BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    I just watched the first 15 minutes of this week's episode of "Evil" (Season 4, Episode 11). Based on what I just watched, it seems like the show is finally gonna go all-in on David-Kristen 'ship.

    If "Evil" had been picked-up by Netflix or Amazon Prime instead of the failing Paramount+, I wonder if the show would be doing better ratings to continue on.
  2. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    AMC dropped a teaser trailer for the upcoming season 2 of "Mayfield Witches" last weekend at SDCC:

  3. Skaddix

    Skaddix Well-Known Member

    I don't think it had a choice since it was a CBS show...Paramount+ gets first dips.

    But yes it probably would be because Paramount+ is basically the Star Trek Channel lmao.
  4. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    They kind of have no choice but to go all in on the David-Kristen relationship picking up now that the season is ending. Gotta go somewhere with all that teasing.

    As far as ratings go where did you hear they weren't doing better in the ratings. I can't seem to find anything but positive ranks. There are other reasons why they cancel shows. The only thing I can think of as far as ratings go is that it probably didn't do huge ratings to what CBS was looking for rather than the fans.
  5. ryanpaulstewart

    ryanpaulstewart Well-Known Member

    Evil is a highly regarded show with good ratings and appeal. The problem, as I understand it, is the cost. It’s a very expensive show for a network looking to cut costs next year. Other streamers would have to buy the series from CBS studios to continue it. They’re stuck with CBS and that’s a shame.
  6. Shulz021

    Shulz021 Well-Known Member

    Joe & Jackie from El Joe de Legenda

  7. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Normally I love watching historical non-fiction & fictional TV dramas based on medieval & ancient times Europe including The CW's "Reign" that you mentioned. But I recently watched a trailer for Starz's "The Serpent Queen" & it came off too comedic to me, almost like it's supposed to be a sitcom. I don't think I'm gonna bother with "The Serpent Queen" if that's what the show is. I was expecting "The Serpent Queen" to be more like Starz's past limited series historical medieval Europe Dramas (i.e. "The Spanish Princess", "The White Princess", & "The White Queen").
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  8. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    It is not a comedy but it has some break the fourth wall comedic moments from time to time by the protagonist. It was the most popular series on Prime Video Starz according to their top ten last month.

    If you enjoyed "Reign" then this is an MA upgrade you would expect from premium credit but they move parts and people around an attempt to be more historical accurate. For example . . . from watching "Reign" I had no idea that Mary, Queen of Scots had a maternal grandmother that she could call upon and ask for aid but she did . . . and she is a major player in "The Serpent Queen". There are also several actors and actresses that appeared in 'Game of Thrones" that were minor characters back then . . . she sexy biracial and bootyful now lol and she wasn't sexually active back then for the HBO adaptation of aSoI&F . . . but she cheeks clapping now ;)

    So I look forward to new episodes late night every Thursday at 2am or I catch it Friday. It will fill the empty void of August for me until "Rings of Power" season two later this month. You can watch it @ColiBreh1 if you get bored this month and compare it to the French Royal Court you knew from "Reign" on the CW. This series is not kind to the protagonist of "Reign" to put it mildly lol
  9. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    Here is the trailer for anyone who shares an interest in Renaissance European historical fiction:

  10. ryanpaulstewart

    ryanpaulstewart Well-Known Member

    I don’t watch programming like this, not an era that does much for me, but that second serpent queen trailer is pretty funny. If it leans on that kind of anachronism enough I might end up peeping it.
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  11. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    I love historical movies and TV shows because I have a Bachelor's degree in history but even if you don't you can still enjoy the historical fiction and historical fantasy shows available on Prime and Max. If you liked the historical fantasy that was "Game of Thrones" . . . try the historical fiction upon it was based which is "The White Queen ".

    A joint venture between Starz & BBC it has less explicit sex, violence and magic than GAME but it is still very good and they have hired several of the same people to play pivotal roles. This series is so good I finally broke down and bought it for my library on Prime Video. The other movies in the series pale by comparison because the actors and actresses were not nearly as talented in "The White Princess" or "The Spanish Princess" and a key character that survived "The White Queen " just disappeared and is utterly forgotten about in "The White Princess" who would have made all the difference.

    "The Serpent Queen" has more comedic moments but it still has some beautiful naturally gifted women and violence with plot twists and political marriages. You might also enjoy "Pillars of the Earth" which is one of my favorite historical TV adaptations and its sequel "World without end". They are also on the Starz App and feature actors and actresses that went on to earn critical acclaim from the Academy Awards Association and even appeared in "Game of Thrones" subsequently. Phenomenal storylines and engaging characters.

