BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    We could also add the BEST one that never came to fully be after all that teasing in her first season

  2. Skaddix

    Skaddix Well-Known Member

    I still see that dude as Red Ranger whenever I see him.
    He has aged well lol. He is in that weird place for me where I have followed his whole career.
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  3. Wallace West

    Wallace West Member

    So I read a lot here: jessica jones and luke cage dissspointed me, both dating own shows with other people instead each other.

    Luke didn't even had something with a lot of white women like comics, and why is luke the only black man she is allowed to date?

    Same thing but worst with Cloak and Dagger, too slow, even luke and jessica kissed each other once.

    Both iconic couples ruined, glad they aren't from mcu anymore, both deserve a second chance with good writers this time
  4. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    The only qualification you listed that David and Kristen would fall under now is "cheating". And truthfully speaking that is not a stereotype of IRRs, definitely no more so than same race relationships from daytime to primetime throughout the history of TV and film.

    I disagree. These traits, as I mentioned above, have been ALL OVER same-race relationships, especially those involving white people exclusively. These love obstacles have been laid out for white characters involved with all other white characters for an eternity. You seem to be suggesting that they are specific to IRRs alone. I realize there is a lot of griping (understandably) over how black men are put into triangles in which they typically come out on the losing side but that's a different argument altogether. However cheating and triangles and a standoffish guy/gal and the will-they-won't-they game is not exclusive to IRRs nor is it stereotypical of IRRs in my opinion. The drama of the pursuit of love and the suspense of keep-the-audience guessing are key cornerstones of romance storytelling.

    And I agree with Laura and Shadow on American Gods. The end of the season finale in season 3 hinted at them being together and belonging together. Too bad they ended it there.

    Both of those men in that triangle were black, right? Brothers if I am not mistaken. And wasn't one of them dead?
  5. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    This review I came across on Evil's season finale almost perfectly encompasses the feelings so many of us had about the conclusion and why it made for such great television.

    Here are the highlights:

    To that last point: Evil saved its most shocking moment until the very end, finally following through on the fucked-up will-they-won't-they, just when it would be as messy as possible.

    Yes, David Acosta (Mike Colter), now a full-fledged Catholic priest and not a priest-in-training, starts making out with his partner Kristen Bouchard (Katja Herbers). It's bad enough that he waited to act on his impulses after going through with his ordination, but to make it even worse, Kristen has just confessed to the murder of Orson LeRoux (Darren Pettie), the probably possessed serial killer who was taunting her and threatening her children. David hears her confession, offers her penance, and then they start making out. Absolutely wild shit.

    Often when long-brewing romance is finally consummated, it can spell a certain doom for the show. It's the Moonlighting curse, after all. But, luckily, that likely will not be a problem for Evil. There's absolutely no way for David and Kristen to be a happy couple. David will be reeling from the guilt of his sin; Kristen is a) still married to her husband, Andy, and b) still maybe just a tiny bit possessed.

    and one more.....

    But all of this plays second fiddle to the tongue hockey that drives us toward the credits. From the start of the show, Herbers and Acosta have had irresistible chemistry, but it was also always clear that if characters ever got together, the consequences would be terrible. The Kings saved the big moment for when Kristen and David are each at their most vulnerable and the spiritual consequences of their transgression would be most damnable. You want to cheer, but you also want to recoil. It's scream-inducing TV at its very best.
  6. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    The lady running Jessica Jones did her job. She gave us a thoughtful Luke Cage and she had him hook up with Jessica immediately and presented him as an "endgame" partner for her. But she also realized that Luke cage was getting his own show and that the showrunner of that series may have had his own ideas. Sure enough he did. He was obviously anti-Jessica, you could tell that from the first ep of Luke Cage. In his defense he probably read the Luke Cage comics long before Jessica Jones had been created in the comic books. Nonetheless Jessica and Luke had become canon as a couple since then but that showrunner for Luke's show wanted none of that. He tried to make it clear that Luke would only be interested in black women. This same showrunner also showed his hand in an interview that he was driven more to write about the black female characters of the show rather than the titular lead male. So point the blame at the lack of Luke and Jessica on that dude, don't be critical of those running the Jessica Jones show. They gave her a semi-love interest in season two because it would be silly to have Jessica sitting around pining for Luke when there was no guarantee that Luke would be further available as a romantic option.
  7. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    It happens all too frequently whenever IR couples involving bm and ww are put together on TV and movies. Keep in mind there aren't many bm/ww IR ON tv... And there are WAY more white couples on TV than IR so they can get away with cheating and love triangles and what-not since there will be more stories to tell. So those numbers come into play when you realize the amount we get in compared to white couples. In these love triangles involving black men the brothas have been used to set up the love story with the wm and the ww. Zoe's extraodinary playlist is the latest to play out like that.

