black women,,,,and DARRK skinned guys

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by BlackMasterJay, May 17, 2008.

  1. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member


    is it just me or do black women tend to "hate" on stereotypical African lookin guys??.....lo...some funny shit

    But on a side note,,,,ive always considered mr Akon to be 25-27,,i was wrong
  2. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    i have a family member who's married to an african guy. He's very entreprenuerial and self-reliant, so that makes up for his accent and african ways


    "you may lose women, but you will never lose women after money"

  3. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Black women tend to hate on dark skinned/African like dudes,as well as Black men lol.
    I mean,with black women there are exceptions.If dude looks like tyrese or tyson beckford,then its a go.
    here arent that many exceptions with brothers.I know alot of brothers who refuse to date dark chicks even if she is good looking
  4. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    On I hear a lot f black women complain about black men preferring lightskin black women as well. It goes both ways I guess
  5. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    to be honest..

    i'm more attracted to lighter-skinned, black women, with "americanized" features...

    i'm not too attracted to darker skinned black women, who maintain strong african features (probably because I myself, do not have strong, traditional african features)

    if you have no clue what i'm talking about, look at a "black" woman like tyra banks, or beyonce..and then look at a black woman, straight out of africa

  6. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    I know what you mean. Now there are people who say"it's all the same" and it shouldn't matter but it's just a DATING preference. Some people take it too serious.
  7. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    What you stating are the exceptions, not the rule.
  8. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Thats the most ignorant thing ive ever heard in my life,,,,,wow,,cant believe it came out of you petty.

  9. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Thats why i used the word "stereotypical" in my initial post, because there aint such a thing as "african features". Thats something the white man wants us to believe, as a way to seperate what is BLACK......

    Cant believe some people still have that "you better look more white than black" mentality. HAH....i guess some of these brothers have co-opted the mentality of the slave master
  10. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    lol....malikom is right. Black women tend to prefer "pretty" boys, whether dark skinned or light skinned. If a guy is average looking, he better have a good cash flow, or shes out the door......thats what i think.

    But ive seen many black men with fine dark skinned sisters. WHAT??...come on,,,i even seen white dudes trying to holla at fine dark skinned african this one time an army of african school girls were crossing the street. And these women were deadly looking, the white dudes were just staring through car windows.....and their wives were staring a long with them...cuz such beauty is very rare in canada.......and when you try comparing the face of a pretty black girl and a white girl......the black girl always wins...but thats another story
  11. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    Not sure about this; I believe there is a thing such as african features.BMJ, I think you trying to be politically correct.Let me ask you a question BMJ;When you are walking around say in canada where you are, cant you spot the African from a mile away as suppose to the local born canadian, or jamaican? I know I can here in the UK,and I dont mean by the way they dress, I mean by their features. Firstly Africans generally tend to be darker and as a lot of americans and Jamaicans tend to have 'other' blood(White, indian..amongst others), their features will be less pronounced then say an african from Sudan...Look at Djimon Honsou(he is from benin I know) for example, I know he is an extreme, but he has what people would define as 'african' features. Fuller lips and Broader nose, as when compared to the average black American. you would be hard-pressed to find an Amercan black that looked like him.So I think when petty says americanized features, I think he means the less pronounced features and obviously the lighter skin.You will occasionally find africans with these american features; but they are definately in the minority. 8)
  12. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    my level of ignorance barely touches yours BMJ ( i'm sure there are many people on these forums, who can attest to some of the trife you've written here), so stuff it


    as for african features, it's not a "white man" idea that i'm following. I'm calling it like I see it. People that I see, from southern africa, tend to look differently than people that I see, that are multi-generation african-american descendants. Maybe it's because of the mixing that occurs more frequently in the states.
  13. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Ignorance is bliss my friend...

    I dont thinik theres a thing as "African features".... the error in such train of thoughts stems from the racist bulshit of the "true Negro" stereotypes(blackface) that our Black people have been fighting decades to defeat....first of all...not all African people are dark-skinned with thick lips and broad noses.... even the phenotypes of most Africans I see these days do not represent the racist anthropological definition of "African" or "Negro". Nearly all Sudanese that I know do not conform to the "true Negro", and it has been written by Diop that less than 30% of Africans on the Continent can be anthropologically classified as "Negro" because we have all the characteristics that every other group on Earth has ,granted we were the first people on this earth....However, it is only racist for that to be denied...I beleieve this is why all archaeology, no matter in Africa or otherwise... Whites are consistent in contending that ancient civilizations is "White" even when the people stated otherwise.,,so like i said, some of you seem to be falling right in line with the KKK line of thinking..
  14. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    And to answer your q-swazi king

    I could never assume a person was from Africa based on phenotypical characteristics. EVER. To me Tyrese could of easily been Congolese right off the boat, along with brother Tyson Beckford. I say this cuz I have cousins that look exactly like these two…djimon is a dark skinned brother, but so is Bernie mac,,,I wouldn’t assume one was African and the other not..u get my drift?

    To me black is black
  15. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    hey petty

    Im may be an asshole but extremely far from ignorant.

    People that you see that are from South Africa.....??..Come on, i know you aint basing your judgment on "people that youve seen from Southern Africa"...

    come on,,,petty......come on.. how many "souhthern africans" have u seen??...five..ten??..
  16. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    BMJ; do you know who alek wek is? She is from sudan btw.She is a sudanese I would say had african(negroid) features.I think it would be safe to say when most people refer to african features they are referring to negroid features. This is a social concept.I know not all sudanese have african features; there is a significant arab population.Some africans in Rwanda also have less negroid features.Also somalians and Ethiopions look significantly differently to the rest of sub- saharan Africa. There argument here is african features in mainstream culture.If you asked the average man what an average african looked like, I guarantee you the majority would identify a person with negroid features; not an average somalian, or Ethiopian. And I know not all africans have full lips and broad nose. I was drawing a comparison between negroid Africans(which most people believe africans look like) and black americans.So on a social level, african features do exist. But if you going to look at it from the perspective of an antropologist, there is obviously a variety in how africans look. But even then I'd be suprised if the majority of sub-saharan africa did not have negro features/traits.If someone asks u what a european looks like, without stating which part of Europe they are from, are you going to assume they mean some one that looks like a georgian, or someone germanic/nordic/slavic appearance.I think most people would think the latter.Why? Because, the majority look like that 8)
  17. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    :shock: WTF??? Okay, my undergrad is in Anthropology. I've taken graduate level classes in Anthropology. I've taken Forensic Anthropology classes, as late as 2 years ago. And this is the FIRST time...I will repeat...the FIRST TIME I have ever heard such drivel. Not in all of my years of anthropological training and reading and whatnot, have I ever heard/read/been taught by anyone, no matter what their skin color, that ancient man was white.
  18. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    C'mmon BMJ, You know what I mean... So does alek wek look like the average black american to you??? I dont think so...I know she is an extreme...but even you have to admit in general africans and african americans look slightly different...
  19. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member

    Yes I agree with you Swazi- even I(a ww born and lived in u.s.) can tell the difference usually from just looking at someone. The features are just slightly different. I can go to a dating website-and without even talking to someone or reading their profile -can tell if they are born in the u.s. or africa.(Although I think both can be very handsome)!
  20. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    I co-sign that

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