black women,,,,and DARRK skinned guys

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by BlackMasterJay, May 17, 2008.

  1. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :partyman: Cuzin, you're good. It's a non-issue. You look like any other cat around my way anyhow. Welcome to the family - From the OH 10 to Africa, it's all love for you family.
  2. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    People actually say I look Ghanian...(only Nigerians say it though).

    As for the skin thing...when people are talking "light-skinned"...there should be a differentiation as to what type of "light" are we referring to... a Shemar Moore type or a Harold Ford Jr. clone?



    And what if all Africans did have broad noses, almond shaped eyes, nappy hair and big lips.....what is wrong with that if it was the case?
    Does having "keen" features make someone more attractive....are you implying that most sub-Saharan Africans don't have "Negroid" features and therefore are more attractive because of it....I'll assume that you aren't implying that.. 8)

    I think most people here know that all Africans don't look alike....and I think most posters here also recognize that sometimes you can tell the difference between a black American and black African and sometimes you can' doesn't have to be related competely to facial features but rather dress, accent, mannerisms etc.

    As for the pretty boy thing....I don't know how the politics in Africa I'm not going to pretend that I do. But here, dark-skinned men became "stylish" only 20 years ago....let's not act as if dark has been in forever. We forget that for a long time, pretty men were equated with being light skinned. Most black Americans are still getting used to the idea that dark is ok (at least for men...we still have a way to go with women unfortunately). Acceptance to many of the top historically black colleges as recently as a generation or two ago required not only that you have excellent grades but that you include a picture with your as to make sure that you weren't too dark....and by dark I mean darker than the color of a paper bag.

    "If you're light, you're alright...If your yellow, I'm mellow....if you're brown stick around...and if you're black, stay back"
  3. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Put me down for Regular Dark...

    I agree...a lot of people have problems with the Negro-look which is a shame...but I actually think that black Africans and black Americans are the LEAST self-hating of all the groups. Not saying that we don't hate on ourselves....but I'm not sure that it permeates our don't see dark-skinned Latinos or Asians saying that "the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice."

    I haven't seen many black Americans that resemble anyone from Morocco or Libya. We do share a lot in common with West Africans & Central Africans for obvious reasons. East Africans and Southern Africans are more of a mixed bag....there can be some similarities but it seems rarer...which is no surprise.

    60's & 70's for sure...but it took about 300 years to get to that point....of made me think of something with your post. How exactly did light-skinned brothas get back in style during the 80's? I'm not bashing on the melanin challenged among just seems like an odd blip on an increasingly "blackified" radar.

    Sidney Poitier broke the mold.
    But black men in those days (in Hollywood) had a troublesome conundrum: if you were had to be a "stepin' fechit"...Amos N' Andy Negro or the evil, calculating Mulatto if you were light skinned (Birth of a Nation....of course even that "Mulatto" was wearing black face).

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