BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    Let me know when they make it official, and I'll tune in again. I haven't got time for another Leverage-style slow burn these days lol. Thanks for the videos and the heads up tho!
  2. Skaddix

    Skaddix Well-Known Member

    I didnt like it either I just understood given Parker's life and mental state lol. But very few characters are anything like that that narratively one can justify that long of a slow burn.
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  3. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Well they're almost there. But I'm warning you the writing with other storylines more so the Hope and Landon love storyline is sickening. lol. I don't watch it live anymore. I catch it when I can and only for the 'Mizzie' storyline, Lizzie and MG's storylines separately as well, Kaleb, the main artifact (that is connected to Napoleon and Albert Einstien) and some of the interesting Monsters they have. But the Monsters this season has sucked so far with the excpetion of the twist that
    This Landon that returned from Malivdore might actually be a Monster. I'm interested in that Landon storyline. lol.
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  4. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    I feel like they are going to drag that MG Lizzie storyline out until the season finale, like others have said the other storylines are fairly week and it is one of the more compelling things to keep an eye one, the other being the artifact. The monster of the week is hardly interesting any more I honestly dont even care about the monsters of the week. The whole Josie storyline feels like the writers don't know they hell they want to do with her at times and they are just throwing things there to see if they stick. And yes Hope and Landon most of time they are onscreen you want them offscreen its like ok whose turn is it this week to do something stupid and the other person puts everyone at risk to save the day. As for Landon dudes a whiny little bitch most of the time grow a pair dammit.
    As for his coming back and being a monster I have a feeling that the necromancer somehow infused himself into Landon, this week's monster of the week basically craved dead flesh the fresher the better and was attrached to Landon

    @Colibreh if you still have not finished What I like About you, the whole Gary Tina thing played out over the last couple of seasons, but really came to a head in season 4
    Episode 4 of that season is when both realize that they probably have feeling for each other but its the whole they are too afraid to admit it to one another so they both confide in their best friends

    Then Tina finds a new guy and things get serious pretty quick and Gary still hiding his feeling being acting out a bit because he is jealous. In the series finale they both stop beating around the bush and admit they are in love with eachother

    One last thing, so thing its been kinda bugging me for a while and I wanted to know if anyone else noticed that when an interracial couple has a kid in a tv show or movie more often than not it is a girl. I also noticed that the more affluent the IR couple is the less like the couple is BMWF it is usually BWWM.
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  5. Skaddix

    Skaddix Well-Known Member

    I mean I have noticed the girl thing myself but I loathe to trust anecdotal stuff but sure it feels that way.
  6. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    I think I can help! There actually may be something to this. There is evidence that attractive couples are more likely to have daughters than sons. There's also evidence that -- despite what the haters and bigots have been saying for years and years -- increased physical attractiveness positively correlates to weaker same-race dating preferences AND people who date interracially are more likely to be physically attractive. The combination of these factors could add up to interracial couples (including WWBM couples) having mostly daughters.

    Of course, that doesn't really address why this would appear in TV shows and movies (perhaps producers absorbed this observation subconsciously?). But whatever lol.

    Here's the proof that I could find in <5 minutes on Google:

    1. Interracial daters are more attractive:
    (Note the top of p.130: "Interestingly, more attractive people have much weaker same-race preferences. Again, the implied magnitude is very large: a one standard deviation increase in Attractiveness. . . is associated with a four percentage point decrease in same-race preferences.")

    2. Attractive couples have more daughters:
    (You're gonna want to take this guy with a HUGE grain of salt tho. He's got a history of using bad science to justify all kinds of bigotry.)
    (This article mentions some issues with the conclusions too.)
  7. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    I've still got about 5 episodes to go in 2nd season of "What I like about You" (I'm doing a 1 episode a night slow-binge). It seems like the show is already starting to go in Gary & Tina 'ship direction over the last few episodes or so because it's pretty obvious Tina has a crush on Gary with the flirty comments & scenes in those episodes. But Gary is downplaying it so far. I didn't read what you posted in the spoiler quotes, but if it takes until season 4 for them to finally get together like you're suggesting, it look like the show is gonna drag out this 'ship.

    Anyways I recently realized the chick that plays Tina (Allison Munn) was also the IR love interest on another WB/CW show, "One Tree Hill", for the brotha that was 1 of the main characters Skills (Played by Antwon Tanner)/
  8. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Yeah the CB/CW might have the record for the most IR relationships overall for any network AND been doing it for the longest than any other network.
  9. Jeffrey Tripp

    Jeffrey Tripp Well-Known Member

    Yeah but they also have a track record of throwing the black men in those relationships under the bus.
  10. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    That's true too... unfortunately. lol.
  11. Jeffrey Tripp

    Jeffrey Tripp Well-Known Member

    But I guess I do have to give credit because on shows like One Tree Hill, 90210, Supergirl, Hart of Dixie etc you see brothas with more than one white woman which is definitely not the norm.
  12. Summerred

    Summerred Well-Known Member

    About OTH since it's the only from the list that i know better, i just think Skills was a missed opportunity. He started as a side kick role and never got an upgrade. He was the typical black friend according with tv shows/movies, always making some jokes and helping his friends but his storyline was never really been explored like it should be.
    During OTH high school seasons he dated a girl who was the typical dumb blonde and later he dated another WW who was his friend's mother. Imo was a weird situation and i knew their affair wouldn't last. The relationship looked more based on sexual attraction than real feelings. Even Mouth who was the nerd white dude and another side kick role imo had more storyline than Skills.
    When Chad Michael Murray and Hilarie Burton left OTH and they needed to fill the empty space they didn't get more story about Skills. They chose to bring two new roles with zero charisma played by two very bland actors while Skills was there being misused during years.
    They also had other black character called Quentin who was a student and a promissing young player but he was killed off after witnessing a murder. Wrong time, wrong place and they get a black character erased from CW TV show.
    Last edited: May 14, 2021
  13. Jeffrey Tripp

    Jeffrey Tripp Well-Known Member

    We know the drill because it happens over and over.
  14. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Who was the chick that was Skills' endgame 'ship? Was it the chick he was dating during the High School seasons or nah? I don't remember.
  15. Summerred

    Summerred Well-Known Member

    It's the girl from High School, her name is Bevin and apparently she is divorced. There is a quick reference about it during one of the seasons. Skills and Bevin go together to watch a basketball game and get reunited with all the cast. I think it's implied that they end up together but imo the show was like "let's put them to sit together and whatever, since they never were a strong ship or had enough storyline during 9 seasons we don't need try so hard now that it's over".
    Last edited: May 14, 2021
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  16. chamber

    chamber Active Member

    ITV show Viewpoint had both the black male lead actors date white women.
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  17. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

  18. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    Are black men getting it worse under #metoo??? I'm seriously asking. I haven't been paying that close attention. I thought all the accused were pretty much screwed regardless of color (and even gender in some cases). Educate me lol
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  19. Jeffrey Tripp

    Jeffrey Tripp Well-Known Member

    Black and White seem to be getting accused at about the same rate but you know a black man will never get the benefit of the doubt.
  20. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    I guess you're right, but I look at it like this: some of these powerful white dudes are finally getting a taste of what it feels like to be automatically guilty. It sucks not getting that benefit of the doubt, facts. Not that many of them will take any useful lessons from all this SMH
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