BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    Ivy's love for Dixon was so genuine & authentic . . . you could practically hear Sade playing in the background as she held on to her love for him lol. I'm trying to tell you . . . you would think Dixon died . . . not just his love for Ivy (SMDH).

    She was single for weeks and weeks afterwards yet never shamed nor disrespected their former relationship. Ivy could have been dating half the high school yet she waited and wanted Dixon back . . several times she tried too. Young, blonde and beautiful . . . and had only one penis on her jacket . . a condom-covered Caucasian penis at that so no competition at all.

    Dixon, just put a long, thick natural black dick in your ex-girlfriend and reconcile the relationship. Claim her natural virginity and put an asterisk next to that Ivy-Oscar event with some genuine IR lovemaking to get Ivy's knees shaking. Fuck that artificial vanilla sex she had with Oscar right?
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2020
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  2. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    I've never actually seen the show. But, I do appreciate genuine interracial love (The Haunting of Hill House comes to mind). So, let me know which season, and I'll check it out.
  3. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    Its all on the CW Seed if you want to check it out. It was a really good show over the first 2 maybe 2.5 seasons. A black male lead on a predominantly white prime time soap . . . historic truly. Underrated in its time . . . but then the writers just went stupid in season 3 and did whatever they wanted with no regard for what was in the best interest of the show and its audience. Nearly no one came back for the season 4 premiere of "90210" probably because of how unforeseeably bad season 3 was if you ask me. Dixon & Ivy deserved so much better ~ especially after the season 2 finale when they skipped state together for the summer in Australia :(.
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  4. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    So, I should start at season 2? I'm not trying to watch the whole show, just the period of their relationship.
  5. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    Ivy Sullivan saved the series with her arrival in season 2. So yes you could begin there. Its on the CW Seed for free. I'm trying to tell you . . . by late season 2 all the actresses are stunningly beautiful . . . but none more so than the Bohemian Blonde Surfer chick ~ Ivy Sullivan :).

    Google images "Ivy Sullivan pink bikini " quickly to see what I mean
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2020
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  6. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Thanks. I'll binge it this weekend.
  7. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    An excellent suggestion! This sounds like a great show.
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  8. Skaddix

    Skaddix Well-Known Member

    Meh its CW, the Black Guy gets screwed all the time on CW lol its nothing new. I mean at best you get a Marcel in Originals where they technically lose the love triangle but luck out cause that girl gets killed and well the girl you do get with is hotter anyway. Besides one outlier Hart of Dixie...where Lavon Cox gets with the stereotypical white alpha, gets in a will they wont they love triangle, gets to pick between two hot white chicks and close the show marrying the girl the white guy was with while the white dude gets the leftover.

    God I haven't posted here in forever lol.:p
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  9. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Yeah @meowkittenmeow If you want to watch a CW show that actually has GOAT-level depictions of IRRs involving a BM character, I suggest you checkout "Hart of Dixie". I still don't understand why @Young Herschel always has Dixon & Ivy from "90210" as some gold standard. As I (& other posters on this forum) have said in the past, of Dixon's 3 IRRs on "90210", Ivy & Dixon is the 1 I care about the least.
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  10. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

  11. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    It sounds like it has to do with Ivy's "loyalty and longing for him". I haven't seen the season,yet, but I will check it out.
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  12. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    In all my years of watching TV, I had never seen a predominantly white show where the Black guy got to get together with the hottest white girl on the entire show . . we were only secondary or tertiary characters throughout the 1990's if we existed at all on the big 4 networks; before the 90's it was clearly substantially worse as an advocate of IR relations (some 80's daytime soaps perhaps but as a kid I would never watch them).

    So Dixon Wilson was historic I have to submit because he was so central to the core cast in the inaugural season of " 90210" . . . the original producers really cared about him and correspondingly so did the characters throughout the show in season 1 and even season 2 partially.

    The black guy on the show NEVER got to be the romantic focus of beautiful young white women like season 1 Erin Silver nor season 2 & 3 Ivy Sullivan where we got access to their thoughts & feelings about him via their conversations with other people . . . because as black men we never mattered that much to prior predominantly white dramas.

