BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    How is Supergirl messing anything up? The trajectory towards Kara and James has been steady all season long even with alternative attractive love interests thrown towards both of them. James and Kara have pretty much admitted they love each other....just not to each other's faces. You wanted them in the sack after two eps or something? It's not that type of show and Wholesome Supergirl isn't that type of character. She's not Jessica Jones.
  2. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    I've heard this before, but I have a sneaking suspicion that we might get some cameos from Netflix heroes in the big Infinity War double movie.

    The Russo brothers (directors of Avengers 3 and 4) have said that the script has a lot of characters. They were even quoted as saying that the films had "67" charaters. They later clarified and backed away from that exact number. Even if the true number was half that amount, that stll would be way more characters than have been introduced in just the movies.

    On top of that Charlie Cox (Daredevil) has been activly campaigning to Marvel to put Daredevil in a movie.
  3. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    What exactly is wrong with how they've handled Kara's lovelife on "Supergirl"? What they've done is pretty normal for a network show where the lead has a longterm love interest that they are gonna draw out over time.

    Exactly. What they've done on "Supergirl" is normal. I don't understand what Darkcurry's complaint is.
  4. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    whoa, whoa please do not assume things, you can't ask me questions then assume you're just basically answering your question to me yourself bro. Iam talking about writing wise. I understand they want to take it slow (I like that).

    I'll give you some examples of what I mean:

    They wrote her and winn like a love story in a romantic comedy as him being in love with her and finally confessing it and she not really realizing he felt that way until he confessed it. Then afterwards they dumped that storyline and those feelings he had for since he first met her. James even encouraged Winn to go for her. Fans caught that that is why they were "shipping"(is what they call it) Kara&Winn.

    The Adam character into the love story made no sense. Mainly because
    it was rushed.

    And I don't know if it was Mehcad Brooks acting or the writing but If James has the same feelings towards Kara then they should of made it at least gave him more feeling(especially to the audience). At times he has had a puzzled look on his face, appeared standoffish. When she was about to confess that she loved him which that scene was great, he told her "don't finish that sentence." That right there is what I would say is for sure the writing. They made it seem cold for someone that felt the same way. (not to mentioned when she was in the midst of confessing it he looked dumbfounded) They could had him choose other words or say it in another way and lose the puzzled look and acting clueless... "Kara, what are you saying?", "What are you doing?" That doesn't sound like someone who feels the same way. I understand he had broken up with Lucy, and kind of likes to be in denial of his feelings about Kara, but if we we're to believe that he is in love with Kara let's stop having him look clueless and dumbfounded.

    And when they do have time together/moments they don't add much depth to some of the scenes or allow much time for them to show their chemistry to the audience.

    They started off well with it in the first two episodes... and have had moments here and thern but fell flat in keeping it steady.
    The #SupergirlXTheFlash episode last night there was a moment they had
    at the end in her apartment that was cute and beautiful just like in the first episode.(even despite James still appearing a tad bit clueless.) If they could stay steady and take away James being puzzled then they have something.


    You have to remember audiences especially female audiences of this show LOVES supergirl/Kara Jor-El. They have themselves expressed that they didn't like how in some scenes James appearing standoffish from someone he supposedly is in love with. The cute chemistry her and flash had should have been close to the type of cute chemistry her and James are suppose to have if they are going with them as a couple from here on out.

    I highlighted all my main points because I know I wrote a lot. lol. :)
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2016
  5. Shulz021

    Shulz021 Well-Known Member

    Didn't the racist comic fanboys requested to kill Kara's black boyfriend off in the comics? :rolleyes:
  6. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Yeah, unfortunately. And some even attack the show.
  7. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Still not feeling you. All you demonstrated was that the Supergirl show is marked by the typical, standard shipping writing that plagues genre shows targeted towards teens and young adults. It is all about the chase when it comes to romance, the denials. It is all about putting off consummation...of feelings and, well, other things. It is about the longing and good looking twenty-somethings being dense and while not being forward about their feelings. And unfortunately this type of writing tends to be cliche and somewhat juvenile, never too intelligent. And it often ticks off viewers. You should see the sniping that occurs with fans of "The Flash" show.

