BM/WW IR: Conservative Republican vs. Liberal White Women

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Shaft, Jan 21, 2008.

  1. Shaft

    Shaft New Member

    Typically, when I think of a Conservative Republican white woman, I imagine one who for the most part wouldn't even touch a black man with her finger or get involved with him romantically. I perceive her as possibly prejudiced and racist, one who is fiercely opposed to BM/WW IRs because she believes white women should date white men only and should look out for each other, whose parents and male acquaintances have successfully indoctrinated her with anti-BM rhetoric and demagogy,etc. Recently, I did an experiment out of curiosity and posted on some personal ad sites stating that I was a black male looking to date a conservative republican white female, and by that I mean a registered member of the Republican party. Not surprisingly, for almost two and a half months, I didn't get any responses and the few I got were from women asking me why I would want to date a conservative white woman and whether I had lost my mind. It was interesting.

    About two days ago however, I got a response from a woman who supposedly fits that description and who said I should get back to her if I am interested in chatting sometime. I e-mailed her back to acknowledge her response but haven't heard back from her yet. I think I had read on some other forum, someone stating that despite it all, a conservative white woman would actually be intimate with a black man a lot faster than a so-called liberal white woman and that the so-called liberal one could be just as racist and prejudiced, if not worse. Have any black guys on here had experiences with Republican type white women?
  2. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    I kinda have an idea of what your asking, but Im not sure why your asking it? Usually when I meet a woman, black or white, her political views are down at the bottom of the list with other questions like, "Are you allergic to any shellfish?"

    Conservatives, simply by definition should (would) be opposed to IR dating, but that doesnt necessarily make them racist. Hell, I know a few self-titled liberals who are not to crazy about IR dating, either. If there's one thing I learned about politics, its that there are a lot of sheep. People who vote one way or another because thats how their family/boyfriend/husband/friends vote.

    But back to your question. Ive been with WW who I later found out were "liberal" (Democrats) and Ive been with WW who I later found out were "conservative" (Republican).

    (Who the hell knows what makes women tick.)
  3. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Really? Please explain this to me.

    I think it may help to remember that most people in the world are not extremists in whatever their views are.
  4. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    A conservative view of dating would oppose IR dating. A liberal view of dating would not be opposed to it.

    Now there is a difference being a conservative and having conservative views.

    Quite true, but there are a ton of people who are absolutist when it comes to IR dating, gay marriage, and the 1st and 2nd Amendments.
  5. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Thanks for the clarification. I was going off the OP and the whole being conservative.

    BTW to the OP - you do realize there are many "Republican type" black men out there?
  6. Effie

    Effie New Member

    rofl :smt043

    But seriously folks, this is why I don't discuss politics outside of strictly political forums. Too much assumption, if you vote Democrat you are a baby-killing, America dissing, anti-family socialist, if you vote Republican you are a bigoted, war-mongering, environment destroyer. Stereotypes, yuck.

    Spirituality is far more important to me than party affiliation and God is neither Democrat nor Republican (as far as I know). Make no mistake I hold very dear my right to vote, perhaps more dear than most. My ex-husband (wm) wouldn't allow me to vote. That's right, he wouldn't allow it. When my former boyfriend (bm) asked me, "Why, was he afraid you would vote Democrat?" I just politely smiled. He assumed I would have voted Democrat since I was dating him.

    Just so you know, during my marriage I secretly registered and voted anyway, when I got up the courage in the last years. I just hid my "I Voted" stickers, but I didn't throw them away :)
  7. ladeda

    ladeda New Member

    suppose so.
    but i have dated a few republicans.
    i think the person i am with is republican as well. (she wont say yes or no to any of it)
  8. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    We're not talking about them right now. That's another topic.
  9. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I dunno......from what I have seen....conservative women that are truly attracted to BM will date us. I've seen it firsthand...especially those that are somewhat religious and not hypocrites....the ones that believe we were all created equal.

    The "liberal" WW (in my opinion) will date a broader variety of BM whereas "conservative" WW (the ones that don't naturally prefer WM or have built in prejudices against BM) stick to a certain type....usually either a fairly religious BM........a conservative BM......or a BM that is involved with the military/government.

    Conservative WW are rarely serial BM daters....but if the BM shares the same values...they will go for it.....Liberal WW are more prone to go "All-Chocolate, All the time"
  10. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    My brother and his fiancé are the epitome of your experience.

    She is a conservative republican who never dated a BM until he came along. He works for the government in the Fire Dept.

    My family is Christian and so is hers.
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  12. kirsty

    kirsty New Member

    I think it's a lot harder to date someone with religious differences than political.
  13. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Definitely. I don't think it would have worked had the religious backgrounds been vastly different.
  14. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I remember those clowns like Clarence M. Pendleton and Clarence Thomas in the Reagan Administration. Their WW are ugly. The conservative IR are tolerated not admired.
  15. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    After reading Thomas' book....It became more apparent that there are clowns on both sides of the aisle. He made a lot of sense when he spoke about black people and white people.
  16. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    What do you mean? :?
  17. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    His words maybe good but,I don't want him in a position of power only as one of those Ivory Tower Slaves.
  18. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I'm talking about the fact that blacks (especially older blacks) have a blind allegiance with Democrats.......Democrats will shoot a black man down just as quick as anyone. Dems always talk about being "for" blacks and yet...they had no problem tearing this man down and "keeping him in his place."

    We as black folks have to stop being so willing to follow Democrats without even asking questions. That is part of the reason they take our vote for granted while chasing around for the 'highly valued' Hispanic vote.

    Republicans never court us because they know we won't even give them a second look.

    All a Dem has to do is bust a few verbs and sing a couple of Old Negro Spirituals and we are hooked on them like crack-cocaine.

    I wonder exactly how he is a buffoon....the man only had about 18 months experience as a judge...he worked at the EEOC for a decade yet got nominated as a Supreme Court Justice....obviously he knows how to play somebody's game quite well.

    I am a Democrat.......but I don't take everything they say to be gospel truth.
  19. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Who should be in power......what is the difference between being a Sambo for a Democrat as opposed to a Republican.

    Our so-called "civil rights leaders" like Al Sharpton, Andrew Young and Charlie Rangel have no problem supporting Hilary over they aren't any better....
  20. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    C Thomas is a buffoon and a dangerous individual because here is a man who advanced during the height of the aff. action era but has diluted himself into believing that he no way benefited from it.

    Affirmative action isnt this nasty charity program that its been made out to be. (Which is one reason why I could never vote Republican because thats what they make it out to be.) What it does is gives qualified minority applicants an opportunity. Why? Because its been proven that racism is institutionalized and systematic in the US.

    Would you like for me to give you an example thats easy for everyone to grasp. Division I-A football. 117 D-IA head coaches - only 6 are black. (NFL and high school football is just as bad. And out of hundreds of asst. coaching positions, its estimated that blacks make up barely 25% of those positions yet make up over 50% of D-IA football players which is where asst. coaches are picked from.) You mean in the 50 years since college football has become integrated that there are only 6 qualified black men to be a head coach? HELL NO!!

    You generalize about older blacks "shucking and jiving" and having a blind allegiance to the Democratic party. Well these same "older" blacks are the ones who in some instances sacrificed their lives and paved the way for the "sambos" of today who dont vote at all! So maybe they know something that today's generation doesnt when it comes to "playing the political game."

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