this Saturday, and security guards will work the event.
    “You can't take anything lightly and you need to be prepared whether it is a football game or a wedding, you need to expect the worst and plan for that," said Miles.

    The couple says they're not going to let the ignorance of a few ruin their special day and that they'd rather put their energy into something that means a whole lot more - their marriage.

    A report on letters and phone calls Johnson has received was carried in an Idaho Statesman sports column.

    Johnson ran into the end zone on a Statue of Liberty play to score the winning two-point conversion as underdog Boise State beat Oklahoma 43-42 in overtime Jan. 1. The Broncos ended their season 13-0.
    "You take it for what it is — the less educated, the less willing to change," Johnson told the newspaper. "But we're not acting like we're naive to all the stuff that's going on. We know what's been said. We're going to make sure we're safe at all times. It's an amazing day for us, and we'd hate to have it ruined by someone."

    He didn't describe the threats — or the heightened security measures the couple plans — in detail.
  2. Shaft

    Shaft New Member


    Not surprising at all. America has serious racial problems. The hatred in the hearts of many white Americans for any interracial relationships that involve black men with white women is just amazing. Just last week, I went out on a date with a white lady I met a couple weeks earlier. We sat on a bench at a park and of course, most of the white folks who walked by, particularly white men and older white couples, kept staring and frowning. A white man has the right to go out with any woman he wants. So does an Indian male and an Asian male. Anything but black men when it comes to white women. What a shame.
  3. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member


    I feel ya shaft but I know you're not going to let them stop you :!:
  4. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Gee, i'm so surprised :roll:

    Please, these two lovebirds better have the best day of their lives without giving much thought to what any of these fools have to say. Secret service style protection on the big day might not hurt, though.
  5. PearlGirl

    PearlGirl New Member

    That is horrible!
    Thinking it is one thing, but actually taking the time to sit down and write a letter about it! Holy jeez! Some people need to get a life of their own!

    I know that it happens, but I am shocked when I read stuff like this. I can't believe that people actually care and make it their business!
  6. WhiteSheDevil

    WhiteSheDevil New Member

    I read this this morning and the first thing I thought is, it must be the National Alliance, they are always behind shyte like that. Check out what the Southern Poverty Law Center has to say about those mofos.
  7. hellspawn72

    hellspawn72 Member

    About the only thing shocking about this is that it took this long for it to be known that they were getting threatening letters. Be real. After that proposal on national TV, we all had to know that it struck a blow in certain people's hearts across the nation and they took it real personal.

    My sentiment these days is with what "nobledruali" said. A white dude can go out with presumably whoever he wants, including sistahs, and doesn't really get any real heat for it. Latin, asian and other men as well. After all these years, particularly since slavery ended, the black man is still the ONLY one STILL cruxified for dating and marrying outside his race, particulary with the white woman. To alot of people, that union cannot be about (gasp)love. It must be, in their minds, about making up for some idiotic past wrong or the black man's out of control sexual nature It's just sad in my opinion.
  8. PearlGirl

    PearlGirl New Member

    If this is in relation to my post, trust me, I am being real. I am telling you how I reacted. This kind of thing always surprises me because I have never exeprienced it, that's all. Even after dating IR for 7 years now... I have never exeprieced anything even close to that and I can only speak from my exeprience! jeez...

    I guess I ought to be thankful that things don't appear to be that bad in Canada.
  9. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    Wow, why am i not surprised. after watching the highlights on Sportscenter i said to myself, uh oh, he's gonna get some flack for that! lol a young black man proposing to a pretty white girl cheerleader on national television. anyway, i think it's perfectly normal to observe and take notice of an interracial couple, because they are rare, and you don't see them all the time, but it's another thing to be prejudiced and opposed to it. I hope they have a safe wedding, and live happily ever after. 8)
  10. hellspawn72

    hellspawn72 Member

    Oh no!! I didn't mean you specifically. I apologize. I was responding to the thread in general. They know what I meant. I forget you live in Canada. All I was saying was that generally when this sort of relationship comes to the surface like this, there will be an immediate backlash in this country somewhere. That's just how it is. And people generally aren't surprised by the death threats either.

