Black NFL Baller & Wife Adopt White Child

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by nobledruali, Jul 17, 2008.

  1. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

    DeMarcus Ware cradled his 3-month-old daughter, smoothing her plentiful black hair, tickling her tummy, kissing her cheeks.
    On his living room couch this month, Ware looked nothing like a menacing All-Pro linebacker for the Dallas Cowboys. He made baby noises. He shook rattles. He noticed Marley jabbing fingers in her mouth, an indication she was tired.
    Nothing quite compares to watching parents hold their infant. But Ware and his wife, Taniqua, believe they appreciate their daughter, Marley, more because they adopted her after three failed pregnancies.
    Finally, they have a child: penetrating eyes, chin covered in drool, curious and cuddly and cute.

    I never thought of this scenario before. Not because I didn't think it was possible, but only because I haven't seen it. I wonder how other people view it. And yet, somehow I get the feeling that I already know where black liberals stand on it: totally against--the argument being that in a country that still caters to racism, how could a rich, black couple ignore the needs of a black foster child and pick a Caucasian child instead? Indeed, black liberals have made their opposition to transracial adoptions well known of late, recently attempting to stop white families from adopting black kids because they feel that there should be an emphasis on race in who adopts who, yet having no problem with gays wishing to adopt black children--all the while black kids are less likely to be adopted from foster care than children in other racial and ethnic groups. But aren't liberals the ones always pushing the "love is love" creed, regardless of race, creed, color or "sexual orientation"? In the case of transracial adoptions their hypocrisy holds no bounds.
    posted by Mr. Grey Ghost on Politik Ditto
  2. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  3. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

    Sorry about that Tony didn't see your post. :oops:
  4. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    Hmmmm, I actually disagree with it in a BIG WAY. With so many black impoverished children in the US how can a black couple overlook a black child for a white child? Black folks are still on the come up, I am very disappointed....
  5. SharenoH8

    SharenoH8 Active Member

    I think you see this too negative. Adoption will not reverse poverty. Bet on education for that.

    This is one of the final steps of full emancipation. Black men and women have all the choices others also have in this life, including adoption of a white kid. White women are not owned by white men and white babies for adoption are not owned by other whites. That is the important message here. Great!
  6. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    as long as there are certain "jobs," or roles that need to be filled within a given society, there will be poverty.

    for instance..

    many people do things that most others simply would not do, like join the army during a time of war, to escape the life of a poor man...

    not all people join the service for that reason, but there is a good makeup from that area of life...

    classic sociological study, about how societies thrive off of keeping a certain portion of their population poor, and willing to do whatever it takes to live.
  7. Malik True

    Malik True New Member


    If you are secluding impoverished to monetary only you missed my point! You speak on education liberating us, I agree if all curriculums were equal but they aren't. A large number of schools in predominately black areas are inferior to schools that are predominately white. Again we aren't there yet so since we aren't why give a white child that has advantages out the gate we know nothing about, more.

    A black child will have to work still twice as hard to continue to overcome and succeed. Give the black child the keys to the city and continue to push us to even....
  8. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    From what I've read in the local paper and heard on the news....Demarcus had a friend (I think it was some guy that owns a car dealership)....that told him about a mother looking to give her baby up for adoption. They hadn't considered adopting until then but decided to give it a try....the mother just happened to be white....but they didn't allow that to stop them from adopting the baby.

    Besides...DeMarcus has lots of $$$...who is to say that he won't adopt 3,4 or 5 more children that are black. Him and his wife seem to really care about the young don't be shocked if some black kids end up in the Ware's family.

    (On a sidenote....I'm surprised that more people aren't on-board with much as we push IR and more black men and white women hooking up and getting married...what's wrong with a black family adopting a white child. That white child will grow up and she probably won't see black people the way some whites see blacks.....a white family can adopt a black child but the reverse can't if to imply that a black person is the perpetual victim and could never help a white person)

    I'm pretty sure that having a few more white children raised by black parents...or at least having a strong black influence in their lives can't hurt. If we are really for the merging of the can't just extend to sex with big boobed white has to be a complete merge.
  9. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. and Mrs. Ware for taking the responsibility of raising any one of GOD'S children - regardless of racial make-up.

    I swear, the world has an overabundance of assholes.
  10. SharenoH8

    SharenoH8 Active Member

    Petty & Malik,

    I see what you mean now. First I was thinking you both were aiming for some Marxist plot and in fact you do. I referred to education for economic leverage but you both pointed out the Marxist class differences between a guy from the ghetto and your average white guy or girl who does not begin with such constraints.

    That would not hold in my country or in most European countries because if you have the brains to study you can (facilitated by cheap government loans not related to your achievements or grades).

    But, in the US, opportunities are not there for everyone. There is little chance for a good education when you come from poor areas, even when you got the brains. Your point is clear and true but especially true for the US and comparable third world countries. No pun intended because that is the same system that keeps the rich rich in third world countries.

    Still, compare to adoption, education is a better means on large scale to escape poverty. And, this football player is a hero by my standards by breaking that which society holds as a standard. :wink:
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    and what does calling people with individual opinions and views "assholes," make you??

    a card-carrying member of the league of assholes, for not respecting their freedom of choice


    welcome aboard
  12. SharenoH8

    SharenoH8 Active Member

    I would jump out of the window. Right away.... that the response you are looking for?

    Why would that make any difference? :roll:
  13. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :lol: Yeah, maybe...but I'm the #1 Asshole if that's the case.

    ...simply I take issue when race is made into an issue rather than the welfare of an innocent child....

  14. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    assholes are like opinions...

    everybody has one

    ..or is it the other way 'round

  15. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :( Okay, okay, damn Petty, can you ease up on a brutha? :smt062 :smt102
  16. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    before people start talking crap maybe they should stand back and say "hey all children need love" people complain about gays adopting all the time but they provide the same love and safety as a straight person .... people have something to say when a white couple adopts a child from ANY other race ...
    Its gotten so bad that there are now restrictions on a person's weight before they can adopt ...

    I say this ... if you are not picking up the slack and helping these children by adopting and giving a loving safe household to a child in need then shut up about the subject ... you have no right to talk bad about what someone else does ...
    as long as the child is getting what they need and is in no danger of being abused in any way then that is what matters!!
  17. veema

    veema Member

    I agree. An opportunity to adopt presented itself to a couple that was ready to open their hearts and home to a child. Be happy for them instead of being critical of their ability to put race aside.
  18. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    Over 400 views and 16 comments! How many black men looked at this thread and failed to give their opinion because they have no nuts to speak their mind either for or against it. Pitful!


    If you had enough money to give only one child a Christmas present during Christmas and you knew one of the children’s parents were extremely well off, lived in a big house, drove a few cars and that child had plenty of toys and the other child parents you knew were the complete opposite. They could barely make ends meet, had one car that always broke down and you never really seen that child play with many toys if any. Which child would you buy a Christmas present for if you had money for only one child and you had to buy one child a present??

    I can tell you the Ware’s bought the toy for the child whose parents were extremely well off, lived in a big house, drove a few cars and already had plenty of toys. While the other child got what usually got very little and was shooed away!

    I don’t know your life, don’t know how you were raised but what I do know is you’ve never walked in the shoes of a black person and you have no idea whatsoever what pressures, condemnations, accusations, or expectations a black person faces. The odds are stacked against us in ways you cannot fathom. The black community has serious issues with thousands upon thousands of black children in foster care or given up for adoption. The majority of black folks in this world are not well off and we don’t run shit, we are trying to run away from the shit!

    FYI telling someone to shut up on a forum where people give their opinions does not make you to appear very bright, that’s the purpose of the board and it’s impolite...
  19. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    stop whinin and do some push-ups



    that was my favorite line from the Bernie Mac show, that used to come on TV...when Bernie tries to toughin up his nephew.
  20. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Thinking that all white families are rich or in a good financial situation is a total misconception.People of all races suffer from the bad economy and lack of good or jobs in general.
    So I think the biological parents of the baby that was adopted i this case has biological parents who cannot provide for the kid.
    So it also deserves caring parents.I think we all agree there.
    Maybe Ware adopted exactly this and no other baby to show people that color doesnt matter and that all babies deserve the best parents-whether biological or not-can offer to them and to open eyes of some people who still separate everything in black and white.

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