    EDIT: This latest episode of "The Serpent Queen" has a surprising revelation as the Duke of Penne and Florence is formerly introduced to the Crown by his sister ~ Catherine de Medici. I had hoped that something along these lines would occur . . . King Charles IX was shocked by this news but respectfully calls Alessandro de Medici "Uncle" as he swiftly departs to attend to even more difficult news concerning the Protestant Prophet ~ Edith of the Black Forest.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2024
  12. ryanpaulstewart

    ryanpaulstewart Well-Known Member

    I did a Bachelor’s in history as well, Antebellum America - not Medieval Europe. I did a Master’s in philosophy with a focus on German Idealism but that’s too late for the mythologies of these shows. Game was too much for me to process, lots of showy sexual assault and gratuitous violence. The agent for the Game writers (toward the middle of the run when they hired women to be in the writers room) is a friend of a friend and I told him the same thing. I’m just not the target demo for these programs. They seem like exercises in pointless cruelty (I know it is more than that - I have friends who devour this stuff). The Boys is another show I struggle with. I’m working on a second Master’s, this time in English Literature, and my taste in film and fiction is suffering from it, and getting very boring. I appreciate the breakdown. I hope the serpent queen plays out like the second trailer. Comedy can be a playfully subversive device.
  13. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    I can appreciate your cultured tastes in film and television. I might recommend you try "The White Queen" and "Pillars of the Earth" as well as "Sophia" as it is free on Prime Video. I was fortunate be selected as a student ambassador to the former USSR as a 15 year old so I have a great appreciation the humanities of Eastern Europe. "Sophia" was officially sanctioned by the Confederation of Interdependent States and it does bear a slight influence to "Game of Thrones" at one subplot. I think you might enjoy it as I did though it is subtitled . . . but they have English voiceover if you select that audio option. It really surprised me how freely they told the history as they saw fit without the restraints we have here in America . . . if you know what I mean ;).

    It was remanicent of "The Book of Negro" by the Canadian Broadcast Company in that regard. Check them out and enjoy as they are not as explicit as the HBO adaptation of aSoI&F but more implicit and you still get to enjoy the plot twists, the chess strategy of the characters and the naturally beautiful naked women from time to time on plot-integrated scenes. "Sophia" has a scene from Miss Russia 2015 who was a finalist for Miss World 2015 that made my jaw drop in shock and delight.

    She was cast as a princess of Moldavia and her father is hoping that a political marriage to the heir to the Russian empire and eldest son of the Czar will be the catalyst for her to renounce her mother's medieval magical ways. @ryanpaulstewart if beauty had a name . . .
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2024
  14. daemonova

    daemonova Well-Known Member

    The interracial relationship in Lady in the Lake is in two episodes, third and fourth. Though it seems like midnight hookup at this point
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  15. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    While we're at it, what do think about the recently cancelled Epix/MGM+ Ancient Rome-based drama series "Domina"?:



    I'm thinking about jumping into "Domina" next instead of "The Serpent Queen" after I'm done getting caught up on "Snowpiercer".
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2024
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  16. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    I saw it when it aired. Sky television is producing it so maybe Amazon told MGM+ to end their partnership?!? I really enjoyed the first few episodes but it didn't live up to its auspicious initial episodes. They time jump alot and the names are so similar that it got confusing at times. An actress from "The Spanish Princess" plays the young protagonist Livia Drusilla and she is HOT!!

    They excluded some characters that would have enhanced the series like Cleopatra's daughter for whatever reason (she is included in "Rome") and I struggled to keep track of what the various relationships were among the characters. I had to watch HBO's "Rome" to get a better sense of what was what . . . or rather who should be with who.

    "Rome" is better than "Domina" and HBO definitely spent more money than MGM did. "Domina" is much more serious than "The Serpent Queen" as it does not have any comic relief characters at all. It will leave you longing for more action and less talking though. "The Serpent Queen" has more activity I think than "Domina" did.
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  17. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    If I can make a suggestion . . . try "Pillars of the Earth" on Starz!! If you haven't seen it yet that is because George RR Martin was clearly influenced by New York Times #1 Best-selling author Ken Follet who published his Magnum Opus in the late 80's. You could make the argument that George "borrowed" some plot points for his 1996 publication of "A Game of Thrones". That would be my suggestion anyway and then you can watch the sequel series . . . "World without End" which is also very good. There is a third book in the Ken Follet "cathedral" series but it doesn't have a TV adaptation as of yet.
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  18. mr.roboto

    mr.roboto New Member

    I just watched the first 15 minutes of this week's episode of "Evil" (Season 4, Episode 11). Based on what I just watched, it seems like the show is finally gonna go all-in on David-Kristen 'ship.

    If "Evil" had been picked-up by Netflix or Amazon Prime instead of the failing Paramount+, I wonder if the show would be doing better ratings to continue on.[/QUOTE]

    From the latest episode :p
    [​IMG] [​IMG] 1.jpg 2.jpg
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  19. ryanpaulstewart

    ryanpaulstewart Well-Known Member

    Season 4 of Evil has been hinting at it progressing, but it seems that the last four episodes - which are the extras Paramount ordered to close out the series - have explicitly established that their desire for each other will be a part of the denouement.
  20. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    From the latest episode :p
    [​IMG] [​IMG] View attachment 37914 View attachment 37915 [/QUOTE]

    That wig on Mike. lol.

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