If Obama is elected President, what infuence do you think it will have on interacial couples, activity etc? A black president will send an encouraging signal to our community (black). I think it will show how a black man can do anything. Also, it's about time we took th lead in government and other areas. Our world will change for the better with a man of color. Let get the love on with some white girls now.
I think it will be an even bigger part of a cultural phenomenon that is already happening. The bad part about that is that there will be haters on both sides of the color lines who will obviously be jealous that they don't have a significant other of the opposite race. I already know that this will be history in the making, and that many people are taught by their families that interracial dating is like committing a crime or something. The more that this subject matter is out in the open, the more people will accept it as part of the norm.
That's deep. Personally, I'll be looking at Obama's stances on our energy and foreign policies more than whether or not a few more white girls start looking my way because an African-American is president. More important than anything is that we move beyond the disastrous policies promulgated by the Republican party over the last 8 years. 8 Years of Hell, as I like to call it. I live in California which is not a battleground state, but for those of you that live in OH, FL, MI, do something meaningful (register voters, phone bank, etc.) to help him win this November.
Interesting....I think they've got the voting rigged here in Texas. If you add up the Latino, Asian and black populations...they equal 51.2% of the state population compared to 48.8% of the population being white. If you assume that the blacks will vote for Obama at a 90% clip and that Asians and Latinos will vote for him at 60-65% clips with whites around 35%....you've got a shot...and if he can push that white number up closer to 40%....you've really got a shot at the 30+ electoral votes here. I won't happen but I can dream can I? 8)
i don't think having a nonwhite president is going to have any influence on the interracial dating pool. people are going to do what they're going to do, and date who they're going to date regardless of the color of our commander-in-chief.
Hi Supr, I agree to an extent, but I do believe that seeing a man of color as the president is an important step to tearing down, or at least making a significant dent, in the multitudes of negative stereotypes and prejudices that black men must contend with on a daily basis. Perhaps those that cling to these stereotypes will begin to rethink such bigotry. Never underestimate the power of a symbol.
loki, i see what you are saying, and i can agree with you. but just like when you hear people talk about stats and how some people think that if races keep "mixing" that everyone will eventually be bi-racial and there won't be any "pure" races left. i don't buy that, b/c sadly, there will always be people out there who are racists, and they will continue to pass their racist tendencies from generation to generation. the same goes with having minorities (whether black, asian, latin, or whatever) in positions of power and wealth. although it might break some stereotypical ways of thinking...people will still continue to think they way they want to think. what's that saying?....you can't teach an old dog new tricks? we'll see though. :wink:
Honestly, i think the country will be more racist than ever, which is to bad. I think the people who oppose the idea of a black man being president will come out of the woodwork even more. And ive heard some black people look at this as if they are taking over the country now. Now I know not all feel this way, but I have heard these things with my own ears. The guy that I have been seeing ately, he has a friend that expects if Obama wins, that he will be taken care of now becasue he is black. Ive heard stuff from both sides that i do not like. Just hope whoever wins, its for the best.
I agree on that. The roots of the way people feel about other races are deep and it takes time to heal wounds.
I think y'all underestimate the role of people in power. Power is a very sexual thing, a source of attraction, and I think a bm in office will change things. Not sure how but i am pretty sure it won't be worse than it was before....