Something about that picture made me a little sad. I hope Tiger really understands the impact of his choices and grows from that, making better decisions in relationships from here on out. That little girl of his is too adorable and his kids would greatly benefit from having him in their life.
If you ask Ms Alba's husband if he was white or black it would be safe to say he would probably consider himself white.
True, he is definately passing. I thought he was some varaiton of white when I saw him in LA, but my cousin told me his father was UCLA BB player and mentioned his name then it automatically hit me
I read that he considers himself black and that his mom was half white /half Latina Baron Davis is also his best friend
I agree! She has a baby with Sisqo from Dru Hill....(not like anyone She's so cute! I doubt that... His pops his most noted for playing on Hill Streets Blues....
It makes more sense that if she's the stereotypical ww that goes for black meat, after being rejected by a white guy (assuming he was white anyway)
She is the chick that played in the 2002 movie "The Time Machine". I think she is one of those girls that falls in my category of being "attractive and funny looking" at the same time. I still can't put a finger on why I think she looks strange.
I know I shouldn't say this but she reminds me of one of the monkey people in the movie "Planet of the Apes". In the movie it appears that she has a big gap between the bottom of her nose and the top of her mouth. I also think her top lip is on the thinner side which really gives the illusion that her mouth area looks ape like. Apes have thin lips and big gap between the nose and the mouth. Just to be fair I think George W. Bush looks like a monkey too.