When I decided to click this link, I thought the EXACT SAME THING. But then I realized that "the news" is actually quite bias towards whatever the powers that be wish to have reported. I.E. most thinks not associated with black.
that's sad... I don't think I seen this on the yahoo frontpage either late edit - after reading the story, i'm impressed
This is the kind of stuff that needs to be printed and plastered all over the web. And people wonder why we have black magazines, radio and newspapers...
true dat, homeboy some white people think we're trying to be no-good separatists, but the truth of the matter is that, we don't get the same level of attention within media outlets, as they do.. which leads us to what you mentioned above, so that we are reminded that the 'white man's world,' still has some black people doing good within it... some people say 'they don't see color,' when it comes to such matters as these (not talking about dating..leave that for another argument).. of course you don't see 'color,' when all you see on TV and in the news is people of the same shade as you late edit - i'm still impressed that the boy goes to a medical prep school..didn't know those existed... the only thing I knew of around my part of the woods, we're college prep magnet schools I'm in awe that he produced his studies to doctors at a med conference..at 14 lol :smt111
Co-sign on all of this. This is the kind of young brotha that will likely come up with remarkable cures someday...maybe even become surgeon general or something...yet another reason to revel in my blacktitude
Ben Carson is truly someone worth looking up...and I bet the boy knows of him also, since he said he wanted to specialize in neurology. Ben's no stranger to that. I give respect to black people that pursue such lofty goals, because it shows how far we came, from being plantation hands or janitors (nothing wrong with being that if you choose to, but back in the day, job options weren't exactly abundant). I meant to watch the film with Cuba Gooding in it, about the man. He's an inspiration.
Exactly People think Blacks want to be separatist with the whole "black this and black that",but white ran media dont pay attention to stuff like this.They only pay attention to negative shit.