Oh HEEELLLLLLLLLL NAW! WTF u mean I gotta attitude?! (pats weave...) ...and other stereotypes. ROFLOL! Unfortunately, people get judged by the worst elements of their race. After all, drama is what grabs people's attention the most. A black woman without an attitude will get a.) ignored or b.) accused of "acting" white. Meanwhile, the ghetto, neck-roller with 5 kids trailing behind and a head full of weave, becomes the cover story for all black women. (Kinda similar to the whole white "Girls GONE WILD" assumptions or the "all black men are pants saggin criminal" stereotypes...) The only thing you can do is be yourself and not worry about perceptions. :smt102 (<----Gosh those smilies just perfectly capture the moment, eh?)
My favorite: the Becky. Submissive little suburban bitches. *rme* I love it when people tell me I can't be white because I don't take shit. It seems like people have a problem grasping the concept of individuality being something beyond looks in general, especially skin tone. It's just stupid typecasting. I've met plenty of women of various skin tones making it look bad for -all- of us. It's pathetic. But what's even more pathetic is being dumb enough to assume everyone who looks like one stupid bitch is going to be the exact same. Not to mention, there's a big difference between being a strong woman who won't take undue shit from people and having a crazy ass attitude. Yet people get it confused, I've noticed. Such a shame.
Combine your statements, and this is exactly how I feel, ID on't even need to rewrite a word. :smt045
Yeah, those two things are often misconstrued. I mean you also hear how a dude wouldn't pull that shit on a sista type thing also. I think it depends on the respect the person has for themselves and what they will and won't allow.
Exactly. People, both men and women, need to realize that everyone is an individual. There are black women with horrible attitudes. But there are also white, asian, hispanic, etc, ad nauseum, women with horrible attitudes as well. Just as there are strong women of every race who are wonderful people, but won't deal with people causing them undue problems. Just as there are women of every race who take far too much from people because they don't feel they deserve any respect.
I agree. In general, dudes will go as far as they can go with you and if they have preconceived notions about said race, they will try whatever. Just like any dude will try with any woman. It's up to the woman/person what plan of action or reaction they may take.
BW or not, I'm not putting up with an angry attitude about EVERYthing. Its okay to have bitchy moments, but don't do it ALL the time.
It's ridiculous to say that all of anything or anyone act a certain way. I have met extremely pleasant black woman. To the brothas that commented that all black women have attitudes...do yo' mommas have bad attitudes ????????? DAMN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've met nice women of all races and I've some women with EXTREMELY negative personalities. Remember brothas, liking white women doesn't mean you have to NOT like black women.