BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Luke and Missy wasn't too exciting either but thankfully it was short-lived.

    Jessica Jones seasons one is one of the two best seasons of all of those Marvel Netflix series. Luke Cage, unfortunately, did not have one great season. I actually found cage more interesting on JJ than on his own show. Thankfully he appeared on JJ first which allowed that showrunner to make him more nuanced, subtle, soft-spoken and intelligent, compared to how he has been portrayed most times in comic books.
  2. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Thank your lucky stars for all of this because the Luke Cage showrunner was campaigning to do a second show based upon the Heroes for Hire setup. That would have been a disaster IMO. And I didn't need another Marvel show in which white females didn't exist; we already had Luke Cage for that.
  3. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Never seen the show but Norman Lear made some of the best comedies of all time that included tackling social issues of their day. There is nothing wrong with this as long as it is handled well, is introduced organically in the storylines and doesn't get in the way of the humor.
  4. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    The problem is that we have certain forces who want to define black men on the screen. There are black women and gay black men who want straight black males to be "fiiiiine" but only beholden to black women and gay black males to a lesser extent. They don't even want the black guys to be found attractive to non-black women, especially the white ladies. If that starts to happen or even worse if a black actor is discovered to have a non-black girlfriend or wife, they will rip into him.

    Another group are the straight black men who sign off on anything black women and gay black men do.

    And then there are another group of straight, black mofos who refer to themselves and all black men as "niggas." These dudes have a limited view of what a black male can be. If a black guy isn't shown to be hard, rough and street-like, they consider him to be a fraud, an impostor they have no use for. There is no room for a black guy to be sensitive or interested in things that are not stereotypically associated with African American interest. And if he pursues a white girl he is mocked as being "corny" or a "coon." These guys don't march to the beat of black women or black gays but their thoughts about black men are just as limited.

    All of these groups, all of these forces, want to put black men in a box. The goal for those of us who want something more for black men should be to: 1)reach out to the black guys who don't fit in any of these groups and encourage them to be more vocal in determining the presentation of black males, 2)to peel away a number of folks, those that can be reasoned with, from the groups I mentioned above to our corner and 3)to find allies outside of black people, or African Americans specifically, who are open to black males gaining more opportunities instead of piling on more restraints; non-black people who aren't poisoned by the dangerous ideas of the AA community in so far as what black men are ALLOWED to be.
  5. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    Brother just straight rejected by all 5 ladies on premiere of Love Island.
    The ladies
    Host asks if any ladies fancied him to step forward none moved.

    Now fortunately it was guys choice this week so he ended up picking the mixed girl in the group, but she clearly was not into him(just look up the name Amber Rose Gill and you will find out why) and ended up dumping him off for someone more to her liking. So that left him by his lonesome yet again, but everyone had to couple up so he had to go back in for a second round of picking and ended up coupled with the arabic girl in end. Unfortunately two new guys also came onto the island and next week is ladies choice. Also the biracial brother on the show was initially coupled with the blond in the middle but when a guy she liked more came out she that left him on the sidelines as well and he ended up coupled with the only girl not chosen.


    This is not the first time this has happened though. Back in 2017 Marcel Sommerville was initially rejected by all the ladies as well but in the end went on to get with and date Gabby Allen.
  6. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    This is why @ColiBreh1 recognize their is an IR Agenda with black men in Hollywood but it is having a great effect. Most of the black male characters in movies and TV that are in IR relationships or pursued by white women and non-black women are straight, alpha, strong, heroic, non-stereotypical black men. And more importantly they have been able to have their own personality. And audiences have loved it.
  7. To the Luke Cage showrunner: FUCK YO BITCH AND THE CLIQUE YOU CLAIM!

    Just fuuuuuuuck this nigga man! Lol I’ve been saying it for about two yrs now — he’s ALWAYS had it out for Jessica because she was white! he never gave her a chance!

    I’m all for all-black casts but when all your characters are broody and boring CONSTANTLY, race should be the least of your worries lol bring on that crazy white chick! Spice things up! I’m glad Luke Cage got canceled! No cap!

    If the Netflix shows ever return I hope deadline releases an article with something like “Luke Cage gets a new showrunner, etc” BECAUSE I AM SICK OF THIS NIGGAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
  8. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

  9. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Cheo Hodari Coker is on the WGAw Committee of Black Writers and LGBT Writers Committee

    And has said Luke Cage was a "Love Letter To Black Women"

    I don't know how much you can take away from that because I don't think he would've had much control if they would have never got cancelled or picked up somewhere else.
  10. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    File this under #TBT (throwback thursday) I remember that relationship. Just forgot to mention it here. I think the actress also dated a black man in real life.

  11. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Is Cheo Hodari Coker gay or they just grouping the minority writers together?

    And HOLY SHIT at him using "Luke Cage" as a love letter to a certain group of women. All this time I thought @JamalSpunky & others were just being speculative about their suspicions about him trying to bush the Luke & Jessica 'ship. Making a love letter to BW with a lead black male character who supposed to end up married & have a kid with a WW speaks volumes to his intentions.

    This goes back to my point about @qaz1 always using that "Representation Matters" phrase. The folks screaming about "Representation Matters" the most on social media don't want to see any heterosexual IRRs involving BM being depicted in media.
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  12. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I learned something every day.
  13. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I don't know about his sexual orientation, but he does state the importance of adding that into the Luke Cage show.
  14. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So much wrong with this article. One thing that stood out was sexualizing a middle aged woman came off so damn forced. No one bought that bs all it garnered was a whole bunch of people shaking their heads and saying Wtf.
    Also the tone deaf and frankly disrespectful ploy to constantly use black men as stepping stones to black female self esteem has got to be called out and stopped. Luke Cage should have been something for black boys its well deserved even more so since we supported these characters far more than black women. Write a story about an all black female cast hell an all woman cast and keep men out of it. In curious to see how well they can do without us to use or hate
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  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yeah but he was a billionaire who gave her a million dollars so it made sense some how
  17. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    That just reinforces what people like BGS IBMOR have said about The Black Gynocracy. They have shows and movies in art dedicated to black women. We know this because we never hear the end of them. "Black Twitter" be having them trend like crazy. And not once have we heard Ava Duvernay, Oprah, Shonda Rhimes or Issa Rae talk about love letters to black men...because as those who have educated us on The Black Gynocracy has pointed out they have been told that black men are apart of the white patriarchy or we are BLACK WOMEN's Oppressors.

    This is why I along with other black men out there continue to support IR in art involving black men. Because even though Hollywood is also a haven for white feminist, that doesn't touch us on film alot. They have allowed us to be free and strong without the need for somebody else's approval. Even if a show or movie turn out to be not that good I'm going to give it a chance if it involves IR.
  18. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    That black matriarchal shit in the entertainment industry is always keeping us from having quality WW and BM pairings (that and the “good ole boys society”).
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  19. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Spot on!!!
  20. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    So she's no longer a broke girl on the show after that point in?

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