BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. daemonova

    daemonova Well-Known Member

    Flight attendant been cancelled
  2. daemonova

    daemonova Well-Known Member

    There is a interracial relationship on Silo on Apple TV. It's doesn't show up until halfway thru the season and it doesn't involve any major actors or actresses.
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  3. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Did you watch Season 1 or did you just watch a YouTube recap of season 1?
  4. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I watched some of season 1 because I'm a fan of Kaley, well mainly her character on The Big Bang Theory. I checked it out and I want to say I saw maybe like 4 episodes of season 1 in total.
  5. Akeildboss

    Akeildboss Active Member

    Just want to say massive big up to Bell, (the writer of Young and Restless) dude's constantly pairing the hottest (one of certainly hottest actress on soaps) actress with a black lover. I think it's safe to say she has a type.

    Here she is currently living with Devon.


    Here she is with Nate



  6. Akeildboss

    Akeildboss Active Member

    Here she is with one of her earlier flames Tyler.


  7. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Me personally, I watched 2 different YouTube season 1 recaps before I finally watched the season 2 premiere last night. Anyways on Kaley Cuoco.... what struck me watching the episode is that Kaley is sorta washed. She isn't as fine as she used to be. I still remember vividly how fine she was on the old 2000's ABC sitcom "8 Simple Rules", on the last season of OG WB Network "Charmed", & on the earlier seasons of "The Big Bang Theory"; so seeing her now on this show show really stood out. She looks like she's no longer a sex symbol & can now play mom/MILF roles.
  8. LucasBanner

    LucasBanner Member

    She really did have a sharp decline at some point during The Big Bang Theory.
  9. Target 02

    Target 02 Active Member

    She was 17 to 20 years old then though.

    She looked mighty fine during BBT but I never had the urge to watch it despite her attractiveness.
  10. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    I've watch the first 5 episodes of "Twisted Metal" so far. By the 5th episode, the show definitely seems t have established a "Will They, Won't They" vibe between Anthony Mackie & Stephanie Beatriz's characters.


    Anthony Mackie & Stephanie Beatriz's characters end up making out & smashing early in episode 6.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2023
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  11. daemonova

    daemonova Well-Known Member

    Jesse Spencer is Selena gomez love interest
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  12. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Looking at the cast list on IMDB, did you mean Jesse Williams? Jesse Spencer is white Australian actor.
  13. daemonova

    daemonova Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I was confused and tired last night
  14. hunterkil

    hunterkil Active Member

    arianne zucker

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  15. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    I started watching the early 2000's "Static Shock" animated series last month. I'm absolutely shocked to see they opened up this series with Virgil having an IR love interest in the character Frieda:


    But looking at the Wikipedia, IMDB, & Wiki pages for this show, looks like the show goes away from that potential 'ship. SMH.
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  16. olsenlover

    olsenlover Member

    Hey guys, looking for some recommendations, what are some of the best TV shows you have watched which include substantive IR pairings, preferably with the leads, even if for a short while. Want some genuinely good shows with interesting characters and immersive plots, not meaningless soaps or any other such cringe content.
    I would include Evil, The Americans, Homeland, Counterpart, The Diplomat, Dexter, Lucifer, Power in this category. Enjoyed all of them immensely.
  17. Target 02

    Target 02 Active Member

    ^ Charisma Carpenter kissed Phil LaMarr's character in Lucifer.
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  18. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    The Innocents (Netflix)
    CURSED (Netflix)
    FAM (CBS)
    The Good Place (NBC)
    SOUNDTRACK (Netflix)
    The Resort (Peacock)
    We Hunt Together (SHOWTIME)
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  19. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Oh and can't forget about Lem & Olivia of Midnight, Texas. Even though the cast was an ensemble(no true lead) they were the number one couple. Written very well with what they had to work with it being on NBC and all with their limitations.


    They both had pretty good backstories as well. Would love to see a spinoff of them based on the past and future after Midnight, Texas. But I doubt anyone is even thinking about this show anymore.
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  20. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member


    I discovered this little surprise this morning watching TV. Morena Baccarin plays the wife of Colmon Domingo's character in a episode of Jordan Peel's version of The Twilight Zone.

    Heads up though I'm just mentioning this for information. Because the story is weird and their relationship doesn't go anywhere in the story. He's not really in it that long. Season 2 episode title 'Downtime'.
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