Black men in Russia

Discussion in 'How To Meet White Women and Black Men' started by Moory, Jun 19, 2009.

  1. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

    Whatever works for *you*, m8...Whatever works for you.....

  2. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Polish women are indeed bangin'.
  3. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    Definitely! :mrgreen:
  4. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Absolutely the BOMB! Hard to forget the booty.
  5. Toughsnail

    Toughsnail Restricted

    Better yet just go to some Scandinavian country or Holland if you want to bang the whitest white women on the planet. Why go somewhere where you are not wanted. The fact that its mainly black Africans that are killed in Russia like its hunting season shouldnt make black Americans or Europeans feel safer - these punks dont ask for ID first. The thugs are also not just the skinheads - its the people, immigration, army, employers, hotels AND you kid yourself if you think that its at the same levels as the Western Europe or US. If you want to bang some Eastern European chick, go for the ones either doing the minimum wage jobs in London/Paris or the one that had a category wedding to get into the US.

    I guess each his own but the unavailable fruit doesnt always taste best!!!!
  6. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    TS,I believe you. In your country a brother had to be rich to date a WW like Charlize Theron or Elena Botha.
  7. Hypestyle

    Hypestyle Active Member

    anybody got photos of hangout spots in moscow? parks, clubs, etc.?
  8. Toughsnail

    Toughsnail Restricted

    :) who is Elena Botha? As much as Charlize Theron is used by the West as the face of South Africa (with Mandela), she would never be caught dead with a blackman (why do you think Will Smith was edited out).

    The racial divide in RSA goes beyond just money. This week with the killing of Eugene TBlanche and Julius Malema's statements we have seen how far apart we are. We now have homeless white people begging on the streets of Pretoria and Sandton - a totally unbelievable site. Most interracial relationships here are between European liberals coming to save Africa working for NGOS (do-gooders).

    Extremely rare to find a wealthy black man dating a white woman - South Africa for that matter...Am a huge exception

    BTW am impressed you remember me :)
  9. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    She is Alan Boesaks wifey whom he left his Black wife for her.
  10. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    There's black men in Russia???

  11. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    I personally love how the guys that have been have generally said there's been no trouble, and the ones that haven't been are all RUSSIANS ARE KILLERS!!!!
    I understand not wanting to go there but if you're going to rule out Russia based on racial discrimination, you might as well rule out the rest of Eastern Europe too. Have the people that advised going to Poland over Russia actually been to both places here?? I somehow doubt it.

    There are a lot of older Russian people with very old views. Just as there are in any country. A guy in Spain attacked my friend the other day for being a 'tourist' even though his country is making money off all of us studying here. Most of the young people have different opinions. It's more curiosity than anything else.

    As for the skinheads? I hate it and it's an embarassment to the country, the people and the culture . But is it exclusive to Russia? I don't think so. Look at America. Look at how many white supremacists there are there. Look at the BNP in England. They actually won a seat in the EU Parliament. Look at the skinhead gangs in Germany. Look at the racial issues in South Africa. I find it funny that people who live in these countries where racism within that country is in the news every single day practically have the audacity to judge a country where they have never even been.

    You don't want to go? Fine. Nobody is making you and nobody is telling you not to. I have absolutely no interest in going to the Middle East. I have very little interest in going to America (...except for Disneyworld and Universal Studios, standard) but do I keep banging on about it? No. Nobody is making any of you go. I keep going on about how much I dislike Spain because I LIVE here. I have actually EXPERIENCED life here. I didn't like Poland after I WENT there, not before.

    If the only thing you Russia bashers are going off is news reports that you've read in American media and all the he said she said, rather than personal experiences or experiences of close friends, then really your opinions don't have much of a leg to stand on.
  12. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    People always generalise based on a single report on TV or in newspaper. You have to make up your own mind. I respect what you have sais about Spain based on your experoence, but some people will now be convinced that Spainish people are not nice and that it is dangerous. Personally, I have been in Spain many times and my experience is the opposite. As you have said re Russia, other people have been very happy there.
  13. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    How right you are this is a great post

    I see so many post here about Russia and how bad is there and most of people never been there before that talk about all this.

    Anyway i don't have to say more just how much agree with your post you said it so nice here already.
  14. Toughsnail

    Toughsnail Restricted

    I dont know about the other posting but am in Moscow 3 - 4 times a year. I was last there in December and my next trip is planned for July. I think (as great as your post is) you are mixing several different issues. My trips to Moscow are for work and from that perspective its a trip that makes sense. With a weak US and irrelevant Western Europe, you have to pay attention to the BRIC countries and the "R" is extremely important. In fact the Renaissance Capital (Russian investment bank) will be the leading bank to bring capital into Africa from different global funds. They are doing what GS, JP and ML are not prepared to do - have people on the ground structuring African deals.