    Some of the examples you used I view quite different. Winn STILL loves Kara, that storyline will be addressed again sometime down the road, and he may probably move on from those feelings eventually. But right now that has taken a backseat and there is no real followup because this show ain't exactly "Mad Men". And James told Winn to take his shot with Kara because James was still lying to himself about the relationship with Lucy that he felt he was committed too. But anyone could tell that it wasn't as if the writers were forever taking James out of the equation as far as a romantic partner to Kara. It was merely what one would refer to as a roadblock or obstacle that writers put in the path of lovebirds to keep the suspense going of when/if they were going to get together. Is the writing of all of this a little bit clunky? Hell, yes. But the writing of every element of the show, even though mostly enjoyable, is clunky. Part of it has to do with the first season typically being the toughest for any new series as TPTB get a feel for all the characters. Part of it though is simply that the show is "Supergirl" and thus is naturally inclined to be corny, silly, clunky and so on. Nonetheless TPTB always had their eyes on Kara and James and have consistently been building them to that moment from last night's episode. I don't get the issue. And if at some points you weren't certain that James had such strong feelings for Kara well you could argue some of the fault laid with the writing or a bit of the acting, but most of it came down to James being a cool customer who wasn't completely sure who and what he wanted. He did really like Lucy, he just didn't love her. They had dated for a long time and were serious at one point. Difference between Kara and James was that Kara always knew who she had feelings for and could share that info with people like her sis. James was on the other hand less sure and probably fighting his feelings out of his sense of loyalty to Lucy and perhaps his friendship with Kal-El.

    Boy, I feel like a geek writing all of that.
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Totally agree with this. Didn't come off as forced at all very natural chemistry
  9. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    That is the issue with the fans. Comic fans are MUCH different they want to see the intelligent chemistry. They are more appreciative of intelligent and clever writing which is why so many comic movies and TV shows are so good. They are not teenie bopper, "twilight" type of audience that falls for dialogue without much depth. They find that kind of writing corny. Like I pointed out the way she connected with The Flash had fans buzzing. Some wanting them two to be together others asking why doesn't she have this connection with James. Not the specific connection, but coming off to the audience as a like-able pair and having their personalities play off one another.

    They have wrote small moments where the connection is there, but if James feels the same way they don't allow time for the audience to feel for that. Like I said in the beginning I(and other fans) was feeling it, but it got too clunky. The beginning of the show and the chemistry they had in the ballroom when they were dancing and that last scene in the apartment shows they can do better. Those are the scenes that the fans loved.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2016
  10. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Actually true comic book fans don't give a fuck about romances involving the heroes. Romances on these shows are driven by female TV viewers who really don't care much about the comic book source material anyway.
  11. Darkseid

    Darkseid Member

    All I can say is that the girl who plays Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) is absolutely adorable. I really like her! Not only is she beautiful, but she has such a warm and beautiful smile that can make a man like me melt.
  12. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Adorable Dorky Super-Hero

    Beautiful Sexy Woman

    I dig both women! lol :D
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2016
  13. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I have yet to see Arrow But actors Audrey Marie Anderson and David Ramsey
    a.ka. John Diggle and Lyla Michaels got married.


  14. Darkseid

    Darkseid Member

    That smile tho!

    I rest my case.
  15. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Nicky Whelan and Don Cheadle - House Of Lies season 5 premiere

  16. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Ya is time for Cheadle's character to just settle down with Kristen Bell's character considering this new woman is in some ways a look-alike. Besides the two of them share a kid. They need to admit their feelings and stop this nonsense.
  17. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Don Cheadle's character has a kid with Kristen Bell??

    Which season did that happen?
  18. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Kristen Bell's character was pregnant with Don Cheadle's kid all of last season (Season 4) & had the baby in the season fianle.
  19. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Teasers for the upcoming season 5 of "House of Lies":
    Official trailer:

    Behind the scenes with the Cast & Crew:
    Promo for the season premiere:
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2016
  20. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I was thinking the same thing, especially when she stopped by with the kid.

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