New Black Panther Party has put a $10,000 bounty on the white hispanic who killed the black teen in Florida. I'm shock if this is true. What will happen if the Ku Klux Klan starts issuing bounties for blacks who kill whites? I hope cooler heads prevail or we will end up with a small scale local race war.
A race war really might be possible here, sadly. Either Zimmerman needs to get arrested or the country would have riots everywhere if they let him off. That's when the United Nations would have to get involved if the tension expands to an international or global scale. We'd better brace ourselves.
It's not only a white/black race war that worries me. This Zimmerman who shot the kid is a white hispanic. This whole thing could get blown out of proportions to ignite a far dangerous race conflict between blacks and hispanics or black vs hispanic/white race war with the Nation of Islam and the Black Panthers stirring the flames for their own demise. What they need to take issue is the thousands of black men killed at the hands of each other in the drug wars fueled by the drug cartels of Mexico. Who side will the cartels be on? The white racists must be rolling in laughter in what we do to each other.
The NEW Black Panther party are just a small (and I do mean small) group of black men screaming for attention. The attention they do get are from Right-wing conservatives and Fox News who want to fan the flames of racism. As for the $10,000 bounty I highly doubt the NEW Black Panthers have 2 nickels to rub together. Move along there is nothing to see here.
That ship sailed a while ago... Racist Mexican Gangs "Ethnic Cleansing" Blacks In L.A. Excerpt:
Hallelujah! This is pretty rich. The ethnic group that is itself a creation of recent history, slavery and colonialism that is defined by its lack of racial uniformity trying to have an ethnic 'cleansing' effort. I wonder what they do with the indigenous and African percentages of their own ancestry? Lop off an arm or a leg? In the words of the great Howiedoit, "move along, there's nothing to see here."
Hope you're right but you never know... all it takes is just ONE fool who wants to make a name for him/herself. And of course the media is gonna run with it...smh
Mr. Zimmerman doesn't need to worry about the NEW Black Panthers, he needs to worry about that quiet person(s) waiting for him to come out in public just in case he free to walk from this murder.
lol what a dumbass
And this is why Casey is STILL hiding out. His life and personal freedom as he knew it, is over. What an effin fool. He's like those felons who get a flyer to "come get your prize" at some random warehouse and when they show up, the cops greet them on a mass arrest bust. You're a felon who keeps and sells a FN Herstal pistol?, keep your mouth SHUT and go about your business, dude.
Interesting... The Same Amendment that allows an illegal immigrant's child citizenship was created in regards to Blacks post slavery. Amendment 14 section 1. But, oh well. They are gangs and there is really no point in entertaining that type.
The NEW Black Panther Party are a group of want-to-be black revolutionaries who like small children are crying for attention in reality most are convicted felons who can't blend in to society. If they are as organized as they say wouldn't have to mention the $10,000 reward and have Mr. Zimmerman in their possession. What they want people to do is . . . kidnapping. I personally believe they are tools of the Right-Wing . . . knowingly and/or unknowingly.