Thanks Noble, though it's a repost.. larger and more detailed though Cute kids...
In Loving Memory of Boxing Legend Lionel Rose Lionel with his wife Jenny Lionel and Jenny have a son named Mick...couldn't find a good photo of him Lionel, Jenny and their granddaughter Georgia and Lionels beautiful goddaughter Ruby
I don't know any Europeans that don't consider Spanish people white - never even heard of this opinion until I got on this board.
Again, there's a disparate rendering of "Spanish People" in this dialogue. I doubt the Europeans that would deem "Spanish people" as White have the same notion of "Spanish People" as used colloquially on this board (or regions of this country). An Amerindian, Taino, Mestizo... will be called "Spanish". They are no more Spanish than a Haitian is French, than a Preto is Portuguese. This is the context in which the whiteness of these so called "Spanish People" is being refuted.