They do, as well as the wealthy white liberals funding him, at least with regards to the nomination. Of course Clinton is going to get the nomination eventually and then she'd pick Richardson as Vice Presidential running mate, not Obama. Apart from his skin color, Obama will not get the nomination because it usually favors party insiders, of which Hillary is very much a part of. It's happened that way historically. Look at guys like Howard Dean, Wesley Clark, Colin Powell and many more. There were not insiders which is why they never got nominated in their respective presidential runs. I'm comfortable with a Clinton/Richardson ticket though. I'd love to see Obama on the ticket to bring change but if it doesn't happen, oh well. Shit, i'd be happy with any Democrat over these Republiklan muthafuckas anyday. They've screwed up the country (and the world) enough; we can't bear another minimum of four years of Republican destruction. You guys think Bush was terrible with black folks? Giuliani will be much worse.
It would be foolish to have both Hillary and Obama on the ticket. Maybe America is ready for a female president and maybe (though less likely) the country is ready for a black president. But to have both a woman and a black on the ticket as Prez and VP is probably to big a progressive leap for this nation to make at once. That's shameful but that's reality. The next upcoming election for President has too much at stake (supreme Court replacement picks, the environment, Iraq) for the Democrats to take a gamble by dipping into uncharted territory like that. With that ebing said I doubt Richardson is picked for that very same reason (only of course he has Hispanic roots). Also picking Richardson as VP would be a slap in the face to the Democrats' most loyal base; African Americans. African Americans will wonder why when a big name black politician who draws votes is available why would the Dems skip over him for another minority candidate, a Hispanic, who would bring similiar risks i terms of attarcting the white vote. It would be justifiable outrage too considering the Democrats have NEVER put a black person on their official ticket and African Americans would probably consider it to be overdue. Of course this is a potential powder keg that is going to have to be dealt with soon. Black people are going to want to have a black person on the ticket first before Dems pick a Hispanic. The great compromise of course may be a Hispanic of African descent.
Interesting...but, what makes you assume that Hillary will be the Democratic nominee for president??? Barack Obama will most def win South Carolina, and it looks like he may even win Iowa. That will propel him to the head of the pack big time. If he continues winning primaries, then he, not Hillary, will win the Dem nomination for prez. The Kid Rasta 8)