    It was so refreshing to hear how deeply Dixon was regarded by his paramours :). I'm of the sincere belief that Ivy Sullivan loved him more than anyone else via her behavior prior, during and subsequent to their relationship . . . especially how deeply Dixon was regarded by Ivy in private conversation with her mother Laurel.
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  13. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    You are certainly capable of judging for yourself and I submit that Dixon & Ivy's initial friendship served as a plausible launching pad for the subsequent teen romance they shared which spanned late season 2 thru midseason 3 of " 90210". They weren't just thrown together after three seasons of basically ignoring each other (Dixon & Adrianna).

    Their friendship mid season two is worth witnessing meow kitten and Ivy Sullivan debuts around episode 8 or 9. When you Google images "90210 Ivy Sullivan" I have to submit . . . the black men on TV shows we have watched over the years and decades . . . they don't get together with beautiful, young, petite blondes of that echelon or caliber . . . if anything we got assigned the okey-doke just average chick no one would want :(
  14. Skaddix

    Skaddix Well-Known Member

    I mean I argue who the hottest white chick on a show is can be debatable. Though I still submit Hart of Dixie did it better cause Lavon closed the deal and as I stated above I never seen a Black Guy in a love triangle quite like that where he gets to pick and do what Lavon did to stereotypical White Alpha Male in that show. He did that and got a happy ending to close out the show. UNTHINKABLE. Granted Lavon is an older dude compared to Dixon.

    But I think that show just hit you in the right spot in your life to have a significant impact.
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  15. Wallace West

    Wallace West Member

    I´ve been reading you guys talk about CW, and I can´t avoid remember something... on Smallville series Superman´s best friend Ross is black and he is in love with a pretty hot blonde woman, Chloe Sullivan, but they chose send him away, and she gets paired with Green Arrow, despite Peter Ross kinda come back.
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  16. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

  17. Wallace West

    Wallace West Member

    QUICK! Cancel Arrowverse because of Covid (? Cancel Hollywood xD.
  18. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    I did try to watch "Hart of Dixie" but I never felt that the Lavon character was central to the core cast as Tristan Wilds was to "90210" so whenever I watched Rachel Bilson was doing something and I would get bored and change the channel. I thought he was a secondary character honestly which explained why I never saw him I felt.

    Dixon was core from the door and had entire episodes built around him where his storyline was primary . . . and everyone else was secondary.

    Jamie King is kinda cute but Gillian Zinser (Ivy Sullivan) was just next level to me . . . especially after her makeover/glow up as they softened her look as she began her romantic phase with Dixon. I like Jamie in "Sin City", "My Bloody Valentine 3D" and all

    . . . Gillian was brand new to me in season two of "90210" I guess so her beauty hit me differently than Jamie King who I was already familiar with via "Sin City" and "My Bloody Valentine 3D". I honestly know nothing about Jamie's Lemon character though . . . was she as beautiful on the inside as Ivy was? Did she lie, cheat and then lie some more?? Did Lemon have the moral compass and integrity of Ivy Sullivan? I'm unsure but Ivy was the TRUTH . . . only girl on that unfaithful ass series who never cheats lol. Boyfriend effectively abandons her at a luxury summer vacation resort in Sydney, AUS for over 87 days and still doesn't cheat :)

    Let's do the Hart of Dixie Lemon Google images challenge lol vs Ivy 90210 Google images :). Someone put up a voting poll!!
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2020
  19. Wallace West

    Wallace West Member

    Talking about girls who cheat, how often does CW (and media) make white girl friendzone black guy? Or making her hate/disrespect her black boyfriend after broke up? I´ve seen several times when black guy tries taking her back she puts dumb excuses, like Supergirl when she pursued all season 1 to James Olsen, and season 2 episode 1 she dumps Olsen and they introduce a white guy as her endgame. Or actually making relationship look like toxic.
    I´ve seen so many times these stereotypes, like black guy tries seduce white girl and gets rejected like if he were ugliest guy alive.
  20. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Wild what the actress has been up to, lately.

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