    But again my posts weren't meant to pass any judgement on EVIL I just understood @Tamstrong 's point because it was the thing I brought up when EVIL was posted here. I think we can all agree we would love to see more IR on TV/Movies that doesn't involve those elements for the sake of drama. There are more ways to do drama... they do it with same race couples and ESPECIALLY LGBT couples on TV and in movies.

    I get your passion to defend EVIL on this front you're not the only one. Fans LOVED it when that final scene happened including her little raunchy fantasy about him earlier inthe season(not to give anything away). I would have that same passion to defend Sorry For Your Loss and the love triangle going on with Snowpiercer. And would defend them for some of the same reasons like the writing why you have defended EVIL. And it is some compelling TV on that show overall glad it's coming back for a season 3.

    And to answer your curiousity about Sorry For Your Loss, yes they are brothers and one of them is dead. Which makes the hook up between Leigh and Danny shocking and wild. Not to mention Danny has always been in love with Leigh. BUT the writing and the performances made it work and for some compelling television....

    and they went and cancelled it and no one picked it up. :(lol.
  8. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    In my opinion, the only inherently negative depictions of BM/WW IR in movies and on TV are when the interactions are based only on animalistic lust. The reason I say that is because loveless animalistic sex is how racists have always preferred to depict BM/WW interactions (it's the reason that porn is so damn racist), they are ok with two bodies rutting together but until recently seeing a black man and white woman in a loving and stable relationship was problematic.

    That's why I'm not a fan of "sex scenes" I instead prefer "love scenes."
  9. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member


    Not to mention in the series finale of season 3 when Luke Cage showed back up he told Jessica Jones he trust her and she went and told erik she doesn't trust him. The subtle touches of those scenes showed where her heart was with Luke & Jessica.
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  10. Wallace West

    Wallace West Member

    I understand. But stil why Jessica dated another white guy instead a black man. All IR I know it happened on series was her friend and two guys.

    Still dissapointed on Luke Cage show, cause is second black superhero show with a black man superhero, and like Black Lightning show all is about "black love", and who knows when there will be another DC or Marvel show with black man starring, and if it will be black love all over again or if star or someone of his world will get into IR. (I know story of both on comics, but yet)

    They should have planned better all, really talk about plans on each seasons, etc, or get another showrunner if this showrunner refuses Luke and Jessica, Luke´s wife on comics.

    Don´t get me wrong, please, I care about storytelling and not only IR, but still this two black dc superhero shows dissapointed me a lot, specially on IR.
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  11. daemonova

    daemonova Well-Known Member

    Yes, but them tiddies was in his face
  12. daemonova

    daemonova Well-Known Member

    Without giving away the plot if the first six episodes, let's just say she is a fish out of water.

    Hope fully that is not a spoiler
  13. daemonova

    daemonova Well-Known Member

    The way it worked out I'm fine with it. In the second season, Jessica hooks up with a Spanish guy. The relationship ends because she's toxic much like she was toxic the first season. She even admits she's toxic. On the third season, yeah, she hooks up with a white guy but it's a plot device so I allowed it.
  14. Wallace West

    Wallace West Member

    Spanish guy not so different from white, still too lightskin.
    If I'd want to see same race couples/ I'd watch other thousand shows about it.
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  15. daemonova

    daemonova Well-Known Member

    Spanish guy was barely in It, considering the gravitas that was the second season

    But I get it
  16. daemonova

    daemonova Well-Known Member

    I tried to do a deep dive to determine if dude was black. Most I could determine was his father his white and his mother is Afro Latina, you decide for yourself

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  17. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Hell, yeah. Felt the same way about that scene.
  18. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Are you able to see that movie in your country?
  19. Skaddix

    Skaddix Well-Known Member

    I mean looks Black to me. But that kinda goes without saying if his mother is AFRO latina no?
    I don't much see the debate lol. Cops aren't stopping his ass and thinking he is White lol.
  20. Target 02

    Target 02 Active Member

    Love Life season 2 is coming up on Oct 28th.

    Another trailer

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