BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. Shulz021

    Shulz021 Well-Known Member

    Nate & Victoria From The Young & The Restless

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  2. LucasBanner

    LucasBanner Member

  3. Jeffrey Tripp

    Jeffrey Tripp Well-Known Member

    An actual scene
  4. SilverSmith

    SilverSmith Well-Known Member

    Nate had best make every stroke count when he sleeps with her because if her father finds out, he will destroy all traces of him.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2023
  5. olsenlover

    olsenlover Member

    Yeah these were only post-sex moments not technically love scenes, which makes sense coz it was shown they weren't in control of their actions. So it is not officially a ship yet, though it's suggested that Ciprien is in love with her. I like where this is going for now. And yes I agree the show is shot beautifully.
  6. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    What has been happening on these CBS soaps the past 18 or so months have been noting short of revolutionary so far as daytime shows are concerned. You have black guys being given complicated, messy and exciting lovelines. Black men engaging in at times downright affairs with married white women. Black guys not only not being limited to black female characters but often betraying them or literally leaving them at the altar to be with a white woman. Started with Carter on Bold and the Beautiful and the relative success of that storyline may have spurred on the taking of such chances on their older sister show Young & the Restless.
  7. Jeffrey Tripp

    Jeffrey Tripp Well-Known Member

    And in the case of Carter and Devon those brothas flat out took the White women from their White husbands. No break up and no separation they just took them. lol
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  8. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    LOL y'all really need to use the spoiler quotes much more often in this thread. I've had some stuff going on IRL, so I'm behind on all the current shows I keep up with week-to-week including "Fire Country". Which is why you haven't seen me comment on shows like "Mayfield Witches" or "Ginny & Georgia" season 3.

    Anyways I finally just watched the 10th episode of "Fire Country" and it looks like Jordan Calloway's character Jake & the latina chick Gabriela, that Jake & lead character Bode are in love triangle with, finally broke up at the end of the episode. Gabriela obviously has romantic feelings for Bode if you've been watching the show.

    That blonde Cara chick in the pics @SilverSmith posted was also introduced in the 10th episode. Cara is Bode's high school sweetheart ex-GF that also lives next door to Bode's parents. Based on @SilverSmith's post we might be getting a love rectangle.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2023
  9. SilverSmith

    SilverSmith Well-Known Member

    As if (fictional ) ex-lovers can't find new love. I can't wait to see your speculations disproved. Meanwhile, enjoy this image from an upcoming episode in which Jake and Cara go on a first date. [​IMG]

    Last edited: Feb 5, 2023
  10. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    11 episodes into "Fire Country", I definitely notice the differences between a Shonda Rhimes-produced Firefighter procedural drama in "Station 19" & a Jerry Brockheimer-produced Firefighter procedural in "Fire Country". Not factoring the IR 'ships on the 2 shows, I definitely enjoy "Fire Country" a lot more than "Station 19".
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2023
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  11. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Yeah but B&B made it complicated and gave the old white husband "the win" by having his wife return to him out of honor and only going back to Carter when that husband decided to move on with another lady.
  12. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Interesting. I never watched Station 19 but I gave Fire Country a try for one or two eps and then dropped it because the storylines weren't all that worthwhile (spoiled by cable and streaming shows I suppose) and that the black guy was being set up as a heel with very little value to add to his community and job.
  13. Jeffrey Tripp

    Jeffrey Tripp Well-Known Member

    If you want to look at it that way fine but it was clear to me she really wanted Carter and was with Eric out of guilt and when she found out Eric had someone else and she was free she told Eric to his face that Carter was the man she loved.
  14. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Depends on the medium. On network TV shows her love scenes were family safe. On premium cable where more things are allowed her love scenes used to be more....revealing. same goes for her movies depending on the how they were rated (from PG to R). But she said in interviews for years now that she did not like doing nudity and only did it for True Detective because she wanted to desperately work for a show that she knew was going to be great and that by working on that show people would take her more seriously. Now that she is more established she is not going back to taking off her clothes and I'm not certain if scorching sex scenes are still in her future either. Perhaps TPTB are saving the more graphic stuff for her when that entity comes into the picture because of what sex with a phantom figure represents something unnatural. Or perhaps you gotta accept that the show being on AMC (basic cable) means that there are limits to what the show can get away with
  15. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    When she first went back to Eric the show had her not even thinking of Carter for months, as if the affair never happened. It ticked off the Quarter fans on twitter (Quinn + Carter = Quarter). When TPTB realized that they may have made a mistake by breaking up Quinn and Carter only then did they have her reminiscing about their love affair. But even then she was still committed and kept professing her love for Eric. Around this time Eric started having that affair of his own with that busty chick Donna. Giving Eric another woman that was sexier and younger looking than Quinn, and having him be the one who decided that the relationship between him and Quinn was over was a way of making it more acceptable that Quinn ended up with Carter. It was like the writers were telling everyone it was okay that the Negro got this old white man's leftovers. Only after Quinn caught Eric in bed with his hottie and only after he pretty much gave her permission to pursue her romance with Carter, did Quinn rush to Carter's wedding ceremony to stop him from saying his I Dos. Imagine how better it would have been if she had come to that decision without having to react first to anything her husband said or did. That's a copout which is why I called it a bit of a win for Eric.

    Anyhow months later Carter and Quinn's romanced abruptly ended when the actress playing Quinn suddenly left the show. Make of that what you will.
  16. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

  17. Jeffrey Tripp

    Jeffrey Tripp Well-Known Member

    I guess it's a matter of perspective at the end of the day Quinn still came to the conclusion that Carter was the man she wanted. We both now that all could have played out differently. As far as the actress she said she had wanted to leave for a while even before Quarter took off but made it clear that she waited until Quarter officially got together in some version of a happily ever after.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2023
  18. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Yeah I definitely have much lower standards for broadcast network procedural dramas like "Station 19", "Fire Country", "New Amsterdam", "Good Sam", & etc. than a cable/streaming service drama. You basically have to treat procedurals like comfort TV or background TV. LOL, it sounds like you tried to get into "Fire Country" & actually take it seriously like a cable/streaming service drama.
  19. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    She got nude and did graphic sex scenes for that movie she did last year Lost Girls & Love Hotels. And she was also topless in white lotus for a brief time. Did doggystyle sex in something else. lol. I like Alexandria but she's full of it, like other actresses that has said that before. But AMC+ does nudity and graphic sex scenes just not as much as other networks. They have had nudity and sex scenes on that show Interview with a vampire. Believe it or not nudity and graphic sex scenes are not something I look for they are just a plus to me if the scene is done with the right sexual and sensual tension. But inmy original tweet I was just highlighting that the dream sex scene in this show is one of her very few tame sex and erotic scenes. But they fit the tone of the show so I think the eroticism and love scenes are going to be like that because that is the tone of the show. lol I actually wouldn't recommend they be more graphic because of the tone of the show and how they are presenting it. It fits. Unless they have a episode different from others or decide to in the 2nd season.
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  20. olsenlover

    olsenlover Member

    Also we haven't actually had a proper love scene with her in the show yet. She will have at least one, don't know whether we'll get one this season tho.

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