    I'm sure alot of you remember a few years back when it was reported on SportsCenter that several black football players were the target of hate mail and death threats for their involvements with white women. The FBI got involved and narrowed it to an address somewhere in Ohio, I think. One of the cats who generally got threats was Miami Dolphins defensive lineman, Jason Taylor, who's married to Zach Thomas' sister. That type of harassment goes on frequently I hear.

    For what it's worth, PearlGirl, I hope you continue to have good experiences with IR relationships.
  11. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Honestly, i've beent thinking it was a matter of times. C'mon, the guy proposes on national TV, in Middle America for that matter. You know some shit had to happen. But the main fact is that they should not let anyone take the spotlight away from them - it's all about them and it should remain that way.

    It's a shame Americans cannot get away from preconceived, idiotic notions and ideas of race. As much as we love to think we're progressive (which in some respects we truly are), when it comes to race and just grouping people in general, we're so fucking stupid and that goes for black and white Americans. Sometimes, i wish i had a little power that God used to destroy the earth in the Old Testament and just wipe out every damn person on earth and restart all over again. Honestly, that's how i feel about certain things and i make no apologies for it. What we do not realize that if we are to approach that "dream" of "colorblindness", it takes little things such as this.

    I hope some will just get a goddamn grip.
  12. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    It's not the proposal that has them so's the ACCEPTANCE of the Brother's proposal..

    Had she jerked-away from him and said "ewwwww...I'd never marry a nigger.." on national TV the entire nation would have simultaniously busted a nut :lol:
  13. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    And some people honestly believe this country would elect a black man president.
  14. HereIam

    HereIam New Member

    RE: Isn't that the truth

    Would this country elect a black man as president? It is a very hard debate; then again it is a scary one. Presently, there are hundreds if not thousands of anti-race law associations in the United States with authorized sealed registrations. In other words, these groups are qualified as an organized 501 (c) 3. The ironic balance is for the U.S to deliberate a country such as Iraq, but we have serious race issues in our own country.
  15. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I never believe a Black male would be elected President of the US. A brother can't be governor in a state where Blacks are a majority or there are liberal whites. For example California and Washington State who elected a Armenian and a Asian male. Also in majority White states Black men composed a majority in the prison system. Racism still is ripe in America no matter what other people say. Oh yes those conservative Blacks can't be elected dog catcher in some states.
  16. Shaft

    Shaft New Member


    In some respects, I don't blame quite a good number of black men in America for getting into lifting weights quite consistently, just like I've been doing now for almost two years. There's always a chance some racist white male and his friends may try to assault you physically if they see you with a white woman. And at the same time, many of them are cowards and probably would feel more comfortable using weapons like guns if they aren't confident enough in their physical strength.
  17. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    I absolutely agree. In states where blacks form a sizeable number, the black politicians tend to aggressively court their constituents (blacks), in the process alienating non-blacks especially whites. In white majority states where blacks have virtually no electoral stronghold , a black candidate actually stands a better chance of winning because he'd have to play by the book of whites. Besides, many whites, surprisingly, will overwhelmingly support the black man because he's not the norm. Take, for example, Deval Patrick, the Governor of Massachusetts. Blacks form only 7.5% of the population and he ran on a very populist, progressive in an overwhelmingly liberal state. In the end, he attracted 56% of the vote and seeing as whites are 87% of the population, he most certainly attracted a lot of whites.

    About black conservatives, well, let's just say those foolish, intellectually challenged minions shall always long for a day in power. It may be unknown to them, but winning elections is very difficult for them. In an elections, white conservatives, time and time again, bail out on them and either stay home or vote for the white Democratic candidate. Blacks most certainly never vote for them and this is the number one reason why they're always blown out in elections. Okay sure, J.C. Watts was a star but that was because his district had a sizeable black population and despite blacks hating Republicans, many blacks vote for black Republicans out of pity and solidarity e.g. Michael Steele in his bid for the U.S Senate seat in Maryland last year. Apart from Watts, name me five more successfully elected black conservative Republicans and i'd name you five successful black Democrats.
  18. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Sadly enough, I know A LOT of people would have had her back in defending a statement like that. Isn't that what America is all about, being 100% American?!
  19. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Oh my goodness !!!!!!!!!!! ROFL!!!!
  20. 2legit

    2legit Active Member


    But they are in Idaho isn't that the state where the aryan resistance group have strong presence. You can't forget that........

    I believe their WEDDING Is tomorrow July 28th.

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