BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    The humor was dry and great. I’ll be tuning in (or streaming, since “tuning in” sounds so ancient).
  2. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Read there would be a tv movie about Jack Johnson on HBO called Unruly.
  3. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Filthy Rich

    Didn't hear about this show until this past Sunday I seen this promo. But apparently there is something going on between Steve Harris & Kim Cattrall's characters.
  4. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Sorry. Gotta be real. You ever see those IR porn videos in which there is a hot chick paired with some fat, bald, fugly looking black dude ( I blame THIS site for my increased viewership of sinful pornography)? That's exactly what I've been thinking about the past few weekends when advertisements for this show has repeatedly been shown during Sunday NFL games on FOX. One of my new pet peeves (ya know I always coming up with something) is when the folks in Hollywood go for the least attractive black men in some of the IR hookups. Its as if they want audience members to think to themselves why would any woman find this type of guy (black) attractive. I suppose some of you are wondering why I as a dude would care. But if you know me you are aware that I can be consumed by agendas, both ones that I support and ones I view as intentionally harmful. I am all about the media being a tool to portray heterosexual black males as sexually desirable males to women viewers everywhere, the same manner in which it does for white guys. Just my two cents.

    Harris is a very good actor but to be honest I didn't even realize he still had a career in the business. I can recall that legal show he did on ABC a lifetime ago and he got romantically involved with this hot blonde co-worker played by Steven Spielberg's stepdaughter That relationship lasted like three days and maybe it was because NO ONE FOUND THAT HOOKUP BELIEVABLE. To end such a no-spark pairing that soon was nothing short of a mercy killing.
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  5. Target 02

    Target 02 Active Member

    What show was that? Always liked Jessica Capshaw.
  6. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I was just more so putting the news out there for those that might be interested. I haven't really seen it myself. The concept doesn't seem like my cup of tea.
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  7. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    The Practice.
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  8. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I didn't know that. I believe that if there is a chemistry between him and Cathshall.
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  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Bro what on earth are you talking about? They paired him with a chick close to his age or older. They're in their 60s what do you expect them to look like? I gotta disagree with you on this one
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  10. Skaddix

    Skaddix Well-Known Member

    I mean he is fat sure but its not like her husband in the show also in the age group is super hot lol.

    This is not the best example of picking the least attractive Black Dude for IR Hookups. I am not sure why you think that anyway as Hollywood rarely hires unattractive people. Unless you mean that when looking at the Male Leads in Shows with IR hookups that the Black Dudes are on average less attractive then the White dues.
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  11. Wallace West

    Wallace West Member

    I really hope Elizabeth Olsen gets a black boyfriend again on fiction (or better, real life), I know her character Scarlet Witch on comics is dating Brother Voodoo, and he may show up on Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness. Olsen is one of the most beautiful blonde women on earth <3
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  12. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    What does age have to do with anything I wrote? I wasn't expecting him to be paired with some 20-year old. I'm just shocked he was cast at all. Cattrall may be way up there now but the show seems to be some flimsy sex-centric prime time soap, and from all indications she still has the goods even if its now in the form of a GILF. Harris on the other hand never had the goods as a leading man type. Not twenty years ago, not now. My point is that if they pick a white actor as Cattrall's love interest (a person she may be having an affair with) who was age appropriate Hollywood would pick a "grey fox" type; an older male who still has some type of smooth sex appeal, who still has his hair (even if grey), who still has an enviable body for a man with a lot of mileage on him. That's how Hollywood wants to portray white males even when they reach grandpa stage, especially in shows like this in which the draw is apparently sex and money. But this same industry has never been comfortable with black male sexuality or promoting the desirability of hetero black men. Don't care about how good an actor Harris is, but better casting, for a SOAP DRAMA CALLED FILTHY RICH, would have fallen more along the lines of a Blair Underwood, Giancarlo Espisito or Rick Fox. Some dude along those lines. Hell, Harris' own brother would have been better casting in my opinion. If you're not feeling me on that and can't understand where I'm coming from then I may have failed in making my point as well as I could have. Hell I wasn't gonna watch this show regardless so I probably shouldn't complain.

    But you see in TV Land the man the lead female character has an affair with tends to be attractive enough that audience members can at least understand why she is having that affair. So the hubbie doesn't have to be hot, but the man that draws our leading lady into an adulterous relationship typically is. Hollywood 101.

    Any version that includes Steve Harris is automatically the best example.

    We are talking about an industry that is trying to promote Jonathan Majors as the next Denzel Washington. Majors is talented as shit. But have you seen his face?

    Thing is its not as if Hollywood doesn't employ any attractive black actors, but I would argue their sexual appeal isn't as much of a prerequisite for hiring as it is for any other demographic. And even when the black actor is handsome, there are too often restrictions placed on how his sexuality, his sex appeal, is presented.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2020
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  13. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Jovan Adepo is an actual leading man. The black guy who played her deceased husband on the show however is a very talented thespian with a character actor's face.

    The fact that TPTB of Marvel are rumored to be brining in Voodoo for the Dr Strange followup and that Scarlet will be in it as well gives me hope. But part of me is worried over the fact that that relationship only propped up very recently in the comic books and therefore may not have registered enough for the filmmakers to care about replicating it on screen. Plus how much time would there be for any development on this front considering they (or at the very least Voodoo) will be side characters?

    Also, I almost cry over the casting choices people on Twitter are suggesting for Voodoo.
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  14. Wallace West

    Wallace West Member

    The Doctor Strange actor said in this month movie will start shoorting, and Marvel has released a lot of news recently, maybe they will reveal soon who will be Brother Voodoo? If it´s right he will show up on this movie, mostly is just a rumor, but it would be amazing, cause I fear Scarlet Witch will be on Doctor Strange to ship her with Strange, to Wanda I only like two love interests so far: The Vision (not a fan of his human form, but I mostly talk his comic version) and Brother Vooodo. Any of you think Voodoo will kiss Wanda if he shows up? It´d be cool if they kiss and Marvel gives them their movie and comics give them some care, since they kissed on comics we barely know they live together, but haven´t kissed again on screen.
  15. Wallace West

    Wallace West Member

    Did I send several times the same comment? I´m so sorry about that, my internet is weird right now, I thought it didn´t send it.
  16. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    No worries. You posted it 4 times, but I removed the duplicates for you.
  17. Wallace West

    Wallace West Member

    Thanks, I would have delete it, I tried, but didn´t know how to do it
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Again I disagree she's 64. They reserve the silver fox type for younger women dating older men. No one in that target demo cares if Kim Catrall is with a "hot" guy.
  19. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    You're welcome. Any time you need assistance with that, just report the post, and we'll take care of it.
  20. SilverSmith

    SilverSmith Well-Known Member

    Married couple Nikki and Franklin (Sarah Snook and Kingsley Ben-Adi) in episode 1 of the new AMC episodic anthology series, Soulmates, premiering October 5th.



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