Jews run Hollywood. They are trying to breed the blonde haired blue eyed race out of existence by going out of their way to hook blondes up with successfull brothers in the media and NBA, seeing as how children between black and whites tend to have a blacker look. Particular because blonde hair and blue eyes are easier to 'override' so to speak, say scientists. They are doing this because it's the opposite of what Hitler was trying to do during the Holocaust era. Yeah I know it's madness. But I've heard it. It's pure entertainment folks. Hitler was an overtly obsessed genocidal maniac who got what he deserved. You don't have to believe any of the things you've heard but I know you've heard them. Post them. Name yours. I know I'm not the only one who's heard these maddening conspiracy theories.
I think you just might be the only one whose heard this. Listen, I agree that much of the media is influenced by the Jewish population. They literally run Hollywood and the Big 3 networks. But to say that they would purposely hookup white blondes with brothas is obsurd! I've been watching TV for years, and I can tell you that is the opposite. Most of the time, whenever brothas are even around in a TV show, the white broads are conspicuously absent, and vice versa. I think there are people in the industry who want to see at least one or two brothas hook up with white girls (the black dude on "Conviction" and the one on "the Bedford Diaries"), but it's few and far in between. Trust me. White hollywood simply does not want this to happen on a consistant basis because it tells youngsters in the midwest that IR dating is acceptable. Remember, TV in this country is far, far too imfluential on the American public. Which is pretty sad, though, it you ask me.
I'd say as time goes on, we're seeing more IR movies being shown on the big screen because they're becoming somewhat more "acceptable" due to the athletes, actors, entertainers in general, being role models for IR. Also, due to the fact many IR couples are happening by chance of love or "status-seekers" looking to put their family blood in a better position based on the world's(or America's) perception of success, beauty and self-worth. The media is the most controlling influence in this country besides one's family members. Therefore, what's going on in those movie will surely affect the people viewing. But like spawn72 said, they only wanna feed you the BM/WW couples rarely. Just enough so that you see it, and then it's gone. You're more likely to see Latin men and women hooking up with whites than you will seeing blacks hooking up w/ whites. I'm waiting to see when they start promoting Asians and whites in movies. It's only a matter of time until it becomes mainstream. Although some films have already been made based on Asian and white couples, it's not very prevalent, yet.
jews run this country, ha ha ha, hmmm i cant stop laughing, sounds like a white supremacist theory I heard once
I have a lot of respect for American Jews. If you look at the influx of Russian-speaking population into the States in the nineties, you may ask - who financed all this? Well, the majority of Russian-speaking immigrants, not all by far, but the majority, are Jewish, and their arrival and settling here was financed by American Jews. These Russian Jews, mind you, oftentimes did not suffer any persecution that they claimed to - in fact, many were flourishing members of the Communist Party - but heck, people of ALL nationalities have ALL used ALL kinds of different ways to get here. But these American Jews, and the organization they founded to help these new immigrants called NYANA, probably were not oblivious to lying and scheming, but felt it their duty to help their own, and they provided millions and millions dollars. That inspires a lot of respect on my part. There was a discussion about this recently in a respectable local Russian paper. Talking about the proposed amnesty for illegal immigrants, we asked ourselves: while judging them, how legal are WE? A couple of weeks ago I visited the Holocaust Memorial Park in Sheepshead Bay in Brooklyn. It's a very small square which is a memorial to Holocaust victims. There are stones in remembrance of individual towns, villages, concentration camps... I found one dedicated to the Treblinka death camp, where some of my own relatives died (I'm a quarter Jewish). The memorial also pays tribute to non-Jews who helped Jews, risking their lives... Remembrance, awareness - these things, again, inspire my profound respect.
thank you Mosh, I like the Holocaust Museum in DC, it is powerful, haunting yet great as an educator. I love the Jewish People and very pro Israel and pro jewish. Being a christian, my God, Jesus was Jewish and we are called to love, pray for, bless and care for HIS people--Israel. So i dont share the ideas here. But the topic is WW BM conspiracy, what is the conspiracy of the IR couples?
Oh whatever. There is an anti-racist organization in Moscow, and some troll on our website (that I mentioned earlier) stated that it's run by Jews with the purpose of extermination of the glorious Russian people. :roll: Take Russian racists, for example - who try to harass us on our website. "Why would you prefer niggers to blond, blue-eyed Russian boys???" Now what are you supposed to answer to that? Each one of us is with an African because we met him, fell in love with him, somehow he proved to us that HE is special. Russian boys have nothing to do with anything. But these idiots don't understand that. The think we have a HATRED for our people. :roll: The names we've been called - prostitutes, mutants, that they feel SORRY for us, that RUSSIA IS BETTER OFF WITHOUT US AND WE SHOULD GO AHEAD AND MOVE TO OUR AFRICA - yada, yada, yada. Their own complexes and ignorance run the show. There is one girl among us who I think is the happiest one of us all in her interracial relationship. I posted her story earlier in my thread "Love Story". She is married to a Nigerian, but speaks very highly of Russian men. Such a calm, harmonious, positive soul. It is a pleasure to read each one of her posts. She is above all the squabbling. She makes me believe that, truly, life is what you make it. Here is her picture: