Was watching some black springbreak clips on youtube (thinking about going to spring bling) and noticed that most interracial happens more at mostly black springbreaks spots than mostly white(mtv-style.) springbreak spots. Anybody else notice that too? Anybody here ever been to both kinds of springbreak spots and noticed the differences?
naw homie i spent spring break back at my apartment on campus, enjoying the fact that I didn't have to get up at 0800 for classes i do miss college tho...lots of pretty white girls, hanging out in our apartment, marveled by the appearance of a black guy.. always wanting to hang out..just couldn't get enough i still remember this tight shorty who used to work out at the gym... she always wore these tight two-piece joints.. i started talkin to her after she met a roommate of mine... all of a sudden this jawn was over at the crib.. i didn't even recognize her with actual clothes on..but she recognized seeing me workout on campus but...yeh..back to the original topic..no, i never been to spring break