On Aug. 29, a 17-year-old high school football player was found hanging from a wooden swing set, just hours before he was set to take on the West Columbus Vikings on his school’s football field. It was a game the Bladenboro, N.C. teenager had spent hours training for in the gym, at home, and in the school stadium. The starting linebacker had big plans for his future in football, practicing and perfecting his skills in hopes of obtaining a college scholarship. His West Bladen Knights teammate, Anthony White, told The Guardian the teen was “looking forward to doing good in the game.” That’s why news of Lennon Lacy’s death came as a shock. Local authorities arrived at his home just moments after Lacy’s mother noticed he left his football gear at home, telling the family the teenager was found hanging from a swing set in a park visible to the trailer homes that surrounded it. An autopsy determined Lacy died from asphyxia due to hanging, suggesting suicide. The autopsy also described the injuries to Lacy’s neck consistent with the cut noose sent to the medical examiner’s office with the body. No foul play, they said, was indicated. Lacy’s family, friends, and neighbors aren’t so sure. But with their questions comes push-back. The Lump On Lacy’s Head: Lacy’s mother, Claudia, noticed scratches and abrasions on the teen’s face when authorities led her to the black body bag holding her son. She also said there was a knot on Lacy’s forehead that hadn’t been there the day before. The undertaker, FW Newton Jr., also noticed Lacy’s unusual face. he autopsy report says nothing about the abrasions or the lump on Lacy’s head. he Shoes Lacy Had On When Authorities Discovered His Body: The Lacy family lawyer, Allen Rogers, points out a curious detail in the teenager’s shocking death — he wasn’t wearing his own shoes when authorities discovered his body. The gray and neon green Jordans Lacy bought just a few days before he died were gone. Instead, the teenager was wearing a pair of size 10.5 white sneakers with the laces removed. Lacy wore a size 12. His family members did not recognize the sneakers as his own. Lacy’s Older, White Girlfriend: Family members say Lacy was in a relationship with a 31-year-old white women, Michelle Brimhall, months before his death. The age of consent in North Carolina is 16, but in a town where 86 black people were lynched between 1882 and 1968, and neighbors still have Confederate flags in their yard, the interracial relationship may have caused some tension. They did not stop seeing each other, however. Brimhall said she doesn’t believe the teen killed himself because “he loves his mother so much.” She also said she doesn’t know who killed her boyfriend, but “I want to know who did it. I want them to suffer.” Lacy’s family, however, are asking authorities why they did not interview the woman’s former husband and father of her children, who she left in February. While there is no evidence linking him to Lacy’s death, the family would like authorities to turn over any leaf that may lead to justice for their son. The Racially Charged Town: Here’s the truth — the statistic listed above marking the number of black bodies strung from trees in Bladenboro is an image that is hard to let go. And so is the racially charged climate of the rural town. In fact, Lacy’s neighbors, a white couple living in a trailer home right behind the Lacy family home, were instructed by police to remove a Confederate flag and a sign that read “Niggers keep out” from their front yard. The Teenager Had No History Of Mental Illness: Just a day before Lacy’s death, a funeral service was held for his great-uncle Johnny. The event no doubt upset the teenager, but family and friends describe the teen as “a meticulous, friendly kid who made a point of always greeting people and asking them how they were doing.” According to Rogers and Lacy’s parents, the teenager didn’t have a history of mental illness or depression. His dedication to school, football, and his bright future have also led his family to believe the teenager didn’t cut his own life short. As did the location of his death. Authorities have not explicitly confirmed suicide as the cause of death, although it was suggested. His Grave: Just a few days after Lacy was buried, his family found that someone desecrated his burial site, dumping the flowers 40 feet away beside the road and carving a hole into the plot. The Investigation: District Attorney Jon David has yet to comment on the continuing investigation, but Lacy’s family has come forward with a list of questions surrounding the investigation into their son’s death, including why police haven’t interviewed Lacy’s wider group of friends. Lacy’s father was the last to see the teenager when he came out of his bedroom around midnight to get a glass of water. “I told him he needed to get to bed, the game was next day, and he said ‘OK, Daddy,'” Larry Walton said. A little later Walton heard the front door open and close; Walton assumed Lacy must have stepped out of the house, but thought no more of it and went to sleep. It is unclear who Lacy went to meet, if anybody. The family also wants to know why forensic investigators did not take swabs from under Lacy’s fingernails and DNA test them to see if he had been in physical contact with anybody else before he died. These questions, and others, have yet to be answered. An investigation continues. We’ll keep you updated with the latest in this bizarre case.
ESPN is covering this story on Outside The Lines. It really is tragic but I think that his "girlfriend" is hiding something. A 31 year old mother of three dating a 17 year old? I get nauseated just reading that.
i saw that too. i was thinking the same thing. im wondering why the police hasnt uncovered something from that angle
I had read other articles that said that before she started dating (ugh) Lacy she had just gotten a divorce from her husband and moved from Illinois. The OTL piece also hinted that she may have been seeing someone else around the time that Lacy was killed. Jealousy over that probably also played a role. Plus, what's going on with his shoes being missing? That doesn't add up to me, either. And goddamn, that woman is skeevy as fuck lol.
As I get older, this kind of stuff bothers me more and more, and I don't even have any kids. If 17 year old Since had brought home a 31 year old woman and told my parents that she was my girlfriend, my parents wouldn't have stood for that nonsense. I wonder why his family didn't so the same, especially with the racial backdrop of that town. When I was in HS, my older sister dated a much older white man (older as in close to my dad's age) and my parents weren't a fan, my dad especially. He was furious but since she was in college there wasn't really much that they could do about it.
thats a good point . i would be livid if my daughter or son brought home soneone that older and with all that baggage
I thought u people liked cougars And would it have made a difference if he was 18 instead, or is this all about the age gap?
It's the fact that a 31 year old woman has no business being in a "relationship" with a kid who's still in high school. Regardless of age, race, or gender it's creepy as hell. She needs to be ashamed of herself. The age gap wouldn't be as bad if he was 27 and she was 41, for example. But a grown woman dating someone who hasn't even graduated high school yet? :vom:
Y'all still dodging my original shit tho If he were 18 and 'out of high school,' would there be a problem with him dating a 40 year old