    Unfortunately this website is not about investments or globalization. This is about where is the next place that "brothers" can go to get laid. From my perspective, because of the extent of the racial divide in Russia black people have safer options. Its not just about the skinheads, its the whole system - the immigration, the police, coworkers. Which happens in the West but in Russia its like the norm. Like it or not Russian is like any other 3rd world country (imagine Nigeria with that kind of lawless racism towards whites - that is Russia for you).

    As for South Africa - first and foremost thanks for "Allan Boesak" background I didnt know but thats the problem with us exiles. For me South Africa is a sick and violent country. Its democracy is only 16 years but to be fair it has behaved like a 30 year old (whilst Russia is 20 years old behaving like a 10 year old). With the wounds of the past so fresh, its rare to see interracial relationships AND only from the white side but the blacks too. Even Allan Boesak (mentioned above), he is not considered black but has his own category of "colored". Obama shockingly would have had no chance of being president in Kenya or the new South Africa, because he is a colored. People generally stick to themselves and most interracial relationships are behind closed doors and/or with Europeans. Close to impossible to seeing an Afrikaner girl with a zulu...even just the thought of it and people will laugh at you. However if that rare couple is there - they will get the looks (the girl may even get disowned) but you will not find either of them at the bottom of a river because of their relationship!!! In South Africa they will kill you for your shoes, watch and car behind they even consider attacking you for whom you are dating!

    Thats the difference. And this is not personal, I have Russian male friends and I have had my share of Russian women - its just my generalisation based on my life.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2010
  15. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    I didn't realise that this website was hints and tips for where brothers could get laid. I certainly wouldn't be here if it was just that.

    The police in Russia are as unreliable as you can get. They con their own people. Foreigners get scammed by the Russian police all the time. As I mentioned before, my mother who is Russian got detained in police custody for three days when she went back to visit, and this was for no other reason that she lives in England now. These aren't segregated attacks against a certain race, these are attacks against anyone they can get money from. Russian police is corrupt. Corrupt police don't discriminate racially.

    I know Russia. I am from Russia. I have been to Russia, so I know Russia. I'm Russian. And I know the flaws and faults that the country has. It is a developping country, not a third world country.
    I can also tell you that this is not the norm. I am good friends with two British black girls who are currently studying in Russia, one in St Petersburg and one in Yaroslavl and both are having the time of their lives. The girl in Yaroslavl especially. She has made lots of Russian friends, and the woman she lives with has took her on several vacations to her summer house and invited her friends and family to stay too. Her black family came to stay with her in Yaroslavl and loved it. I assure you that racism is NOT the norm. And it saddens me that in your experience it has been.

    I can't comment on South Africa because I don't know enough about it. Thank you for explaining a lot of this to me, it's very, very interesting. It's something I want to look into further.
    I also appreciate that you are at least speaking from experience rather than the dozens of others who just go off word of mouth.
    Of course from a work point of view, your trip makes more sense. You have to go there, there aren't options available. And hell if you just don't like the country, you just don't like the country, nobody can force you to.
    But I don't think I'm mixing anything really. Most people here are talking about where to go on a leisure trip rather than a business trip and it seems silly to me that people are choosing other Eastern European countries over Russia, when they all basically have the same issue if the issue in question is racism.

    Now if this thread is solely for where to go and get Eastern European fanny, I'm not giving anyone any advise regarding that. Sex tourism isn't my speciality.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2010
  16. Toughsnail

    Toughsnail Restricted

    Opening post:

    "There are some black guys who come to Russia to study, mostly from 3d world countries.They are considered by the locals as "exotic". Some girls are attracted to them, some aren't. Interracial relationships in this country can be tough as you always get stared at when you go to public places with your BM. Besides,black men in Russia quickly get spoiled by super-stunning russian girls who are constantly trying to attract their attention."

    You seem like a really intelligent person from the way you write but surely after 1,277 posts you would realise that this is not that kind of leisure site. Yes granted there are people on this site that are extremely smart and are looking for a deeper belonging/connection but the vast major of us have other agendas :smt110
  17. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    Well, maybe I should find another forum where I can talk to like minded people about my experiences and make friends :cool:
  18. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Speak for yourself, and in case you are confused, or are not one of the 'intelligent' people you refer to, 1 person does not constitute 'the vast majority'. I don't have an agenda, nor does it appear that the majority of regular posters here have one either. There are always a few trolls to contend with, and the occasional jackass, but I believe the majority of us are not agenda pushing people.

    You're good right here Russia, and you know we luv ya!
  19. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I've visited Poland years back in 94. Things had changed a lot over there especially their currency.
  20. Toughsnail

    Toughsnail Restricted

    hmmmm... "EspyInHeels" thanks for clarifying that there isnt a sexual nature/agenda to this topic/site. :smt102 lol

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