It might mean that he has a long tongue and he can get pretty far in there to lick the pussy. I'm just guessing tough :smt102:smt003
Hmmm, I think you might be right he's talking about the tongue. But, maybe that he bends it like a slinky? I wonder how someone does that? :shock:
I've already chimed in on this topic (in this and other threads ) I really wondered about this myth because I had just honestly never known a black man who wasn't into giving orally...and actually REALLY into giving. Interestingly enough....recently I heard from 2 who said they don't. Feel sorry for the women who go out with them.
Gosh, I'm "missing" posts. Starting to think the "New Posts" feature is not so reliable. I wonder what else I've missed? Hmm... Anywho... I think I might have figured it out. Or not. But here's my guess. Maybe, he's meaning the U shape they can make (upside down). When both ends are flush on a flat surface. Yea? Awwwwwwwwww, that is so romantic. :smt080
who? us? hell no, we r just.... very passionate . God, thanks for inventing men's tongues! lol.rayer:
I agree, it's my favorite. In fact if your drunk enough and execute the delivery just right it can makes a great pick up line. :smt025
I've asked before, so I'll ask again. Q: What would happen if the Pilgrims had killed cats instead of turkeys? A: We'd eat pussy every Thanksgiving